Our Brand New Christian Podcast: Unfolding Stories. Episode 1, CJ Lusk.

Unfolding Stories is now LIVE! Episode 1 is available for free on all major podcast platforms. Quick, go download it now (links below)! CJ Lusk, afternoon DJ for WAY FM, is our first guest speaker. CJ has a fascinating story to tell about balancing his faith with his work life, dealing with insecurities, and the unexpected […]

Lament-What Does Lament Mean?

The definition of lament, according to the Oxford Dictionary, is; ‘A passionate expression of grief or sorrow.’ The following exploration, to define lament for us today, is written by Aubrey Sampson, author of the powerful book, The Louder Song, Listening for Hope in the Midst of Lament. – For those of us who follow Jesus, we […]

Yes, it is Okay to Ask God the Tough Questions

You’re a new believer or a longtime Christ follower, and you have questions—big questions you want to ask God. It doesn’t matter what stage of your spiritual journey you are in; there are always thoughts and questions that pop up, possibly even surprising us, that we just do not know how to answer. But they’re also […]

Your First Christmas as a New Believer

You’ve given your life to Christ this year—congratulations! Angels in heaven were rejoicing the very moment you decided to make Jesus your Lord and Savior and the center of your new life. Nothing makes God happier than seeing someone give their heart to him. You know that Christmas is a very important time of year […]

Small Groups Are Actually the Best, and Here’s Why.

You’ve likely heard the words “small groups” come up at your church from time to time. Sometimes they are known as life groups, home groups, growth groups, or cell groups. Whichever way they’re referred to, they all provide the same thing: fellowship in Christ. God designed us all to need fellowship. He wants each of […]

Heaven Is for Real? Your Questions Answered.

Heaven is a big place and a big subject. The word heaven has been used in more than 38,000 songs written in English. It is the subject of many movies and is featured in thousands of books. We are fascinated with the subject of heaven and what happens to us after death. It can be […]

Forgiveness Is Hard, but a Hard Heart Is Worse.

The Christian life is all about forgiveness. It begins with receiving God’s forgiveness through faith in Jesus and his death on the cross; it continues as we then live in that forgiveness, receiving it daily from our heavenly Father and sharing it freely with others. We are called to forgive others; and if we do […]

Finding Your Life Purpose

It’s that question that keeps us up at night, that makes us anxious and sad when we don’t get what we think we need: “What is my life purpose? Why did God create me? What am I supposed to be doing here?” It can turn into an existential crisis if we don’t tie down exactly […]

Your Spiritual Gifts – How to Identify and Effectively Use Them.

Learning our spiritual gift(s) is a fun subject because we get to discover something about ourselves that we may not have known before. A spiritual gift is something God has chosen specifically for you so that you can help with the advancement of the church on earth by serving and using your special ability. This […]

Why Does God Allow Suffering in The World?

It’s a question we all worry about and wrestle with at some point in our spiritual journeys: Why does our loving God allow so much pain and suffering, evil and disaster, in the world? If he really loved us so much, wouldn’t he save us from this? After all, he can do anything—so why doesn’t […]