What Is Christian Testimony? How Do I Tell My Own Testimony Story?

During their journey to a saving relationship with Jesus, many people find the most compelling stories about Him, and reasons for having faith, come from the Christians they already know. If you’re looking for proof of Jesus, ask your peers about their journey with Christ.

What they tell you is their own Christian testimony: The story of their coming to, or walking alongside of, Jesus.

A Christian testimony can be about a person’s journey to becoming a Christian—also known as a conversion story—or it can be a way in which God has shown up in a person’s life. Perhaps it is a lesson God has taught them or a reminder He gave. Sometimes it’s an answered prayer or a victory over sin. Sometimes it’s a way in which God provided extraordinarily in a tough situation. Can you look back on something in your own life and recognize how God played a part? These are all types of Christian testimony.

Testimonies come in all shapes and sizes! Some are very dramatic, with wild turning points and big “Ah-ha! I get it!” moments; some are far less so and have a slow build, but they are no less compelling. Some testimonies may involve great struggle and the story of how God helped the person through it. Some may involve different incidents that make far more sense after reflecting on them. You may not realize something is a testimony until much later, but when you think back, you can see the hand of God working in your life.

You’ll find testimonies from others to be fascinating, hope-filled, and a great way to get to know God and the power of faith.

How do I tell my own Christian testimony?

Your personal testimony is wildly compelling and is the most powerful tool you have to demonstrate the love of Jesus and how he has changed you.

You can hear examples of testimony here >>

You can see examples of testimony here >>

Never thought about giving your Christian testimony? It is important for you to write out your personal story—not for the purpose of memorizing and sharing it verbatim, but because it helps to put into words some of the important and interesting details of your relationship with Christ. For help producing your story, we’ve enlisted the wisdom of our friends, The Navigators, who have created a framework for identifying the ways in which Jesus has shaped your story and a format to follow. Just answer the below questions, write down some thoughts, and pull them all together into your own unique testimony:

“Here is a list of questions to think about when forming your story. This provides you a rough outline from which you can write sentences and paragraphs about your own experiences.


1. Before you met Christ, what were some of your needs, what was lacking, or what was missing in your life?

2. What solutions for your life did you try that didn’t work?


1. What were the circumstances that caused you to consider Christ?

2. Tell how you trusted Christ, and briefly include the gospel.


1. Give an example of how Christ met your needs or how He is now contributing to your life.

2. End with a sentence to the effect that you know that you have eternal life through Christ.”

Yours may be a very complex story, but try to keep it short and succinct. Use the above guidelines to keep Christ at the center of your story.

Once you’ve written out your story, it’s time to share it! Who in your life would benefit from hearing your testimony?

Here are two examples of people who would love to hear your story:

  • Those who would take great joy from and encouragement in hearing your story. They’re already Christians—perhaps they were even a part of your faith journey—and they celebrate with you as you tell them your own testimony.
  • Those who are not Christian but would take something from your story. You may not see them give their own heart to Jesus after giving your Christian testimony, but you’re planting a seed within them that may one day grow into a life-saving relationship with Christ. It usually takes a lot of touchpoints for a non-believer to become a Christ-follower. Could your testimony be one way of planting or watering that seed and encouraging growth?

Something else to remember about your story—it’s always changing, and perhaps new testimony is being created! Our relationship with Jesus is just starting when we give ourselves to Him. Your conversion story is wonderful, but it doesn’t stop there—where else has God had His hand over your life? Can you speak of other moments too?

We believe so much in the power of Christian testimony that we want to walk alongside you as you form your own. Here are some additional resources to help inspire you:

Listen to Unfolding Stories, a podcast entirely dedicated to Christian testimony. You’ll hear stories from a diverse selection of people, covering topics like depression, God’s provision, overcoming self-destructive tendencies, bringing Jesus into your work, and even the saving grace of God for a former street gang member.

Get it on iTunes

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See some examples of a written testimony here.

Read this blog post about talking to others about Jesus: Do You Have a Moment to Talk about Jesus Christ? How to Talk about Your Faith and Not Be Unbearable.

Read these books for help with forming your own testimony and for testimony from others:

Once you’ve written your testimony, please share it with us! We’d love to hear how Jesus has changed your life or ways in which God has shown up for you.

You can send your testimony to us at unfoldingfaithmail@gmail.com.