Today’s special guest post is written by Waldron Scott, adapted for Unfolding Faith. To overcome pride, fear, and complacency in order to keep discovering fresh experiences of new truth—that’s what it means to really live. So what are you learning these days? We can learn from new experiences, but we’re afraid of them. We’re afraid […]

How to Abide in Christ and What That Means for You
Being still before God allows the Lord to speak to us through His Word, which is alive and active and exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Guest post by author Cynthia Heald. Excerpt taken from her book, The Faithful Way, Remaining Steadfast in an Uncertain World. I am the vine; you are the branches. Those […]

Where to Use Your Spiritual Gifts: Hands-On Help for Finding Your Ministry Niche
Adapted from an original article by Jane A. G. Kise, first published in the Discipleship Journal. Used with permission from The Navigators. — I took a deep breath and looked out at the room. Eighty people were in front of me, including most of the church’s elders, a minister whose preaching silenced the audience so that […]

How Your Spiritual Gifts Make You Extraordinary
You’ve heard about spiritual gifts and perhaps even discovered which spiritual gifts God has given you. But do you know why they are important? Or how they make you an extraordinary person? – Don’t know which spiritual gifts you possess? Start here to learn more about the various gifts and techniques the Bible describes to […]

How Can I Recognize My Spiritual Gifts?
You may have heard about spiritual gifts and that God promises that every Christian receives certain gifts in order to build up the church as a whole. Now, you may be curious to understand which of these gifts you possess—but how do we go about discovering our giftings? Here are a few steps you can […]

A Quick List of Biblical Spiritual Gifts: Which Gifts Exist and What They Mean.
What are the spiritual gifts that God has given to his people? Here is a list, scroll down for simple definitions of each gift: Administration Being an apostle Discernment Evangelism Exhortation Faith Giving Healing Helps Hospitality Knowledge Leadership Mercy Prophecy Serving Speaking in tongues Teaching (sometimes known as shepherding) Wisdom — Want to identify your […]

Our Greatest Need is God’s Greatest Gift
There Is More Grace in God than Sin in You Our greatest need and God’s greatest gift are the same thing: forgiveness of sins. And to receive it, we have only to ask and pass it on. But to ask for it, we must first admit that we need it. Instinctively, we wriggle. We want […]

Does God Exist? We Ask Tyndale Voices.
Have you ever wondered if God exists? Has anyone asked you what you believe and you weren’t sure how to confidently answer them? Does God exist? It’s a big question, and it’s one that Tyndale House Publishers has tackled in a new—free—resource that brings together select excerpts from some of their most revered authors to […]

Why The Proverbs are so Important
God desires and commands us to live in wisdom—”Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise.” (Ephesians 5:15). In Proverbs 23:23 we are told to “get wisdom,” and the Proverbs themselves are one of the best places to observe and learn that wisdom. God gave us this book to teach us how to walk […]

Great Gifts for New Believers
Looking for a gift for a new believer in the Christian faith? It’s hard to find just the right gift for a new believer but you want to help them celebrate their new life and start well on this most exciting journey with Christ. Let us help pick a gift for the new believer in […]

Get a God Makeover: Forget Superficial Reinvention and Head for Spiritual Transformation.
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. — Romans 12:2 NLT I recently went jean shopping. URG. Next to trying on swimsuits, this has to be the most demoralizing activity on the face of the earth for which […]