Welcome to your new life in Jesus—we’re so excited you’ve joined the family! There is so much to learn and discover about your new life and faith, so where do you start?
First things first: know that you are loved by God!

You’ve already noticed how huge the Bible is and understandably felt a little overwhelmed! It’s a good idea to spend a short time reading the Bible every day and reflecting on its meaning for your own life.

Prayer is the best way to talk to God—to bring your troubles, requests, and praise to him.
Many people grew up reciting The Lord’s Prayer, and that is a great place to start if you’re not sure what to do.

How do you find the right church for you? You can expect to enjoy worship, learn from or be encouraged by the teaching, and get connected to people around you.

Here’s something totally revealing for you: You are a human being! For whatever reason, most of us forget that we’re all...

Here’s something totally revealing for you: You are a human being! For whatever reason, most of us forget that we’re all...