Today’s blog is written by Jarrett Stevens, author of Praying Through: Overcoming the Obstacles That Keep Us from God. — I’ve been a pastor for over twenty years, and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard the following: “I just don’t know how to pray.” “I didn’t grow up doing this kind of […]

How to Pray: Gratitude, Your Wonder Prayer
Blog brought to you today by Jarrett Stevens, author of Praying Through: Overcoming the Obstacles That Keep Us from God. — What if I told you that there was a pill that was scientifically proven to dramatically improve your state of being—not just a temporary high but a wholistic enhancement of your body, mind, and […]

Living The Good Life: What God Has To Say About Wealth and Money
Guest post from Randy Alcorn, excerpted and adapted by Unfolding Faith, from his wonderful book, Giving is The Good Life: The Unexpected Path to Purpose and Joy. — Not life, but a good life, is to be chiefly valued. SOCRATES The good life is reserved for the person who fears God, who lives reverently in […]

God Knows All About Your Grief – And Here’s His First Step to Recovery
“But remember, like Sarah and Job, we are not helpless.” — This post is excerpted from The Life Recovery Workbook for Grief: A Bible-Centered Approach for Taking Your Life Back, by Stephen Arterburn M. ED and David Stoop. Click this link to experience the whole first step, with workbook questions for your own reflection, for free. […]

What Will I Look Like in Heaven?
by Randy Alcorn, excerpted from Heaven. I’m often asked if people, particularly children, become angels when they die. The answer is no. Death is a relocation of the same person from one place to another. The place changes, but the person remains the same. The same person who becomes absent from his or her body becomes […]

Why Did Jesus Come to Earth?
Adapted from Dr David Jeremiah’s book, Why the Nativity? As the moon lit the treetops and the evening breeze cooled her skin, Mary rested quietly, renewing her strength. She gazed in wonder at the tiny, living gift in her arms. Any child, of course, is a miracle from heaven—a firstborn in particular. Even so, Mary […]

Why Did God Become a Man?
Guest post by David Jeremiah, excerpted from his book, Why the Nativity? In the beginning there was God. And, being God, He created. The creations of God were magnificent. He made a universe of unbounded dimensions, measured out in stars and galaxies. Its size was matched by its vast complexity, in the intricate dance of […]

Why Did Jesus Come When He Did?
Excerpt taken from Why the Nativity? by David Jeremiah. Imagine this scenario: A world leader plans to send a man on a mission of the utmost urgency. The fate of the world rests upon the success of this operation. So the commander thinks carefully, strategically, about his plan. Nothing can be left to chance; every detail […]

Why Did Jesus Come as a Baby?
Excerpted from Why The Nativity?, by David Jeremiah. In those first speechless moments, new parents gaze with fascination. They lovingly examine every inch of their newborn child’s face. No matter how we prepare ourselves, the reality of new birth astounds us. Here, nestled in our arms, is a brand-new member of the human race. Here […]