Using the NLT Translation Philosophy in German

Tyndale House Publishers

Did you know that the full New Living Translation is available in seven different languages and that the New Testament of the NLT is in two additional languages? These are not translations of the English version into other languages. Instead, translators and biblical scholars from the places that speak those languages use the NLT translation philosophy to translate the ancient texts into their modern-day languages.

In Germany we partner with SCM R. Brockhaus to share God’s Word through the NLB (the German NLT). Here is an update on their struggles and joys as they bring God’s Word to those who speak German.

by SCM R. Brockhaus

About 25 years ago, then publisher Friedrich Hänssler was looking for a way to put a new communicative Bible translation on the German market. There was something missing for German Bible readers. There were some communicative Bible translations, but they were not well received for several reasons, like lack of fidelity to the text or having a theological bent that did not go over well with many of our readers.

Friedrich Hänssler believed the NLT could make a significant impact on readers who were looking for an accurate translation that was also enjoyable to read. He saw the NLT as the right combination of Bible translation with appropriate accuracy, while still being very communicative.

Germany has a special situation when it comes to Bible translations. With the strong dominance of the Lutheran Church on the one hand and the Catholic Church on the other, most people only know the dominant translations: the Protestant Luther translation and the Catholic Einheitsübersetzung (“Unity Translation”). They are “unbeatable” in the Bible market due to their strong church and school use.

Beyond this, however, the German NLT has gained a significant place in Bible translations. Though there are no studies or valid data about market share for German Bible translations, we estimate it to be about the fifth most used translation among 12 major translations. The German Life Application Study Bible is one of the best-selling study Bibles in Germany for the last 20 years. Our teen and kids editions are also very popular for readers.

Most churches, apart from those mentioned above, have no preferred Bible translation for congregational use. What translation is used in churches varies greatly, as does the preferred Bible translation for personal use. Many people own several Bible translations. Apart from the very conservative wing of the Russian-German congregations, who almost only use the Schlachter Bible, there are no major faith disputes about the correct Bible translation, which allows people the opportunity to experience the power of reading the German NLT.

We continue to see a very positive future for the German NLT. After almost 25 years, we are currently in the process of revising the text of the NLT to make it even more accessible to our audience and to attract new readers.

Learn more about our partner in Germany

NTV Inspira Receives Jim Cook Bible of the Year Award

Tyndale House Publishers

We are excited to announce that Inspira, NTV received the esteemed “Jim Cook” Bible of the Year Award at the Spanish Evangelical Publishers Association (SEPA) annual awards banquet in Miami, Florida.

The event marked a significant milestone for Tyndale House Publishers, underscoring our commitment to excellence in Spanish language Christian literature. The SEPA Awards ceremony, renowned for honoring outstanding contributions to the Christian literary landscape, bestowed this coveted accolade upon the Biblia Inspira NTV, affirming its stature as a beacon of inspiration and devotion.

Since its inception in Fall 2022, the Inspira Bible brand has ascended to preeminence within the Spanish-speaking community, captivating hearts and minds with its unparalleled blend of creativity and spirituality. Drawing upon the rich legacy of its English counterpart, the original Inspire Bible NLT, which secured a similar ECPA Bible of the Year award in 2016, the Biblia Inspira NTV continues to resonate deeply with readers, ushering in a new era of engagement with the Word of God.

What is Biblia Inspira NTV?

At the heart of Biblia Inspira NTV lies a profound mission: to ignite the flames of creativity and deepen the spiritual journey of every believer. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this masterpiece combines the timeless wisdom of Scripture with the vibrant allure of artistic expression. Boasting over 400 exquisite line-art illustrations curated by Latin American artists, this single-column, wide-margin Bible invites readers to embark on a transformative voyage of discovery and introspection.

Far more than a mere literary work, Biblia Inspira NTV transcends traditional boundaries, serving as a catalyst for personal growth and communal engagement. Whether savored in quiet solitude or shared within the embrace of a close-knit fellowship, its pages serve as a canvas for divine inspiration and human imagination.

Features That Set Biblia Inspira NTV Apart:

  • Clear and Accurate Text: Experience the transformative power of Scripture with the Nueva Traducción Viviente.
  • Wide Margins for Bible Journaling: Engage in a dialogue with the Word, as ample space beckons you to record insights and reflections.
  • Over 400 Beautiful Line-Art Illustrations: Immerse yourself in a world of visual splendor, where each stroke of the pen brings Scripture to life.
  • Full-Page and Partial-Page Scripture Art: Enrich your reading experience with captivating visuals that illuminate the profound truths of the Bible.
  • Generous 8.25 Font: Enjoy optimal readability, ensuring that every word resonates with clarity and resonance.

