From Monster to Mentor: A Life Recovery Story

Tyndale House Publishers

The Life Recovery Bible emphasizes God as the ultimate source of recovery and offers essential tools and features to break people free from the grip of addiction. It is widely embraced in 12 Step recovery programs like Alcoholics Anonymous, correctional facilities, and by individuals seeking help taking their life back from destructive behaviors and substances. Millions of lives, like Peter’s, have been transformed with the help of the Life Recovery Bible.

Read Peter’s story:

I grew up in a violent alcoholic home and became the monster I swore I would never be. It still pains me to think about my rock bottom. Around 2001, I began, one way or another, to try to wrestle the monkey off my back, and I just couldn’t do it. I was the “In and Out Kid”: 30, 60, 90 days sober, and then a jag; 30, 60, 90 days sober, and then a jag.

At one of these points, I remember sitting in the basement of a local Alano Club after about 90 days in, and a very spiritual man looked me in the eye and said, “You know, you’re about due. I can see a bender on the horizon. There’s a jag coming around the bend like a freight train that’s on the loose. You need to get a Recovery Bible.”

I had never heard of such a thing. I said, “What’s that?” And he said, “Well it’s a Bible that is the Word of God, the Living Word of God, but it’s annotated and footnoted by and for people in recovery.” Well, I left at that moment and drove down to Eau Claire, WI, which is a bigger town around here, and I went to the Christian bookstore and bought myself a Life Recovery Bible. That changed the vector of my life! From that point on, one reading at a time, one day at a time, one step at a time, one prayer at a time, it worked.

A few years later, one of the elders at the church I had been attending saw me knit together recovery and Christ using the Life Recovery Bible, and he suggested, “You need to start a group here.” At the time, I guess pride had crawled back into me, and I kept telling him, “Yah, I’ll pray on that, and I’ll get back to you.” Life was good, you know? The wife wasn’t afraid of me, the kids weren’t afraid of me, the police weren’t pulling me over three times a week, the boss didn’t want to fire me. I was just fat and happy.

Then once again the Holy Spirit used a 2×4 to get my attention, and I found myself out of a job, so I went to God in prayer. I can still hear that voice in my head that told me, “Ah, schedule opened up, has it?!? Got a little time for me now?!?” We began a Life Recovery Group on December 5th of 2009 at that same church, and it has since grown and sprouted into 8 different meetings at 5 different churches locally—and the ones in prison and jail, as well.

Why Study Ephesians?

Tyndale House Publishers

It’s fascinating how our experiences shape our perceptions, isn’t it? The diversity of family dynamics and routines is like a patchwork quilt, each square telling a unique story. Maybe you have come to realize that the way you were raised is very different from your friends. Similarly, peering into the lives of early church communities through texts like the book of Revelation offers a glimpse into their struggles and triumphs.

The book of Revelation gives us a peak behind the curtains. It doesn’t just speak of what God is going to do but gives some real insight into how the early churches were living. Jesus says,

“I know all the things you do. I have seen your hard work and your patient endurance. I know you don’t tolerate evil people. You have examined the claims of those who say they are apostles but are not. You have discovered they are liars. You have patiently suffered for me without quitting” (Revelation 2:2-3, NLT).

Jesus’ acknowledgment of the Ephesian church’s diligence in discerning falsehoods and enduring hardships underscores their commitment to truth. In Acts 19, we learn that the city was filled with evil spirits and sorcery but that the church grew and learned to stand for the truth. However, Jesus’ admonition about their waning love highlights a crucial imbalance. It’s a poignant reminder that truth without love can lead to spiritual stagnation.

Jesus goes on to say, “But I have this complaint against you. You don’t love me or each other as you did at first!” (Revelation 2:4, NLT). Yes, they have worked hard. Yes, they have patiently endured. Yes, they have stood against evil people. But somewhere along the way, they stopped loving Jesus and each other like they once did.

Roughly 33-36 years before John wrote the book of Revelation, the apostle Paul wrote a letter to the church in Ephesus that we now call Ephesians. The juxtaposition of Jesus’ words in Revelation with Paul’s letter to the Ephesians amplifies this message. Paul’s emphasis on love as the foundation of the Christian life operates as a timeless charge. Amid the battles against falsehoods, maintaining a fervent love for Christ and one another is essential. Paul ends the letter with these words, “May God’s grace be eternally upon all who love our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 6:24, NLT).

