The view from the mountaintop is breathtaking. The sun is shining, the birds chirping. You are with your closest companions, people who were once strangers (and let’s be honest, enemies at times), and you’re debriefing after several years of work together. Everyone is exhausted, but in that deeply satisfying way when you are certain that […]

What is the Season of Lent?
The human heart is full of eternal hopes. Many people don’t recognize them for what they are—longings for the Kingdom of Heaven and anticipation of living with God and his people forever—but

Creatively Following Jesus
Following Jesus is an inherently creative act. There are principles—discipleship, obedience, service—but how to implement them is left up to us, with wisdom and guidance from the church. Those popular What Would Jesus Do? bracelets from the 1990s were a silly but often helpful reminder of what it would mean for the divine Savior to […]

Here’s Why Invisibility is Not the Same as Insignificance.
You are not called to be noteworthy or special or more successful than your peers, or to be more successful than an earlier version of yourself, or to hustle your way into a better life. You are called to look more like Jesus in each new season. That’s what it means to move forward even […]

Why This Corner of My Home is a Holy Place
THERE IS A CORNER IN MY READING ROOM where I store my issues, the things I often try to hide from God and others. If I find that I’m craving esteem or recognition in an unhealthy way, and if, in that craving, my ego has started maniacally planning all the ways I can get it, […]

There is hope in every moment….even when you’re at the end of your rope.
The setting could not be more familiar to me. The cast of characters, although always changing, somehow remains constant in reminding me of Home. The conversation always starts the same: “My name is Sharon, and I’m an alcoholic.” On this day I sat in the familiar circle of chairs in the musty church basement, smelling […]

Life After a Layoff
This article was originally published in the Disciple Journal. I live with my husband and three children in a worn-out, 170-year-old house on a lake in Maine. Sometimes I’m afraid I love this place so much that I wouldn’t be able to let it go. That fear has been part of my struggle since my […]

A Playlist for Peace
Oh peace be still You are here so it is well Even when my eyes can’t see I will trust the voice that speaks Peace, peace, yeah Over me – “Peace, Be Still” by The Belonging Co. While sadly and frustratingly this is still an uncertain and anxious time for many people, we believe in […]