Learn more about our Inspire and Inspira Bibles

Hungering for God’s Word

by Ellen Elwell, member of the Tyndale House Ministries International Team

Did you know Tyndale House Ministries works with Christian publishers around the world to help minister to the spiritual needs of people in their own languages? Just a few months ago we were able to rejoice as the first Hungarian edition of the Inspire Bible was launched in Budapest, Hungary.

“As I drew, colored, and made notes in my Inspire Bible, I felt that there was only God, the Scripture, and me. It was a tremendous experience,” said Eszter, who enjoys using the new Inspire Bible.

This beautiful Bible started as a passion from Harmat Publishing House, headquartered in Budapest, to see women engage with the Bible in a more personal way. When they discovered the Inspire Bible with its coloring and journaling pages, they knew this was the perfect Bible to be the first journaling Bible published in the Hungarian language.

Combining the Karoli-Bible text in Hungarian with the original artistic illustrations of the Inspire Bible, Harmat Publishers were overwhelmed with the positive responses they received after it was published.

“Using the Inspire Bible was a wonderful and unique experience for me. When I started to draw and color in it, I felt as though I was able to ‘turn everything else off,’ and the only thing that remained was my Bible and me,” said Panna, a young woman who was one of the first to try this new Bible.

To encourage engagement, Kornel Herjeczki, CEO of Harmat Publishing House, hosted a Bible journaling workshop so attendees could experience it firsthand. Participants were able to try out their own creative Bible study and journaling under the direction of Hungarian artist Brigitta Budahazy. And many local news outlets added to the excitement by cover the release of this unique Bible.

“The One who created the eyes can see, and the One who created the ears can hear. He also knew what I had in my heart and that I longed for such a Bible, in which I can freely express my thoughts and feelings toward him,” said Timea, an early user of this Bible.

We love being able to celebrate growing in God’s Word with our brothers and sister around the world. Like Time, may we all long to get into God’s Word so we can express our love for him.

You can learn more about the Inspire Bible in Hungary on its website

You can learn more about Inspire Bible in English

Helping Others to Feast on God’s Word

by Laura Livingston, Resource Development Officer at Oasis International

Have you ever been out to dinner in an exotic restaurant and the menu was incomprehensible?  I recently experienced that in an Ethiopian restaurant. If the hovering waiter hadn’t been there to explain to what the unpronounceable dish names referred, I would never have been able to order. Once he helped me understand, I enjoyed an incredible culinary experience. There was Injera and Doro Wat and Fir-fir available, but with no one to explain it in my language, I had no way to satisfy my hunger.

That experience is not unlike the challenge of pastors and leaders in French-speaking Africa trying to prepare to preach with little or no resources in their language of education. They are hungry to feed on the Word of God, to go deeper in their understanding, but often the resources are only available in English, and even more often they are not adapted to life in Africa. The Africa Study Bible: French Edition, a theological library in one volume, will open a whole new world of understanding to Francophone pastors in Africa. It will put the food on the table!

There are 600 million believers in Africa that are tragically under-resourced for discipleship, according to the International Review of Mission. Yet, the Church is growing faster in sub-Saharan Africa than anywhere else in the world. According to the Pew foundation 25 percent of the world’s Christians are located in Africa and that will rise to 40% by 2050. In partnership with Tyndale House Foundation, and using their New Living Translation, Oasis International published the landmark Africa Study Bible (ASB) in English last year. The ASB is the first study Bible that applies God’s Word to the contexts of Africa. With over 2,600 features written by 350 contributors from 50 countries, looking at God’s Word through African eyes, the English edition of the Africa Study Bible was launched to enthusiastic acclaim in seven countries and is already in use in 16.

With its commitment to empowering discipleship, Tyndale House has been a key partner for Oasis International in developing this unparalleled biblical resource. A Kenyan pastor, participating in an ASB training seminar, described the potential impact of the ASB this way,

The Africa Study Bible makes it very easy for us to connect directly to our context. It is going to encourage (young pastors) back to study the African cultures, the way of life, and the storytelling that will be very important in their preaching because they are serving people who are living in this context.

