Here’s something totally revealing for you: You are a human being!
For whatever reason, most of us forget that we’re all human and that we all have flaws and needs, temptations and desires. But the biggest desire of all? Companionship.
“A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.”Ecclesiastes 4:12
There is not one human out there who doesn’t crave interaction with others at some point, and God made us that way. He designed us to need fellowship, and as such, he instructs us to find our Christian community—a group of people we can rely on for support and to speak the truth to us, people to study with, grow with, and glorify* God with.
Ask at your church about small groups (when people regularly come together to discuss life and faith, to study, and to pray), or get involved in volunteering at church and meet new people. They might already have a small group you can join, or you can start one with friends.
It may take some time, but getting connected to your “church family” will help you gain confidence in your new life and boost your walk with Christ way beyond anything you can do on your own!
Check out this great article on why community is so important to the Christian life: “Why Should I Join a Small Group?”
*To glorify God means to think, speak, and act in a way that reflects his greatness. We can also give glory to God in thanks and praise for all he has done for us.