The Riverbend Friends Series

A faith-building series perfect for young teen girls

Life poses new and difficult challenges to young teen girls. These youthful troubles can shape who they are and form a strong foundation that will enable them to handle new challenges. The Riverbend Friends series chronicles the lives of four teenage girls as they experience the very issues that make life so hard. It dives deep into topics ranging from divorce to image issues to the negative effects of social media.

This book series takes a clean, faith-based approach to issues today’s teens face regarding friends, family, and faith. It will help teenage girls to deepen their relationship with God as they work at resolving their problems in God-honoring ways. Journey with Tessa, Shay, Izzy, and Amelia as they struggle through their problems of perfectionism, abandonment, acceptance, and fame, all while trying not to lose their faith.

Book 1: Real, Not Perfect

The first book in the series, Real, Not Perfect, tells the story of Tessa and her perfect life that turned out to be not so perfect after all. She is the daughter of two loving parents, gets straight A’s, participates on the swim team, and has a great group of friends. But everything comes crashing down when she discovers her parents are getting a divorce. She quickly becomes confused and angry while her mother sinks into despair. And while all her home issues seem to take precedence, she sees all her friends posting on Instagram, living their perfect lives. But do those posts tell the real story? Is what you see on social media what you see in real life? Tessa will learn that, in the end, it is much better to live your life being real than pretending to be perfect.

Book 2: Searching for Normal

Book two in the Riverbend Friends series follows Shay and how her life took a turn that changed everything as she knew it forever. With her father’s passing, Shay was forced to move in with her aunt, but she didn’t tell anyone the real reason why. Now, she is just trying to survive high school, bullies, and all the changes in her life. But she uncovers the truth about her father, and now she has a chance to know her real, biological father. Shay jumps at the opportunity to finally find her place, where she feels loved and wanted—a place to feel normal. Will she finally find acceptance? Will she finally get to experience the love she’s been missing?

Book 3: The Me You See

The Me You See is the third book in the series and follows Izzy as she navigates the effects of social media. Izzy finds herself feeling distant and alone when winter break hits. She is always stuck at home babysitting her baby brother, and her friends aren’t answering any of her messages. She spends most of her time scrolling on her phone and creating posts about the delicious cupcakes she bakes. But when her friends are too busy to answer, Izzy starts texting a new boy that she knows her friends won’t be thrilled about. She wishes they could see him the way she does. But Izzy soon discovers that not everyone sees you the way you wish to be seen.

Book 4: Chasing the Spotlight

The fourth book in the Riverbend Friends series follows Amelia and her call to fame, or in this case, the spring musical. Amelia pours all her time, energy, and passion into the high school musical. But as time ticks by, reality sinks in. Amelia sees her friends moving on, and doing all the things they used to do together, but without her. She has started to feel a bit lost. Between her overly involved parents, her newly married brother, and her nearly perfect sister, she feels as if no one truly understands her. Amelia feels that she is being left out and left behind. She begins to wonder if chasing the spotlight will lead to all the fame she hopes for, or will cost her the friends she worked so hard to make.

Book 5: Life in the Middle

Life in the Middle is the fifth book in a series that travels alongside four friends as they deal with teen life in Riverbend, Indiana. The novel inspires girls and young women to deepen their relationships with God as they face real-life issues and solve their problems in God-honoring ways. Tessa feels as if every part of her life is falling to pieces. She finds out that her mom and dad are officially getting divorced. Then, Alex, her boyfriend, starts working at a camp where she barely gets to see him. Now Tessa’s dad wants her to watch her half-brother every week, and he also has some news that makes her feel sick. On top of that, her mom is wanting to move out of the house she has lived in since the time she was born.

Book 6: Heart of Belonging

Heart of Belonging is the sixth book in a series that travels alongside four friends as they deal with teen life in Riverbend, Indiana. The novel inspires young women to deepen their relationships with God as they face real-life issues and solve their problems in God-honoring ways. Shay desperately wants to feel loved and wanted—to be part of a real family. She thought that finally meeting her real father, a famous horse trainer, might change her life for the better. And it did. Sort of. She’s more inspired to work with horses now, for sure, but a “normal” family—like her friends talk about—doesn’t seem like it’s in her future. Living with her aunt and working with horses every day doesn’t seem to give her the love and acceptance that she longs for.

Book 7: Running On Empty

Running on Empty is the seventh book in a series that travels alongside four friends as they deal with teen life in Riverbend, Indiana. The novel inspires young women to deepen their relationships with God as they face real-life issues and solve their problems in God-honoring ways. Who is the real Isabella Valadez? Izzy has been spending the summer trying to find that out. She’s tried all sorts of hobbies, games, and sports—even golf. She still loves art and showing off her baking creations, but is there something unexpected there?When everyone has a smartphone, access to inappropriate or hurtful content can affect mental health and damage relationships. Gossip and misinformation spreads quickly in the age of technology, can anyone be trusted?

You have been reading about the Riverbend Friends series. Learn more about the first book, Real, Not Perfect, and preview chapter 1 HERE.