How Our Faith Gives Us Freedom

The same reason we find our country’s freedom precious is the same reason we find the eternal freedom won for us on the cross and in a sealed grave more than two thousand years ago so precious. by Heidi Chiavaroli, author of The Hidden Side I love the Fourth of July. The celebrations, the parades, the […]

Focusing on Hope When Pain Distracts You

  By Danny Gokey  In a way, pain reminds us that we are still alive. The abundant life we’ve been promised doesn’t come filtered and separate from pain and suffering. It is part of what rounds out our existence. We don’t go looking for pain, yet it seems to find us. We don’t ask for pain, […]

Five Ways to Start Relying on God’s Promises

Today’s guest post is written by Troy E. Schmidt, author of Fish Sandwiches: The Delight of Receiving God’s Promises. When two people first get married, they give of themselves as much as they can in light of having only limited information about each other.  Then, as the years go on, and they see each other […]

How Do I Start Reading the Bible? Start with John!

  The Holy Bible can seem like a big, overwhelming, sometimes highly confusing book—we know your hesitation with reading it, and we know exactly how you feel when deciding where to start in the Bible. A lot of people reading the Bible for the first time have had the same thought; how do I start […]

Inspiring Men: The Four Key Traits of an Effective Father of Faith.

  Guest post written by Roger Patterson, author of A Minute of Vision for Men I want to unpack a biblical “Father of Faith.” His name is Jairus, and he was an influential man. He was a ruler of the synagogue and a religious leader. He was successful and prominent. But, like you and me, Jairus […]

Spiritual or Religious?

This week’s blog is by Greg Paul, author of Resurrecting Religion and was originally posted on The Disciple Maker. Given the travesties the church has committed in the past and the nonsense it still gets stuck in today, it’s tempting to just chuck the whole notion of religion into the waste bin of failed concepts. Mighty tempting, indeed. Especially when we ourselves are also […]

Unfolding Stories Podcast Episode Eight: God Changes Life’s Course.

Yes, we are LIVE now with episode eight of our new Christian podcast Unfolding Stories. Scroll down for links to this week’s episode on all major podcast platforms. In this week’s show we meet Zach and hear his amazing Christian testimony. Not only does Zach establish a relationship with God very swiftly through a message […]

Choosing Jesus as Your Teacher

Mary Magdalene woke up early Sunday morning and made her way to the tomb. Finding it empty, she asked the angels what they had done with Jesus. Turning around with tears in her eyes, she mistook Jesus for the gardener, but as soon as he called her by name, she recognized him. Then she exclaimed, […]

What is Lent?

What is Lent? Lent is the season when Christians have historically prepared their hearts for Easter with reflection, repentance, and prayer. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday and proceeds for forty days, culminating in Good Friday and Holy Saturday. Since Sundays are weekly celebrations of the resurrection of Jesus, the six Sundays in Lent are not […]

Unfolding Stories Podcast Episode Four: The Long Road Home.

Episode four of our encouraging, new Christian podcast, Unfolding Stories, is live on all major podcast platforms! See below for links to this episode. This time around we hear testimony from Jill. Jill is the mother of last week’s guest speaker, Andrew—good to hear from a mother and son duo! Listen to Jill’s son, Andrew, […]

Unfolding Stories Podcast Episode Three: From Self-Destruction to Peace in God.

We’re excited to announce that episode three of our brand-new podcast about Christian testimony, Unfolding Stories, is now LIVE and ready for download from all major platforms! This episode we learn how Andrew discovered the root of his self-destructive behavior and how finding God helped him find healing. Now Andrew is on a much better […]

Learning to Let Go of Hurtful Words.

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Nonsense, right?! Words do hold the power to knock us over, to derail our minds, to sit and simmer within us for a very long time. Words can cause us to be angry and to react in a way we might not […]