Become More Aware of God’s Presence in Mothering

Tyndale House Publishers

“Motherhood is a gift—one that would deplete our physical, emotional, and spiritual resources every day if it weren’t for God’s willingness to fill us up as we pour out what we have. Knowing how much we need him, God invites us to shelter under his protection, find reassurance in his voice, and be loved by his generous heart. And he invites us into his Word.” –Trieste Vaillancourt, Editorial Director at DaySpring

The new DaySpring Daily Devotional Bible for Moms was created for real moms with real-life challenges like you! It’s an invitation to come into God’s presence each day through his Word and with short daily devotional readings to remind you God loves you, God sees you, and God is with you—always!

For solo moments of bite-sized, consistent, truthful encouragement, the new DaySpring Daily Devotional Bible for Moms is just what moms are looking for. This accurate and understandable NLT Bible includes 365 encouraging devotions created specifically for moms, 31 profiles of biblical women to encourage you, daily prayer prompts to remind you of God’s presence, wide margins for journaling and reflection, and a full-color interior design to enjoy as you read the Bible.

Short daily devotionals will deepen your awareness of God’s presence and bring you peace, wisdom, strength, encouragement, truth, and so much more.

God has a very special view of motherhood, and we pray moms of all ages and stages will let the words within this Bible speak to their hearts as moms!

Deepen your awareness of God’s presence with the DaySpring Daily Devotional Bible for Moms.

DaySpring’s Pre-Order Bundle is available through February 17th!

Discover other DaySpring New Living Translation Bibles:

DaySpring Inspire Illustrating Bible

DaySpring Signature Collection, Wide Margin Bible

DaySpring Hope & Encouragement Bible

You Have a Reason for Hope

Tyndale House Publishers

“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.” Luke 16:10, NLT

Devotional from the DaySpring Hope and Encouragement Bible

Imagine the scene: Jesus has been crucified. The disciples’ lives are in turmoil. They’re unsure of what the future holds. Peter wants something familiar: “I’m going fishing” (John 21:3).

Then Jesus appears, although they don’t yet know it’s him, and he tells them to let out their nets one more time. They catch so many fish they can hardly handle them all. This is faithfulness. It’s continuing to cast the net because Jesus says so. Even when we’ve been up all night. Even when we’re weary. Even when we’re confused. Even when we’re discouraged and want to quit.

If you’re putting pressure on yourself today to do more, be more, or achieve more, then pause and take a deep breath. Just be faithful. If you’re comparing yourself to others in life or ministry and feel you’re falling short, refocus on your own journey. Just be faithful.

If you’re striving for perfection and trying to make everyone happy, let go of those unrealistic expectations. Just be faithful. Just do what you can, where you are, with what you have, to love God and others today. Then do it again one more time.

Holley Gerth, Cheering You On

God, when life is challenging, I want safety and control
and to hold on to what’s familiar. But what I truly need is to just take
the next step of faith with you. I know that you will help me discover what
I need along the way because you will provide it. I’m listening,
I’m receiving, I’m obeying. I love you. Amen.

Learn more about the DaySpring Hope and Encouragement Bible

You are Guided

Tyndale House Publishers

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.” Genesis 50:20, NLT

Reflection from the DaySpring Hope and Encouragement Bible

As a child of God, your life is filled with the things that he works together for good. As his child, tough times will build your character . . .good times will keep you grateful . . .testing times will strengthen your faith . . .prosperous times will enrich your giving.

Through all the times of life that come your way, you will grow into the faithful child God desires and enables you to be.

Father, thank you for your guidance through all seasons and situations. I give you permission to work everything together in my life, according to your plans, so that I can be most effective for your Kingdom work.

Learn more about the DaySpring Hope and Encouragement Bible

You are Blessed

Tyndale House Publishers

“But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.” 1 Peter 2:9, NLT

Devotional from the DaySpring Hope and Encouragement Bible

Grace has called your name. You once were stained, but now you are clean. When you thought that there was no hope, God set your feet on solid ground
and redirected your steps. No longer do you sit in darkness, but rather you have been called into his marvelous light.