Incorporating Ephesians into your Bible reading may be just what we all need to point us in the direction of love. It is a practical way to realign priorities and rekindle the flame of love within the heart of the church. Take some time to reset your life in Ephesians.

Looking for more resources to study Ephesians?

The Filament Journaling Collection offers the most portable and interactive study Bible experience available—and it’s available for the book of Ephesians.

It has the following features:

  • Flexible softcover
  • Thick, opaque cream-colored journaling paper
  • Smyth-sewn binding so it lays flat when open
  • Journaling space on every other page for reflection, sermon notes, and prayer so you can engage with Scripture
  • The Bible study resources of the Filament Bible app
  • Text in the clear and accurate New Living Translation

Ephesians is also included in Inspire: 1 Corinthians—2 Thessalonians, a coloring-book style Scripture portion that lets you color and journal your way through these books of the Bible.

Features include:

  • 65 line-art illustrations to color, including 18 full-page Scripture designs
  • 204 designed verses within the Bible text containing words to color
  • 10 creative-journaling embellishments to color, cut, and share
  • 2 ½-inch-wide ruled margins for prayers, notes, or creative expression
  • High-quality white coloring-book paper
  • Large 11-point font
  • The clear and accurate text of the New Living Translation

Another great resource is the Streetlights New Testament, a visually compelling, easy-to-understand resource for churches, ministries, and individuals. The pages link to remarkably creative audio and video resources The NLT Streetlights New Testament explains Christian truth in a unique and engaging way, using audio, video, and print to reintroduce a new generation to God’s Word.

The featured content focuses on helping the reader engage with the Word of God such as:

  • The Corner Talk feature answers these key questions: Who is God? Who am I? What do I do?
  • This New Testament also includes QR codes that link to the entire Streetlights New Testament Audio Bible as well as to visually compelling teaching videos.

Using the NLT Translation Philosophy in German

Tyndale House Publishers

Did you know that the full New Living Translation is available in seven different languages and that the New Testament of the NLT is in two additional languages? These are not translations of the English version into other languages. Instead, translators and biblical scholars from the places that speak those languages use the NLT translation philosophy to translate the ancient texts into their modern-day languages.

In Germany we partner with SCM R. Brockhaus to share God’s Word through the NLB (the German NLT). Here is an update on their struggles and joys as they bring God’s Word to those who speak German.

by SCM R. Brockhaus

About 25 years ago, then publisher Friedrich Hänssler was looking for a way to put a new communicative Bible translation on the German market. There was something missing for German Bible readers. There were some communicative Bible translations, but they were not well received for several reasons, like lack of fidelity to the text or having a theological bent that did not go over well with many of our readers.

Friedrich Hänssler believed the NLT could make a significant impact on readers who were looking for an accurate translation that was also enjoyable to read. He saw the NLT as the right combination of Bible translation with appropriate accuracy, while still being very communicative.

Germany has a special situation when it comes to Bible translations. With the strong dominance of the Lutheran Church on the one hand and the Catholic Church on the other, most people only know the dominant translations: the Protestant Luther translation and the Catholic Einheitsübersetzung (“Unity Translation”). They are “unbeatable” in the Bible market due to their strong church and school use.

Beyond this, however, the German NLT has gained a significant place in Bible translations. Though there are no studies or valid data about market share for German Bible translations, we estimate it to be about the fifth most used translation among 12 major translations. The German Life Application Study Bible is one of the best-selling study Bibles in Germany for the last 20 years. Our teen and kids editions are also very popular for readers.

Most churches, apart from those mentioned above, have no preferred Bible translation for congregational use. What translation is used in churches varies greatly, as does the preferred Bible translation for personal use. Many people own several Bible translations. Apart from the very conservative wing of the Russian-German congregations, who almost only use the Schlachter Bible, there are no major faith disputes about the correct Bible translation, which allows people the opportunity to experience the power of reading the German NLT.

We continue to see a very positive future for the German NLT. After almost 25 years, we are currently in the process of revising the text of the NLT to make it even more accessible to our audience and to attract new readers.

Learn more about our partner in Germany

NTV Inspira Receives Jim Cook Bible of the Year Award

Tyndale House Publishers

We are excited to announce that Inspira, NTV received the esteemed “Jim Cook” Bible of the Year Award at the Spanish Evangelical Publishers Association (SEPA) annual awards banquet in Miami, Florida.

