Preview: Unfolding Stories Podcast-Coming Soon!

We’re excited to announce the launch of our brand new Christian podcast: Unfolding Stories!

Unfolding Stories, from Unfolding Faith and Tyndale House Publishers, is a podcast dedicated to Christian testimony.

Testimony; a public profession of religious experience.

Each episode will feature one guest speaker who will recount their personal testimony, their story of how God has been working in their lives or of how they came to trust Jesus. Each story is unique, highlighting a different side of the faith journey and representing experiences that show just how much God loves all of his people.

We know that you’ll be able to relate to the testimonies and will find the stories uplifting, convicting, and strengthening. We hope this will become one of your best Christian podcasts!

The first episode will be available on Tuesday January 29th 2019 on all major podcast platforms. Every Tuesday we will be releasing a new episode with another inspiring testimony.

And we’re excited to welcome CJ Lusk as our first guest speaker! CJ is an afternoon DJ at WAY FM and has a captivating story about balancing his faith with his career, about dealing with insecurities, and about how God steered him down an unexpected path that led to a greater joy.

CJ Lusk, an afternoon DJ at WAY FM is our first speaker on Unfolding Stories, a brand new christian testimony podcast.

Photo@WAY FM

Later in the season we will hear stories from a mother and son about coming to Christ and finally finding their footing; a woman who thought her depression was incompatible with Christianity and how she found peace in Jesus; a former professional soccer player and his surprising journey to becoming a pastor; a young man who converted to Christianity in one night (all the pastors and worship leaders out there will want to hear this one!); a church leader who recounts her time of extreme upheaval that led to serious doubt in God but ultimately brought her closer to him; and many more fascinating testimonies.

Look out for all the show notes on our blog. We can’t wait for you to hear our first episode of Unfolding Stories soon!