You are a new creation, his special treasure. You are chosen for greatness. He has big plans for you, and they are going to far exceed anything that you could ever ask him for or imagine. He will give you the vision to see if you look toward the light and trust him. You do this by abiding in him, meaning that you intentionally spend time reading his Word. You are daily seeking his wisdom
for your life. You are having regular conversations with the One who knows you better than anyone else.

Because you have such an intimate relationship with your Father, you now have access to all the blessings and favor that belong to those of royal birth. However, being given such authority means that you must use it wisely. The purpose of this gracious gift is to point others to the light. Reach your hands to heaven, and proclaim the praises of the One who saved your life.

You will never be ashamed of what Jesus has done for you and will refuse to hide your light under a basket. The world may not understand your light, but remember that light is attractive. Jesus is attractive. Your job is not to produce the light, it is simply to shine his light. You just be you, and he will do the rest. Once you were nothing, but now you are God’s highly favored and blessed child. You have received mercy and are made to shine. Your future is unbelievably bright.

April Rodgers, Made to Shine

O Lord, what can we say but thank you! May you be glorified
each and every day as I shine brightly for you alone! Amen.


Learn more about the DaySpring Hope and Encouragement Bible

You are Equipped and Able

Tyndale House Publishers

“But I am trusting you, O Lord, saying, ‘You are my God!’ My future is in your hands. Rescue me from those who hunt me down relentlessly. Let your favor shine on your servant. In your unfailing love, rescue me. Don’t let me be disgraced, O Lord, for I call out to you for help. Let the wicked be disgraced; let them lie silent in the grave. Silence their lying lips—those proud and arrogant lips that accuse the godly. How great is the goodness you have stored up for those who fear you. You lavish it on those who come to you for protection, blessing them before the watching world. You hide them in the shelter of your presence, safe from those who conspire against them. You shelter them in your presence, far from accusing tongues. Praise the Lord, for he has shown me the wonders of his unfailing love. He kept me safe when my city was under attack. In panic I cried out, ‘I am cut off from the Lord!’ But you heard my cry for mercy and answered my call for help. Love the Lord, all you godly ones! For the Lord protects those who are loyal to him, but he harshly punishes the arrogant. So be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the Lord!” Psalm 31:14-24, NLT.

Reflection from the DaySpring Hope and Encouragement Bible

Life is hard sometimes—crazy, mixed-up, messed up. And there you are, in the middle of it all, just doing your thing . . .being strong and brave and beautiful like it’s no big deal.

But let me tell you . . .Not everyone can do what you can do. Not everyone can handle things the way you can. While you wonder sometimes if you’re doing okay . . .the world is just watching in wonder.

Lord, thank you for giving me all
that I need to make it through. I will
trust your resources and care.

Learn more about the DaySpring Hope and Encouragement Bible

You Are Held

Tyndale House Publishers

“And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers* in harmony with God’s own will. And we know that God causes everything to work together* for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Romans 8:26-28, NLT.

Devotional from the DaySpring Hope & Encouragement Bible

Sometimes life as usual comes to a sudden halt. Through death, tragedy, sickness, and loss, normal routines, expectations, and ways of living are gone in an instant. Life will never be the same as it was. Outwardly free-flowing prayers become a silent plea. Thoughts are random and disconnected.

It’s when one looks harder than ever to see God and asks, “Why? Where are you? What am I to do now?” It’s also when he’s able to reach into the depths of our hearts and instill a whole new realm of healing power and loving assurance to undergird and support. It’s when Jesus prays on our behalf while carrying us in his loving arms.

We may never know why some things happen, but we can always know Who is with us—to help, and to heal, and sometimes just to be. He is our love, and he cares.

Lisa Stilwell, 100 Days of Faith over Fear

Lord, thank you for your love, for your tender care, and for your presence.
Thank you for carrying me when I can no longer stand. Thank you for holding
my life in your very hands and for your promise never to leave.

Learn more about the DaySpring Hope & Encouragement Bible.

You Have A Purpose

Tyndale House Publishers

“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me, for the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed. He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of the Lord’s favor has come, and with it, the day of God’s anger against their enemies.” Isaiah 61:1-2, NLT

Reflection from DaySpring Hope and Encouragement Bible

At the Father’s appointed time, Jesus came to earth so that you would never need to be far from him. What an incredible journey he made; what an overwhelming expression of love; what an awesome purpose he had in mind.