Oasis has launched the Africa Study Bible in seven countries already and is working hard to reach all 24 countries that have English as a language of education. However, 23 more African countries have French as an official language. And while contextualized discipleship resources are certainly not abundant in English-speaking Africa, they are significantly more scarce in Francophone Africa. Dr. Daniel Bourdanné, General Secretary of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) describes it this way,

French-speaking Africa is known for its material poverty. One element of this poverty is the lack of Christian literature resources in the French language. The need for French-language Bible study materials is and remains to be, an even more profound source of poverty for the region.

An Oasis partner visiting the library at one of the most prominent seminaries in Francophone Africa, FATEB (Central African Republic), reported that only 20 percent of the books were in French, while the remaining volumes were primarily in English, a language many of the students can’t understand. The library of the Yamoussoukro Bible Institute (Côte d’Ivoire), where I lived and taught for 34 years, typifies the problem with its shelves full of old, tattered, English commentaries and theological books donated by retiring missionaries. Almost none of the students can read and understand them. It was not uncommon for me to visit former students only to discover that the pastor and his wife’s main resources were well-worn photocopies received years ago in our classes.

One key reason for this lack of resources is the religious makeup of France. Christian resources in English are available in Africa from sources in the United States and England, among others. But few comparable resources come from France in which only five percent of the population attends a church of any sort and 24 percent are avowed atheists (2014 demographic survey).  The impact of the Africa Study Bible: French Edition will be even greater than the English edition because the need for resources is exponentially greater in French.

Believers in Francophone Africa are hungry for biblical resources in French adapted to the contexts in which they live. The Africa Study Bible puts the food on the table for those who are hungry to feed on the Word of God. Every one of its features was written to look at God’s Word through African eyes. Finishing the Africa Study Bible: French Edition is an obtainable goal. To date, almost all the ASB notes and features are translated into French, but funds designated for the French edition are exhausted and work has slowed on this crucial project. At this pivotal moment in the project, God, in his grace, has provided a matching grant of $150,000 to bring this study Bible to completion.

Oasis International is boldly asking God to provide the first $50,000 by the end of 2018. And we are asking you to give whatever you are able to help us reach that goal. Together we can make the Africa Study Bible available in the 23 countries of Africa that needs contextualized, biblical resources in French. Together we can put the food on the table and feed half a continent with a deeper, fuller understanding of God’s Word!

Give today

Laura spent 33 years as a missionary with the Christian Missionary Alliance in Cote d’Ivoire (West Africa) before joining Oasis International.

Lives Transformed Through the Africa Study Bible

Richard Houmengi is a member of the Africa Study Bible: French Edition review team. As an African theologian whose primary language is French he understands the desperate need for a resource and how it will help deepen people’s understanding of God’s Word. Below is an English translation, but you can also click on the video link to hear him share this in French.

I am so pleased, so delighted to be able to hold this marvelous work in my hands, the Africa Study Bible. I say this because, by God’s grace, I was among the contributors. I was chosen to edit the main articles that were written by French speakers.  And this work was a painstaking and difficult task, but also blessed because, in the end, it was completed by God’s grace. And today I am in Nairobi and I was able to meet with Hannah. I am so happy to make her acquaintance, God is really marvelous because I never expected to have such an encounter.  I am here, therefore, to express all my gratitude to the Lord, all my thanksgiving for this blessed work which will certainly be a source of deliverance for Africa, a source of joy for many people who will encounter it. I am already very happy to hold in my hands this English version, and to know that in the near future the French version will be available. I am equally happy to know that across the world people have a burden to see lives saved, changed, and above all to see that people can hold in their hands a Bible in which they can see themselves, in which they can read these articles which reflect African thought, which reflect—how should I say it—the love God has for Africans. I am so pleased and I hope this is the beginning of a new era, the beginning of a new way for Africans to be able to testify to their love and attachment to the God, to the Lord.

Hear Richard share in French

Here are a few more ways the Africa Study Bible is transforming lives.

