Check Out These Real-Life Testimonies

While on their spiritual journey with Jesus, many people find the most compelling stories about Jesus come from the Christians they already know. If you’re looking for proof of Jesus’ ability, ask your peers about their own journey with Christ. Your own story can be just as compelling and is the most powerful tool you […]

Why are you a Christian?

Why are you a Christian? Have you thought about how you would answer this question? Would you agree with the statement: I am a Christian because God loves me? Perhaps you’re not even sure why you invited Jesus into your heart. He loves you so much that He is willing to forgive everything you have […]

Damaged Goods: What is Sin?

Sin is one of those subjects often misunderstood, with many people believing that as long as you’re basically a “good person,” you’re without sin. It’s important to know that the Christian view of sin is quite different. What is sin according to God? To us humans, there are the “big” sins: murder, violence, theft, drug […]