The Road to Discipleship

The following was written by guest writer Jerry Harvill. Few aspects of the Christian culture are more idealized but less understood than discipleship. Humpty Dumpty vocabularies abound, in which, like Humpty’s approach in Lewis Carroll’s tale, words mean “whatever (we) choose them to mean; nothing more, nothing less!” The plethora of religious cults attracting followers […]

What is Lent?

What is Lent? Lent is the season when Christians have historically prepared their hearts for Easter with reflection, repentance, and prayer. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday and proceeds for forty days, culminating in Good Friday and Holy Saturday. Since Sundays are weekly celebrations of the resurrection of Jesus, the six Sundays in Lent are not […]

Unfolding Stories Podcast, Episode Two: Is God Real? Aubrey Sampson

Episode two of Unfolding Stories, our brand-new Christian podcast dedicated to real-life testimonies, is now LIVE on all major podcast platforms—see below for links. This week we welcome guest speaker Aubrey Sampson. Aubrey is an author, a preacher, a speaker, a church planter, a wife, a mother, and an all-around busy woman! Aubrey’s story is […]

Lament-What Does Lament Mean?

The definition of lament, according to the Oxford Dictionary, is; ‘A passionate expression of grief or sorrow.’ The following exploration, to define lament for us today, is written by Aubrey Sampson, author of the powerful book, The Louder Song, Listening for Hope in the Midst of Lament. – For those of us who follow Jesus, we […]

New Year, New You? Getting a True Fresh Start This New Year

If we want a fresh start and the ability to greet the unexpected turns of the year ahead with trusting hope, what we need is not more resolutions, but more grace. Written by Nancy Taylor, author of God’s Call to a Deeper Life This Christmas didn’t turn out like I had expected. As a freelance writer, […]

How to Love on People Every Day

God commands us to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Galatians 5:14; Leviticus 9:18). It’s one of the greatest commandments He gives us—second only, in fact, to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind” (Matthew 22:37). This is a very important commandment. But do we really understand how we […]

Small Groups Are Actually the Best, and Here’s Why.

You’ve likely heard the words “small groups” come up at your church from time to time. Sometimes they are known as life groups, home groups, growth groups, or cell groups. Whichever way they’re referred to, they all provide the same thing: fellowship in Christ. God designed us all to need fellowship. He wants each of […]

Finding Your Life Purpose

It’s that question that keeps us up at night, that makes us anxious and sad when we don’t get what we think we need: “What is my life purpose? Why did God create me? What am I supposed to be doing here?” It can turn into an existential crisis if we don’t tie down exactly […]

We Want To Hear From YOU!

Unfolding Faith is developing a brand new podcast all about testimony – would you share your story with us? A testimony can be about your conversion to Christianity, or it can be a way in which God has really shown up in your life. Perhaps it is a lesson God has taught you, or a  […]

Christian Small Groups – Why should I Join One?

Written by Drew Moser Who am I? Why am I here?  Where am I going? These are deep, beautiful, and complex questions, and they are too important to only share with the voices inside your head.   I believe in the ancient practice of intentionally gathering with a few others. Another name for it is […]

6 of the Best Study Bibles

You want an all-in-one Bible that will provide not only the Holy Word of God, but notes, maps, guides, explanations, and deeper dives into the topics of the Bible. You want a study Bible. Don’t know where to begin looking for the one that suits you best out of the many study Bibles available? Let […]