A Chronological Journey That Changed My Life

Tyndale House Publishers

by Molly Jo Nyman

“My life changed when God led me to read the NLT Chronological Life Application Study Bible in one year!”

Those words are in all caps and lead the message Pamela Nicholson gives on her website, a ministry to aimed at single women but open to all, called Life in Sweet Abandon.

Pamela was single for 20 years between her divorce and current marriage, so she knows the struggle of the single life. “When Scripture says that a day is like a thousand years, it sure seemed like that for me on so many days during my singleness, especially on holidays and Valentine’s Day!” she recalls.

When God brought her an amazing husband, he encouraged her to start a ministry to share her love of God’s Word and all He had taught her with others. After praying about it, her successful career had no hold on her, and Life in Sweet Abandon was launched.

“It was 2014 when I first saw the NLT Chronological Life Application Study Bible in a Christian bookstore, and I asked for it for Christmas. I had read many Bibles in my life and was looking for a way to be strategic in my reading. This Bible has 1833 pages (without the front and back material); perfect for reading 5 pages a day,” Pamela said. “My life changed when I met with God and allowed Him to speak into my heart. I wasn’t reading what someone else thought about God, I was hearing God speak to me through His Word and fill my heart and mind with His truth.”

Her experience with God’s Word, her reasons for selecting the NLT, and the plan that she followed are now shared on her website and with over 100 followers on her Facebook page:

“The words seemed to jump off the page and come to life! I love reading the Bible in the order in which the events happened!

Why this version of the Bible? The New Living Translation combines the latest biblical scholarship with a clear, dynamic writing style that communicates God’s Word powerfully to all who hear and read it. It renders the message of the original texts of Scripture into clear, contemporary English that was written to be read aloud. With a focus on clarity, The New Living Translation invites readers to go deeper into the biblical text to discover God’s story for their lives and the world.

There are excellent resources scattered throughout the book.”

Pamela has many stories of lives changed through reading the NLT like Kathy

“Since this is the first time for me to read the whole Bible, I am glad I read a chronological Bible. It helped me to see the order of the big pictures. Also, the study notes are easy to understand, which has helped me to get things quicker. I like that there are photos and charts and maps and nice images to go along with scripture. I am a visual person so I enjoy charts and images. A few other things that helped make this a success this year, a set of Bible highlighters, the daily chart has really helped me stay on track and also attending the Story of Scripture at North Point last Jan. A big picture overview was the perfect introduction. One more thing I do is to write down my prayers in a journal in the morning. It helps me to look back and see that God did answer certain prayers so I am glad I have a nice morning routine now.”

There’s another story that is particularly close to Pamela’s heart.

“When my stepmom passed away, my dad was single again after 30 years of marriage. He saturated his mind with God’s Word, and I believe that because of it, he did not sink into depression,” Pamela said.

“Dad has many Scriptures memorized in King James, but when I say, ‘Now dad, tell me what that means,’ he says, ‘Well I don’t know.’ But then, when he reads that same passage in the NLT, he says ‘Now that makes sense.’ That’s why I love to get this Bible in people’s hands. They can understand it and it sinks into their hearts.”

Learn more about the Chronological Life Application Study Bible

Connecting in God’s Word

Tyndale House Publishers

When we think of the Bible, we often relate it to our own personal quiet time with God or maybe to a special gift that could encourage a loved one into a deeper conversation with God. But have you thought about the Bible as a way to connect with your community? Looking to come together as a church in God’s Word or want to make an impact in your broader community, here are a few ideas:

Streetlights New Testament brings audio and print together in an exciting new format. Working with our friends at Streetlights Bible, we have been able to create a Bible portion that resonates with the urban generation. With the scan of a QR code, readers link to remarkably creative study content and audio resources that explain Christian truth and serve as a basic discipleship tool. Its unique tone and approach to the gospel have a strong appeal to many who are searching for an unconventional way to connect with God’s Word.

Immerse: The Bible Reading Experience was created for reading in community. The entire Bible is split into six volumes complete with reading plans, videos, and other resources to help your church, book club, Bible study, or neighborhood group engage in God’s Word together. Immerse removes many of the barriers which make Bible reading difficult, paving the way for deep connection with God and others through the Scriptures.

Filament Bible Journal Collection will be releasing at the end of the year and is perfect for Bible studies, sermon series, and outreach. Each journal is a book or series of books from the New Testament. They have a single-column format and every other page is blank, which is perfect for note-taking. Scan a page with a phone or tablet and you’ll have access to the Filament Bible app’s content for the book or books you are studying.