The event marked a significant milestone for Tyndale House Publishers, underscoring our commitment to excellence in Spanish language Christian literature. The SEPA Awards ceremony, renowned for honoring outstanding contributions to the Christian literary landscape, bestowed this coveted accolade upon the Biblia Inspira NTV, affirming its stature as a beacon of inspiration and devotion.

Since its inception in Fall 2022, the Inspira Bible brand has ascended to preeminence within the Spanish-speaking community, captivating hearts and minds with its unparalleled blend of creativity and spirituality. Drawing upon the rich legacy of its English counterpart, the original Inspire Bible NLT, which secured a similar ECPA Bible of the Year award in 2016, the Biblia Inspira NTV continues to resonate deeply with readers, ushering in a new era of engagement with the Word of God.

What is Biblia Inspira NTV?

At the heart of Biblia Inspira NTV lies a profound mission: to ignite the flames of creativity and deepen the spiritual journey of every believer. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this masterpiece combines the timeless wisdom of Scripture with the vibrant allure of artistic expression. Boasting over 400 exquisite line-art illustrations curated by Latin American artists, this single-column, wide-margin Bible invites readers to embark on a transformative voyage of discovery and introspection.

Far more than a mere literary work, Biblia Inspira NTV transcends traditional boundaries, serving as a catalyst for personal growth and communal engagement. Whether savored in quiet solitude or shared within the embrace of a close-knit fellowship, its pages serve as a canvas for divine inspiration and human imagination.

Features That Set Biblia Inspira NTV Apart:

  • Clear and Accurate Text: Experience the transformative power of Scripture with the Nueva Traducción Viviente.
  • Wide Margins for Bible Journaling: Engage in a dialogue with the Word, as ample space beckons you to record insights and reflections.
  • Over 400 Beautiful Line-Art Illustrations: Immerse yourself in a world of visual splendor, where each stroke of the pen brings Scripture to life.
  • Full-Page and Partial-Page Scripture Art: Enrich your reading experience with captivating visuals that illuminate the profound truths of the Bible.
  • Generous 8.25 Font: Enjoy optimal readability, ensuring that every word resonates with clarity and resonance.

Learn more about our Inspire and Inspira Bibles

Is Jesus Enough?

Tyndale House Publishers

by Pastor Chad, Director of Ministry and Innovation for Hope Media Group

In a world where material wealth often dictates one’s sense of security and fulfillment, the question “Is Jesus enough?” cuts to the core of our faith journey. We must consider whether or not our pursuit of comfort and abundance overshadows our pursuit of meeting the spiritual needs of others. I am currently writing from a hotel in El Salvador (which means “the Savior”), a country that has faced significant challenges due to political unrest and economic instability, and my time here has given me a new lens of true community.

Pastor Raul leads a church in San Salvador, the capital of El Salvador, that focuses on reaching underprivileged youth. The fact that many of these young people were initially resistant to the idea of church yet found comfort and belonging within Pastor Raul’s community speaks volumes about the genuine care extended to those in need. That Pastor Raul is compared to being a second father to these youths shows the depth of his impact and the deep relationships developed within this church community. Despite his initial hesitation to take on the role of pastor, he found himself propelled by a divine calling to share the message of love with those who felt lost and marginalized in the San Salvadorian streets.

“We always pray for you, and we give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. For we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and your love for all of God’s people, which come from your confident hope of what God has reserved for you in heaven. You have had this expectation ever since you first heard the truth of the Good News.”

Colossians 1:3-5 NLT

The parallel drawn between Paul’s perception of the Colossian church and Pastor Raul’s ministry in El Salvador hits home. Both instances highlight the rarity and importance of genuine faith and love within Christian communities (Colossians 1:3). Genuine expressions of faith and love can indeed be rare and often overlooked today. It’s a reminder of the importance of living out our faith not just in words but also in tangible acts of love and service to others.

Paul’s emphasis on hope as the source of love in the Colossian church is deep. It suggests that genuine love for others flows from a confident expectation of the future inheritance that believers have in God. This hope isn’t merely wishful thinking; it’s a deep-seated assurance based on the promises of God. Notice the emphasis when he says, “which come from your confident hope of what God has reserved for you in heaven” (Colossians 1:5). A question probes the heart of the matter: Have we lost sight of our true hope? In a world often consumed by quick fixes and Amazon deliveries, it’s easy to lose sight of the eternal perspective that should shape our lives as Christians.