You were on his heart. He has called you. He is the one who keeps you, upholds you, and gives you strength. You are the one he calls his own.

Learn more about the DaySpring Hope and Encouragement Bible

You Are Special

Tyndale House Publishers

“It is the Lord who created the stars, the Pleiades and Orion. He turns darkness into morning and day into night. He draws up water from the oceans and pours it down as rain on the land. The Lord is his name!” Amos 5:8, NLT.

Devotional from the DaySpring Hope and Encouragement Bible

There’s no mountain so high that the Lord can’t see over it. No ocean so wide that he can’t cross it to reach you. No desert so dry that he can’t rain down his love and mercy.

God will stop at nothing to love you. He spares no expense for his children. We can slow him down with our disbelief or miss his tenderness if we keep our hearts hard. But stay soft and pliable, trust him with your needs, and he’ll surprise you. God has all power at his fingertips. But it’s you he wants above all else.

Trieste Vaillancourt, One Minute with God

Lord, thank you for chasing after me with your love even though
I don’t deserve it. Please know you have my whole heart. I don’t want to
miss one single opportunity to experience your presence in my life. Thank you
for setting my feet firm on your unconditional love for me. I honestly
don’t know how I would live without it. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Learn more about the DaySpring Hope and Encouragement Bible



You Are Forgiven

Tyndale House Publishers

“At noon, darkness fell across the whole land until three o’clock. Then at three o’clock Jesus called out with a loud voice, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?’ which means ‘My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?’

Some of the bystanders misunderstood and thought he was calling for the prophet Elijah. One of them ran and filled a sponge with sour wine, holding it up to him on a reed stick so he could drink. ‘Wait!’ he said. ‘Let’s see whether Elijah comes to take him down!’

Then Jesus uttered another loud cry and breathed his last. And the curtain in the sanctuary of the Temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.

When the Roman officer who stood facing him saw how he had died, he exclaimed, ‘This man truly was the Son of God!’

Some women were there, watching from a distance, including Mary Magdalene, Mary (the mother of James the younger and of Joseph*), and Salome. They had been followers of Jesus and had cared for him while he was in Galilee. Many other women who had come with him to Jerusalem were also there.” Mark 15:33-41, NLT

Devotional from the DaySpring Hope and Encouragement Bible

He came to pay a debt he didn’t owe because we owed a debt we couldn’t pay. May his love fill every day with wonder and thankfulness.

Lord, it can be so hard to receive the truth of what you paid to release me from darkness and death. Open my eyes to the beauty of freedom in you. Show me how deep and wide your love is—so that I can live a full life of joy and so that joy spills out to the world around me.

Learn more about the DaySpring Hope and Encouragement Bible.

You Are Important

Tyndale House Publishers

“Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.” Proverbs 16:3, NLT

Devotional from the DaySpring Hope and Encouragement Bible

Do you ever have moments when you wonder whether you’re somehow missing the spiritual boat? Maybe at church, while listening to a sermon, everyone else seems enthralled but . . . you just aren’t feelin’ it. Or how about this one? All your friends are into this new inspirational book (“It’s a must-read!” they say), so you order it, crack it open, and . . . no fireworks.

What am I missing? you wonder. The answer may very well be nothing. Most of us have discovered that faith isn’t an exact science. There’s no spiritual equation that guarantees a certain outcome; our hearts aren’t made that way. What speaks to you one day may not register with the friend beside you. What lights your friend’s fire may not even make yours flicker. And that’s good! We’re God’s workmanship, not his minions.

We’re kind of like specially made locks, and he possesses the one-of-a-kind key to each of us. The more we embrace that about ourselves, the more authentic our faith journeys will be.

As we fix our eyes on him and stop comparing ourselves with those around us, we lose the pressure of conforming in ways that don’t speak to our hearts. Then we can encourage and celebrate each other without compromising ourselves.
by Shanna Noel and Paige DeRuyscher , 100 Days of Prayer

Lord, help me to see all the ways you made me special.
Guide me as I use my unique gifts to helps others experience
your everlasting love. In Jesus name, amen.

Learn more about the DaySpring Hope and Encouragement Bible