“I really love my Bible. My students love their Bibles. While Zimbabwe is trapped for finance, people know and love what is good. Matthew, this work you and your team did is very, very, very honorable. A ministry to the people of God indeed.”
–Elesinah Chauke, More than a Mile Deep

“Did you know that more than 80% of the churches in Africa are led by pastors with little or no training? This means without the help of a tool like the Africa Study Bible, these dedicated pastors struggle so much to understand the Bible let alone preach its message well. I personally have used it a lot and I can tell you it needs to get into the hands of every pastor in the continent.”
–Bramuel Musya, Kids Around the World

“This is an all-in-one theological training resource. We have so many pastors are willing and committed to work in rural areas where it is not easy but most of them lack the necessary tools like study Bibles in Swahili. Most educated pastors with resources in English are unwilling to go and serve in rural pastorates. So, we have the majority of the population being pastored by untrained and underdeveloped pastors with limited access to good resources. But with a resource like the Africa Study Bible, these pastors could have truly Biblical training at the tip of their fingers.”
-Cosmas Kisela Ntalima, Global University

Learn more and donate to be a part of creating the Africa Study Bible in French.

Grant R. Osborne, 1942-2018


Tyndale House Publishers is saddened by the death of Grant R. Osborne—our friend, colleague, and a member of the Bible Translation Committee for the Holy Bible, New Living Translation (NLT). But we do not grieve as those who have no hope. We rejoice with Grant that he is now in the presence of his Savior.

Grant was a member of Tyndale’s Bible Translation Committee (BTC) from the very outset in 1987. He served as General Translator for the Gospels and Acts. In that role he coordinated the work of five teams of scholars—one for each of the books in his section of the NLT translation. Each member of the BTC carefully reviewed every word in the entire translation. And because of the back-and-forth nature of the translation and review process, Grant read every word of the entire translation multiple times. Like all of his colleagues on the BTC, he made an enormous contribution to the church worldwide through his work as a translator of the NLT.

I remember many times when a small committee would be working on the wording of one of the Gospels or the Acts of the Apostles. Our goal was to render the meaning of the Greek text into everyday English. But sometimes we could get stuck on how best to understand the Greek text. We would turn to Grant and ask, “What does this text really mean? Will the average K-Mart shopper understand what this passage means?” Then Grant would give us a brief oral exposition on the meaning of the text, and we would scramble to capture it in everyday English. Grant had a gift for understanding the Greek text and helping to present it in modern English.

Grant was a professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He taught at TEDS from 1972 until his retirement several years ago. He is eulogized very warmly by his former colleague Dr. Scot McKnight on the Patheos website.

Moral and Spiritual Cleansing

“Because we have these promises, dear friends, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that can defile our body or spirit. And let us work toward complete holiness because we fear God.” 2 Corinthians 7:1, NLT

Purification rites were common in traditional African religions. Washing and cleansing rituals served as ways to be freed from curses and guilt for wrongdoing and for violating taboos. The physical act of washing represented moral and spiritual cleansing.


Old Testament Israel also had many purification rituals that were commanded by God (Numbers 8:5-8). Some rituals applied to the priests serving in the Tabernacle and later the Temple. Other rituals prepared the people to be in God’s presence.


Paul told the Corinthians to cleanse themselves from “everything that can defile our body or spirit” (2 Corinthians 7:1) this type of cleansing is done by confessing and turning away from the sins that pollute or soil us. Paul also challenged believers to “work toward complete holiness” because God is holy and just. Elaborate ceremonies are no longer necessary, but repentance from sin and seeking forgiveness are.

African Touch Points Note from the Africa Study Bible

Africa Study Bible launches in five countries

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.

However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters.

“My dear Mr. Bennet,” said his lady to him one day, “have you heard that Netherfield Park is let at last?”

Mr. Bennet replied that he had not.

“But it is,” returned she; “for Mrs. Long has just been here, and she told me all about it.”

Mr. Bennet made no answer.

“Do you not want to know who has taken it?” cried his wife impatiently.

You want to tell me, and I have no objection to hearing it.”

This was invitation enough.

“Why, my dear, you must know, Mrs. Long says that Netherfield is taken by a young man of large fortune from the north of England; that he came down on Monday in a chaise and four to see the place, and was so much delighted with it, that he agreed with Mr. Morris immediately; that he is to take possession before Michaelmas, and some of his servants are to be in the house by the end of next week.”

“What is his name?”


“Is he married or single?”

“Oh! Single, my dear, to be sure! A single man of large fortune; four or five thousand a year. What a fine thing for our girls!”

“How so? How can it affect them?”

“My dear Mr. Bennet,” replied his wife, “how can you be so tiresome! You must know that I am thinking of his marrying one of them.”

“Is that his design in settling here?”

“Design! Nonsense, how can you talk so! But it is very likely that he may fall in love with one of them, and therefore you must visit him as soon as he comes.”