Listen to my voice in the morning,LORD.Psalm 5:3
Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.
Prayer is the best way to talk to God—to bring your troubles, requests, and praise to him.
Many people grew up reciting The Lord’s Prayer, and that is a great place to start if you’re not sure what to do. Can’t remember the prayer? Download a free image to keep and print here!
What’s so wonderful about The Lord’s Prayer is that it gives us the structure Jesus himself recommends whenever we pray:
- Start with acknowledging that God is holy and worthy of our praise. Ask him to direct you however he wants you.
- Acknowledge that you need him in every area of your life (“Give us this day our daily bread” asks God to be with you in every way).
- Confess your sins and seek his forgiveness, then request strength for you to be able to forgive others.
- Talk about where you need his protection and wisdom the most—what has been tempting you? What is troubling you? Remember that nothing is too big or too trivial for God.
- Finish with praise, for through him we do everything!
Prayer also comes in many postures—not just kneeling beside your bed every night with your eyes closed and your hands clasped in front of you, though that is totally fine if you like it.
You can write out your prayers or even draw them. Check out this ingenious way to pray, journal, and color. You can pray literally any time of the day, and it doesn’t have to be routine; you can switch up times if you like. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing in the moment either; God will hear you. You can pray in your head or out loud; anything goes! (Though maybe be careful if you’re praying when you should really be concentrating on what you’re doing, like driving or listening to a lecture!)
Want some daily prayer guidance? Try a book of Pocket Prayers, designed to help you find the words for any occasion.