The One Year Pray for the Persecuted Church is a dynamic way to connect with people around the world who are being persecuted for their faith. Created with The Voice of the Martyrs, this Bible uses The One Year Bible reading plan, and each day’s reading includes a prayer prompt focusing on requests from our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ. As a church, why not spend a month focusing on praying for people being persecuted for their faith and then give the people in your church community the opportunity to continue to pray all year using The One Year Pray for the Persecuted Bible? One in eight Christians around the world are persecuted for their faith, and their first request is for us to pray. Let’s do it!

Inspire Portions allow your community to get creative while studying God’s Word. These coloring-book-style Bible portions provide a way to reach out to people looking to engage with God’s Word in a more tactile way. They feature high-quality art paper that works well with all art supplies so you can start a Bible journaling study or group. Coloring and creative art-journaling options appear throughout the portions, and the Bible text is displayed beautifully in a single-column, wide-margin, spacious layout.

New Believer’s New Testament is a great Bible to start answering some of the most common questions people have about the Bible. This softcover New Testament is perfect for an outreach ministry, for those who are just starting their faith journey, or for helping equip people who want to reach out to those in their lives who have questions about what it means to have a relationship with God.

Outreach Bibles are economy-priced, full-text Bibles available only in bulk order. Designed for outreach efforts, these Bibles include resources like how to become a Christian and basics on how to use a Bible. They are available in softcover full size, large print, children’s edition, and New Testament portion.

Coming Fall 2021

Tyndale House Publishers

We are so excited about what is coming this fall! And in addition to those, we’re even going to give you a quick look at a Bible releasing in early 2022 and show the new look for a beloved Bible brand. We would love to hear which ones you are most excited about!

September 2021

This September The Filament Bible Collection will be adding compact editions! These small, portable, Filament-enabled Bibles have a 6.1 point text font and a slightly bigger than 4 x 6-inch trim size so that you can easily take them with you. Two of the four editions releasing will have zipper covers!

Speaking of on-the-go Bibles, all six volumes of Immerse: The Reading Bible will be available in most places you purchase books and Bibles. As a paperback with single-column Bible text on each page and no interrupters such as chapter or verse numbers,  it will feel more like you are reading a novel, allowing you to dive more deeply into the narrative of the Bible. It’s the perfect take-it-wherever-you-go Bible. Just throw it in your bag, and enjoy at the beach, cabin, in the lunch room, on the commuter train, or wherever you read.

October 2021

We are so excited to be working with DaySpring to publish the timely DaySpring Hope and Encouragement Bible. This wide-margin Bible has over 250 reflections and 52 full-page devotionals scattered throughout the text that amplify twelve indisputable truths about who you are in Christ, such as: you are known, you are blessed, and you have a reason for hope. These truths equip you to recognize and embrace your treasured place in God’s heart.

We’ve heard wonderful things about the 3rd edition of the Life Application Study Bible in the NLT and the NIV. This fall, the KJV version will join the group in an updated 3rd edition. The KJV edition will release in full size and large print.

Our Inspire Bible line is growing as well. Inspire: Luke and John portion will be releasing this fall. This is the fourth book in our popular coloring-book-style, square-trimmed portions.

November 2021

From personal tragedies to world disasters, there are so many reasons to pray. This year we are releasing the 3rd in our One Year Pray for series. This year we are asking you to join us as we pray for our brothers and sisters who are being persecuted for their faith. We have partnered with The Voice of the Martyrs to create One Year Pray for the Persecuted Bible. Each day’s reading includes passages from the Old Testament, the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs. It also includes a daily prayer prompt bringing the needs of those who are persecuted to the top of our prayer list. Spend the next year in the Word and on your knees in prayer.

Just like many of our kids the Boys Life Application Study Bible line will be growing to include a blue glow-in-the-dark cover. This first step into a study Bible brings the truth of God’s Word into the realities and decisions kids face today. 

Premium Value Thinline editions in our Filament Bible Collection will also release this fall. These are some of the most affordable Bibles with beautiful covers and include access to the Filament Bible app content. They will be available in full size and large print.

December 2021

We know many people are already excited for the Filament Bible Journal Collection that will release just in time for Christmas! These individual volumes contain one or more books of the New Testament. Every other page is blank, allowing space for art, journaling, prayer writing, and note-taking. Also available in boxed sets.