Amid the struggles and challenges faced by communities like those in San Salvador, the hope of Christ shines all the brighter. Stripped of the distractions and illusions of affluence, individuals are compelled to confront their deep need for the true Savior, Jesus Christ. With the absence of a “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” mentality, there’s a profound recognition of reliance on God’s grace and provision.

Paul’s closing statement in Colossians 1:5 serves as a reminder that the hope and expectation found in the gospel are not new but foundational truths that have been proclaimed since the earliest days of the church. He says, “You have had this expectation ever since you first heard the truth of the Good News.” By keeping our focus fixed on Jesus, we can navigate the challenges of life with confidence and courage, knowing that He is indeed enough for our present and our future.

Start your journey today with the World’s Biggest Small Group:

Who is Jesus

Following Jesus

Sharing Jesus

New Living Translation (NLT) and Nueva Traducción Viviente (NTV) Resources

Looking for resources to engage more in God’s Word and as a community? We have some ideas to help.

Moms, Dads, Graduation . . . So Many Gifts!

Tyndale House Publishers

Getting your gift list together for graduations, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day? These are perfect occasions to gift a Bible. A Bible is not just a gift but a cherished companion for whatever life brings. For mother or father figures, it can be a thank you for their legacy of faith or to encourage them in their walk. For graduates starting on a new path, it’s a guide and a source of strength as they tackle what’s ahead. See some of our favorite Bibles to gift this time of year.

For Almost Everyone on Your List

With so many options, including a vast array of cover designs, various font sizes, and even journaling and study editions, Filament-Enabled Bibles are the perfect gift for almost everyone on your list. These Bibles give an engaging reading experience, but want to go deeper to learn more? Download the Filament Bible app and scan the page number to open a world of in-depth curated content directly related to what you are reading. Thousands of study notes, theme articles, videos, reading plans, interactive maps and graphics, and even a full audio Bible are accessible through your phone or tablet. See all the options

Gifts for the Graduate

High school

The Student Life Application Study Bible is in a class of its own. It goes beyond the ordinary presentation and limited resources of other student Bibles with more than 27,000 on-page and in-app study notes and a full-color interior design, marrying historic illumination with clean modern elegance. Access to the Filament Bible app opens a world of resources, including study notes, hundreds of videos, interactive maps and infographics, and a full audio Bible—and that’s just the beginning! Learn more

Linking to remarkably creative audio and video resources, the NLT Streetlights New Testament explains Christian truth to young people and serves as a basic discipleship tool for ministries. Its unique tone and approach to the gospel break down traditional barriers to engaging God’s Word and illuminate a pathway for discovering God’s truth. Learn more


Profound transformation is waiting to be discovered in the pages of the Life Application Study Bible. Bible engagement is not just about knowing Scripture; it’s about living it out! The Life Application Study Bible deepens your connection with God and inspires a transformed life through a growing relationship with Christ. Crafted by dedicated scholars and pastors, the Life Application Study Bible is filled with thousands of study resources that increase understanding so readers can experience Scripture’s life-changing power. Learn more

The Chronological Life Application Study Bible helps connect the Christian faith to its Jewish roots. See Scripture through the lens of ancient culture, and experience how it is woven together to display God’s amazing story! This beautiful, full-color Bible is a visual journey through Scripture. Though it includes every word of the 66 books of the Bible, the books are arranged a little unexpectedly. Instead of grouping books by category, this chronological Bible intermingles the passages within 10 eras of biblical history, immersing readers in God’s unfolding story. Learn more

The Illustrated Study Bible brings Scripture’s message to life by giving readers an entirely new visual study experience. Hundreds of information-rich windows to the Bible world instantly communicate foundational truths and complex information in an understandable, compelling way for today’s visual generation. The who, what, where, when, and why of the Bible come alive with stunning photos, illustrations, infographics, and full-color maps integrated seamlessly with background material, study notes, and theme articles. The Illustrated Study Bible empowers readers to draw closer to God by opening their eyes to Scripture’s living, powerful message.

See more graduation gift ideas!


As kids move into the next elementary phase of learning and development, it’s important that they are rooted in God’s Word. The Hands-On Bible makes Scripture come alive in a kid’s world. It’s a kids Bible but not a storybook Bible. The entire text of the accurate and easy-to-understand New Living Translation is included. This full-color Bible is packed with weird facts, captivating experiments, colorful graphics, and more, getting all the senses involved as kids and their families engage with God’s Word, discover his truth, and have so much fun! Learn more

Middle School

Transitioning from middle school to high school can be difficult. Equip your graduates to know how to apply God’s Word to their lives in a way that makes sense to them. The Boys Life Application Study Bible and the Girls Life Application Study Bible bring the truth of God’s Word into the realities and decisions kids face today. This first step into a study Bible includes hundreds of notes and features to help young Bible readers develop a lifelong foundation built on Scripture so they can know and also apply it to their daily choices.

