“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Nonsense, right?! Words do hold the power to knock us over, to derail our minds, to sit and simmer within us for a very long time. Words can cause us to be angry and to react in a way we might not […]

You Are Not Defined by Your Failure: How to Begin Letting Go and Moving On.
To fail is to fall short, to be perceived as weak, to break down, to fall, to not reach your purpose, to lack success. No wonder we are all so afraid of failure! When it comes to failure, we must decide whose rules we are playing by. Would you rather be a success in business […]

Lament-What Does Lament Mean?
The definition of lament, according to the Oxford Dictionary, is; ‘A passionate expression of grief or sorrow.’ The following exploration, to define lament for us today, is written by Aubrey Sampson, author of the powerful book, The Louder Song, Listening for Hope in the Midst of Lament. – For those of us who follow Jesus, we […]

Made in the Image of God: Facing our Body-Image Issues and Insecurities.
Why are we always our own worst critic? We’ve all had moments of self-doubt, our insecurities rearing their ugly heads, aiming for us with gut-wrenching accuracy as they pierce our carefully placed armor in just the right spot to make us crumble. We all struggle with nagging feelings of insignificance, inferiority, and self-perceived weaknesses. But […]

Yes, it is Okay to Ask God the Tough Questions
You’re a new believer or a longtime Christ follower, and you have questions—big questions you want to ask God. It doesn’t matter what stage of your spiritual journey you are in; there are always thoughts and questions that pop up, possibly even surprising us, that we just do not know how to answer. But they’re also […]

New Year, New You? Getting a True Fresh Start This New Year
If we want a fresh start and the ability to greet the unexpected turns of the year ahead with trusting hope, what we need is not more resolutions, but more grace. Written by Nancy Taylor, author of God’s Call to a Deeper Life This Christmas didn’t turn out like I had expected. As a freelance writer, […]

Questions? God’s Help is at Hand with the HelpFinder Bible.
Know that you are not alone when you ask Why, and know that what you are looking for can be found in God’s amazing truth that’s not far away. Why do I feel so anxious? Why can’t I forgive? Why is my life so difficult? Often, we get pelted with questions, turmoil, and doubt when we feel […]

6 Real Gifts of Faith for Christmas
Sharing your faith with friends or neighbors creates anxiety for a lot of Christians, but at Christmas, people are more open to talking about Jesus than at any other time of year. Maybe you’ve been praying about someone for a while now. Christmas offers a great opportunity to start that conversation. Or maybe you’ve already had the […]

Your First Christmas as a New Believer
You’ve given your life to Christ this year—congratulations! Angels in heaven were rejoicing the very moment you decided to make Jesus your Lord and Savior and the center of your new life. Nothing makes God happier than seeing someone give their heart to him. You know that Christmas is a very important time of year […]