And There’s More…

One of our most beloved brands, The One Year Bible, is getting an updated look. It will still have the same great reading plan, but the covers have been updated for the NLT, NIV, NKJV, and KJV editions. The new will look will roll out gradually, but we wanted to give you a sneak peek.

Later in 2022, the Filament Bible Collection will be gaining several additional editions (you larger print fans are going to be super excited). We aren’t sharing those yet, but we will share that in early 2022 we will be releasing the NLT Wide Margin Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition, which will have an 8 point text font with 2.25-inch, lightly ruled wide margins.

That is a lot of Bibles! Though we are always excited about the Bibles heading out our doors, we are even more excited about the lives that will be transformed through God’s Word!

her.Bible John 1:1-14

Tyndale House Publishers

Glad Klassen, one of the women who voice the her.Bible app, reads John 1:1-14, NLT. Listen and reflect on God’s beautiful words to us.

Learn more about her.Bible

Getting the Conversation Going

Tyndale House Publishers

Sometimes it seems we are connected to everything, but each other. Ever try to start a conversation with your child about his or her day and met with, “I don’t know” or “I don’t remember.” Sometimes the hardest part is getting the conversation going. The Hands-On Bible is a great way to start a conversation. With interactive games, activities, crafts, and questions it helps you connect as a family and to God through His Word. Watch this video to see Jaxson and his dad enjoying the Hands-On Bible.

Hands-On Bible Activities

Tyndale House Publishers

“Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.” Matthew 7:12, NLT

Read Matthew 7:12 out loud with a friend (that can be your parent, grandparent or sibling too. Family can be our friends too). Say it together a few times.

Then, place your palms near your friend’s palms, about an inch apart.

Slowly move your hands while your friend tries to follow your motions. Then switch roles. You tried to mirror your friend’s motions.

Jesus wants us to treat other people exactly how we’d like to be treated—to be a mirror image of how we’d like to be
treated! Write this verse on a sticky note on your bathroom mirror to remind you to be a mirror image!

Want to try the activity Jaxson and his dad were talking about? (Watch video)

“Then these righteous ones will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you? And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters,* you were doing it to me!’” Matthew 25:37-40, NLT

  1. Think of three people you’d like to give gifts to.
  2. For each person, make a gift certificate or coupon of one thing you can do for that person (like clean a room, make breakfast or take out the trash.) Make sure you let them know the gift is to remind you of the greatest gift of all, Jesus.
  3. Put the notes in boxes, and wrap the boxes. Let the three people open their presents.

Make sure you follow through with your gifts by doing the work.

Video Story: The Story of Immerse

Tyndale House Publishers

Immerse: The Bible Reading Experience was born out of a passion for people to reengage with God’s Word in a way that wasn’t encumbered by historically added roadblocks. Though many households own Bibles, people aren’t reading them. The Institute for Bible Reading is on a mission to help people find ways to simply read the Bible in the way it was originally written. Immerse: The Bible Reading Experience is a wonderful way to reconnect with God’s Word and each other. Hear from the creators of Immerse: The Bible Reading Experience.

Learn more about Immerse: The Bible Reading Experience

I Just Can’t Stop Reading

Tyndale House Publishers

by Molly Jo Nyman

Life is complicated. What if reading the Bible wasn’t?

Imagine a gathering of people with only God’s Word in their hands. No DVD curricula, no workbooks; simply a story, if you will, with no chapter and verse numbers, section headings, or footnotes. And after reading this Bible, imagine a discussion with no big agenda or intimidating questions. Instead, there’s simply conversation around questions you can’t get wrong.

This is the unique atmosphere created by Immerse: The Bible Reading Experience, and Nancy Tang was excited to share the impact it’s had within the church in Minnesota where she coordinates small groups.

“We’ve been loving the Immerse Bible series and have several groups reading. My group is on the fourth of six books, and we thoroughly enjoy spending time together simply reading the Word of God,” she said.

With the goal of providing the best reading experience, Immerse has a one-column layout that’s free of distractions. At a glance, it looks like an ordinary novel rather than God’s anointed revelation. For Tang and others, this new approach is subtle, even imperceptible, but delivers innumerable benefits and profound impact.

Whether readers are well-studied Christians or those opening the Bible for the first time, Immerse facilitates an unhindered awareness of God’s Word. And without the added verses numbers, chapter breaks, and other markers that were not in the original text, it encourages reading longer portions of the Bible.