Gifts for the Mom Figures in Your Life

The Courage For Life Study Bible for Women provides a pathway for discipleship never before seen in a Bible. Within its pages readers will discover the Seven Steps to COURAGE, which help guide them in transforming their lives. Each page of Bible text has a four-part guided inductive study to help readers learn who God is and how he wants his people to live. Stagnant, slow-paced spiritual growth will be exchanged for vibrant growth that brings glory to God and produces transformation. Equipped with Filament, this wide-margin Bible helps readers go even further in their study by giving access to thousands of additional study resources, including videos, an audio Bible, and reading plans. Learn more

The Inspire Bible line offers a creative way to engage with, meditate on, and respond to Scripture. Each edition has 400 unique, beautiful line-art illustrations for coloring and generous wide margins for notes, creative journaling, and more. Full- and partial-page Scripture illustrations are spread throughout the Bible and can be colored in to make each Bible unique, colorful, and personalized. Each Bible in the Inspire Bible line is a powerful tool allowing readers to interact uniquely with God’s Word while creating a beautiful legacy Bible for generations to come. See them all

The Every Woman’s Bible doesn’t shy away from the questions women bring to the Bible. Contributions from more than 100 women around the world explore the heartfelt needs, gritty challenges, and uncommon faithfulness of women of the Bible, throughout history, and today. Through deep study and reflection, women will discover God’s heart for them and clarify their calling through personal stories, insights, inspiration, and study notes—all created by women, for women. This Bible is for every woman who wonders: How do I fit in God’s plan? How can the Bible guide me in daily challenges? How do I reconcile the cultural context of the Bible with its relevance to my life today? Learn more

Gifts for the Dad Figures in Your Life

The Courage For Life Study Bible for Men has 1,464 Bible studies—that’s a Bible study on every page of Bible text. It was created to help men find courage while facing one of the biggest challenges: seeing their weaknesses and finding their true strength in God alone. It is a pivotal step on the path to renewing men’s minds so they can recognize God’s truth over the lies culture is telling them. Learn more

The Every Man’s Bible was designed specifically for men to help them develop a fuller, richer relationship with Jesus. For every battle men are facing, they can stand firm knowing they have God’s answers by their side. It contains trusted advice from ministry leaders, including bestselling author Stephen Arterburn and many more. With thousands of study notes on topics just for men, this Bible helps them find real answers, real fast. Learn More

The One Year Chronological Study Bible lets readers experience God’s story as it unfolds in chronological order and are guided through events with daily Scripture readings enhanced with study guides and reflection questions. Connect the dots of the Bible’s narrative, gaining a deeper understanding that empowers readers to apply its teachings to life. This unique approach helps construct a holistic view of the Bible, revealing how its diverse parts harmoniously work together. Learn more

New Living Translation Resources for Churches and Ministries

Tyndale House Publishers

The New Living Translation is a wonderful translation for personal study and reading, but it’s even better when used in community. We have some amazing resources to help you with outreach, discipleship, small groups, and community growth. And many are also offered in our Spanish sister translation, the NTV!

Low-Cost Outreach Resources

Economy Outreach Bibles feature beautiful softcover bindings and are also available in large print, children’s, and New Testament editions. These include the full text of the accurate and understandable New Living Translation as well as additional features like “How to Know Jesus Personally” and a reading plan that helps new users navigate God’s Word.

Economy Bibles also are available in our Spanish sister translation, Nueva Traducción Viviente (NTV). Designed specifically to serve churches, ministries, and Christian organizations, these are available in two softcover full-text NTV Bibles and two softcover NTV New Testaments. Another great resource is the Bilingual New Testament with Psalms & Proverbs in the NLT & NTV translations.

Small Group Resources

Courage For Life Study Bibles

The Courage For Life Study Bible for Women and Courage For Life Study Bible for Men each have 1,464 Bibles studies—that’s a Bible study on every page of Bible text. Created to be used together or separately, these Bibles use a four-step inductive Bible study method so readers can accurately interpret and apply God’s Word.

One Year Chronological Study Bible

Travel through the story of the Bible in the order that the events actually occurred. Using the easy-to-follow 14-eras timeline, each daily reading includes a Scripture passage, a study note that introduces the reading, and three questions to help you reflect on the reading and guide you through the story. It takes the cherry-picking out of Bible study to equip the people in your church to construct a view of the Bible as a whole and see how all the different parts work together, allowing each of us to find our place on God’s Kingdom-building crew.

Inspire Portions

The beloved, creative journaling Inspire Bible line includes smaller Scripture portions that are perfect for a Bible study, a women’s group, or even an outreach ministry. These portions are the size of a square adult coloring book and include one or more books of the Bible. With ample space for notes and journaling as well as gorgeous Scripture line-art to color, they provide a creative way for people to explore Scripture together. All the New Testament books are available as well as a few books from the Old Testament.

Christian Union Studies

The Christian Union Bible Study series will empower you to engage with the Bible as never before. These user-friendly guides are more theological than a devotional yet more accessible and application-oriented than a commentary. They draw from top biblical scholarship, presenting information in an accessible and concise format. This series is perfect for people who want to grow in their faith through in-depth Scripture studies that supplement their regular Bible reading.

Get the Whole Church Reading Together

Filament Journals

Filament Bible Journals are ideal for use during a church sermon series or Bible-reading emphasis, uniting the entire congregation in deeper focus on and study of God’s Word. These beautiful, lightweight softcover Bible portions include a book or a collection of smaller books from the New Testament. The smaller Bible portions and single-column text allow you to delve deeply into God’s beautiful Word. While you read, you can use the adjacent open page to write down questions, inspirations, or prayers as you reflect on what the Holy Spirit is saying to you.

One Year Bibles

Spend a year in God’s Word as a community. One Year Bibles are a great way to encourage each other and spur one another on in reading through the Bible in a year. Connect by reading through the passages for the week, and when you come together for your community worship or study time, you can do a deeper dive into what the Scripture is saying. Available in Spanish NTV.


Nothing impacts spiritual growth more than spending time in Scripture. Immerse removes many of the barriers that make Bible reading difficult and invites communities to become transformed together through the power of God’s word. Immerse: The Bible Reading Experience is an invitation to a different kind of community interaction with the Bible. Less like a Bible study, more like a book club. With 8- or 16-week reading plans, you read through a large section of the Bible—such as the New Testament or the Torah—and meet once a week for a free-flowing discussion about the text. Also available in the Spanish NTV, which is perfect for bilingual congregations.

Gift and Award Bibles

Gift & Award Bibles are perfect for graduations or to have on-hand to giveaway. These Bibles have the options of burgundy or black imitation leather. These Bibles include a presentation page, dictionary/concordance, plan of salvation, and introduction to the Bible.

Church Bibles

The NLT Church Bible is a handsomely bound, durable hardcover Bible that is ideal for church use. Available in a 24 church pack.

Bibles for New Believers

New Believer’s Bible

“Where do I go from here?” is a question many new believers ask. Whether someone is newly in a relationship with Christ, is returning to the faith, or has been on the journey for years, the Bible can seem overwhelming. That’s why the New Believer’s Bible is the perfect place to start. The easy-to-understand text and features help readers quickly engage with God’s Word, allowing them to discover and deepen their relationship with God. Available in a full Bible or New Testament portion as well as in the Spanish NTV.

Life Recovery Bibles

This powerful Bible for those who struggle with addiction emphasizes God as the ultimate source of recovery and offers essential tools and features to break people free from the grip of addiction. It is widely embraced in 12 Step recovery programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous, in correctional facilities, and by individuals seeking help in taking their life back from destructive behaviors and substances. Perfect for a church or ministry that is on the frontlines of battling addiction. It is available in the Spanish NTV translation and in large print editions as well. Workbooks for groups addressing issues such as eating disorders and grief are also available.

HelpFinder Bible

The HelpFinder Bible makes it easy for anyone, whether familiar with Scripture or not, to find help in the Bible for their immediate needs. Application notes connect the Bible’s truths to today’s issues, and the extensive topical index points readers to verses where answers can be discovered, issues resolved, and freedom found. Topics such as experiencing pain, facing anxiety, and finding your purpose appear alongside the Scripture text.

For Kids and Youth, too!