Tang said, “There is something interesting that happens to my brain when I read without the headings. Someone in my group said, ‘I’ve read the Bible before, so I don’t know why this time is so different, but I just love it!’

“I invited a group of eight women to my home (pre-COVID) each Sunday afternoon to read through the Immerse: Messiah book. Each person in the group knew me but had no connection to each other prior to our meeting. Our 16 weeks together turned out to be a huge blessing. The women got to know each other, and it was great to see how our own experiences lent to the discussions. We had a mix of women who were new to reading the Bible and those who had read parts of it over many years. In either case, I often heard the comment ‘I didn’t know that was in the Bible,’ or ‘I didn’t know that was the meaning.’ It was rewarding to be with these women and watch the Word come alive.”

Joanne Schroeder is also involved at Tang’s church and noted the impact she’s experienced and observed.

“We’ve been using the Immerse Bible books in our women’s small group and have had a very positive response. The women have remarked that they’ve never been able to read through the Bible in this way before. Someone said, ‘I start reading the daily portion and find that I just keep reading well beyond that.’”

In addition to reading like a story, there’s also the support of reading it with others. Schroeder continued, “Several women are reading portions of the Scriptures that they either just missed or skipped before because they were difficult, but in this study with others, they are getting more understanding from what they are reading. The four questions help us to focus on listening to God’s Spirit as we read and discuss His Word together.

“I especially like that it is given to us in the New Living Translation, which is very readable and gives a new perspective on the familiar passages as well as the more obscure passages.”

Another church member, Wendy Seelhoff, added what might be the most impressive response to Immerse. Just a few women responded to her invitation to read every Tuesday evening, but they enjoyed it so much that the group grew, and they have consistently read together for almost two years.

Seelhoff said, “After we finished reading all six books, we enjoyed it so much that we decided to start all over again!”

Learn more about Immerse: The Bible Reading Experience

*Photos are not of group participants

See What’s Coming Next in 2021

Tyndale House Publishers

We’ve already has some really exciting new release this year and we’re just getting started! Here’s what is coming this spring and summer and we’re giving you a sneak peak at one of our new lines coming to the Filament Bible Collection this fall!

Streetlights New Testament released this month. This amazing combination of print and digital gets youth and young adult engaged in God’s Word in a way that feels natural and comfortable for them. In addition to the text, articles, and book introductions it also gives you access to the revolutionary Streetlights Audio Bible. Great for personal and group study. This New Testament has huge ministry potential so checkout our bulk rates. Learn more about the Streetlights New Testament.

Immerse is coming to a store near you. We are starting with Immerse: Messiah and Immerse: Beginnings, but by the end of the summer you should be able to get the entire Immerse series at your local bookstore or your favorite online retailer. We also are excited that the first large print edition of Immerse has just been released. Immerse: Messiah Large Print has the beautiful NLT text with no chapter and verse interruptions in an over 11 point font. Learn more about Immerse: The Bible Reading Experience.

Life Application Study Bible will gain a new beautiful coral cover to join the already fantastic cover choices. This cloth covered hardcover will be available in the New Living Translation, has a lay flat binding, and will have words of Christ in red. See all the different Life Application Study Bible options.

Inspire Bible is having a huge growth spurt and we’re so excited about these new releases in the best-selling coloring and journaling Bible line. Next month the Inspire PRAYER Bible releases in a new galaxy softcover and a GIANT PRINT edition!! This summer a pink hardcover will be added to the Inspire for Girls line and a dark brown LeatherLike cover in the Inspire Catholic. In July a new coloring portion of the books of Matthew and Mark will release. See all our journaling Bibles.

Fall Sneak Peak

We have some exciting additions coming to the Filament Bible Collection this fall. One of the new lines is the compact line which includes covers with zippers! The trim size will be about 4×6 with a 6 point text font and of course access to the Filament Bible App. More information will be coming soon! Learn more about the Filament Bible Collection.

Empowering the People of God

Tyndale House Publishers

Streetlights is a ministry of Creative Communicators called to intentionally engage global urban culture with the Gospel of Jesus Christ by producing, translating, teaching and proclaiming God’s Word so all can understand. Their identity and call are founded on the belief that God’s Word is transformational and needs to be accessible and understandable to all people. We are excited to partner with them on this amazing New Testament resource that combines audio and visual elements to encourage people to listen to, read, and study the Bible with fresh ears and hearts.

Hear the Streetlights team share their hearts and passion to connect people with God’s life-transforming word without barriers.