Hands-On Bible

What if kids at your church could not only read but also taste, feel, and smell Bible truths to get them fully engaged in Scripture? This full-color, kid-centered Bible includes all 66 books of the Bible in the New Living Translation. It is exploding with graphics, experiments, activities, games, and so much more! It puts the Bible in a context kids can understand and really gets the conversations going! You and your kids won’t just read the Bible, you’ll experience it!

Go Bible

The Go Bible, releasing fall 2024, is full of amazing stories of people and situations God used to change the world! The Go Bible makes it fun and easy for kids to understand the fascinating accounts of God’s heart-changing power in his overarching story and how it can apply to them. In the Go Bible, you’ll find the complete New Living Translation text in a kid-friendly format, making it easy for kids to read and understand. Most importantly, kids will realize how the truths of these stories impact their lives today.

Streetlights New Testament

The NLT Streetlights New Testament is a visually compelling, easy-to-understand resource for churches, ministries, and individuals. Using QR codes, this softcover New Testament links to remarkably creative audio and video resources, including the word-for-word text of the New Living Translation put to hip-hop, spoken word, and rap beats. It uses multimedia to explain Christian truth to people who may be hesitant to engage with Scripture and serves as a basic discipleship tool for ministries.

Easter Gifts: Finding Growth and New Life

Tyndale House Publishers

Easter is often a time where faith is strengthened, hope is renewed, and a sense of purpose is discovered. From children to adults, engaging or reengaging with the story of Christ’s sacrifice and powerful victory over death can be a catalyst for deeper understand of who God is and our role in his continuing story. As you prepare for Easter, consider giving a gift of growth and new life with a New Living Translation Bible. Whether it’s for a seasoned believer, someone just starting the journey, or someone seeking where to begin, when people read an NLT Bible, they are encountering the living Word. It’s an invitation to go deeper, to explore the depths of God’s abounding love, and to find new life in Christ.

Here are some suggestions for Bibles to help you or those you love find growth and new life.

For Kids:

Hands-On Bible

The Hands-On Bible makes God’s Word come alive in a kid’s world. It’s a kids Bible, but it’s not a storybook Bible. The entire text of the accurate and easy-to-understand New Living Translation is included. This full-color Bible is packed with weird facts, captivating experiments, colorful graphics, and more, getting all the senses involved as your kids engage with God’s Word, discover his truth, and have so much fun! See all the options

Boys Life Application Study Bible

Filled with hundreds of notes and colorful features, the Boys Life Application Study Bible is easy to use and helps answer questions that preteen boys may have about God and life. As they read the text of the New Living Translation, they are encouraged to go deeper and discover how to think biblically about real issues they face, such as self-esteem, friendship, and peer pressure. Help them get rooted in Scripture and discover God’s will for their lives. Learn more

Girls Life Application Study Bible

A one-of-a-kind discipleship resource, the Girls Life Application Study Bible helps girls draw closer to God and establish healthy relationships with those around them. It includes over 800 Life Application notes, plus full-color features that are designed to help girls learn more about the Bible, understand the big story, meet Jesus, know what it means to follow him, learn how to share their faith with others, and gain practical faith and relationship skills that will help them live out what they believe. Learn more

Inspire Bible for Girls and More!

The Inspire Bible for Girls is designed to draw girls deeper into God’s Word and to inspire creativity and connection with God. Over 500 beautiful, full- and partial-page Scripture line-art illustrations to color are attractively displayed throughout the Bible. In addition, there are devotionals, journaling prompts, and interesting Bible facts to enhance girls’ coloring and creative journaling journey through the Bible. Girls can leave traces of their faith throughout their Bible for a unique treasure that will truly inspire! Explore Inspire Bible for Girls

And don’t forget our other titles in the Inspire Bible line. These bestselling coloring and journaling Bibles are perfect for girls and women of all ages. Discover more

The EPIC Bible

Created by some of DC’s and Marvel’s best comic book artists, The Epic Bible transports readers through a visual journey of Scripture. From Eden to eternity, this stunning hardcover edition engages even the most reluctant readers with brilliant and dramatic full-color graphic art. Packed with action and powerfully illustrated, The Epic Bible brings a fresh, lifelike view of Creation, the story of the Israelites, Jesus’ life on earth, and the early church. Learn more

For Teens:

Teen Life Application Study Bible

The Teen Life Application Study Bible is filled with features designed to meet the challenges and needs of today’s high school students. Combining traditional study Bible features like book introductions, textual notes, person profiles, and maps with application-oriented features focusing on choices, real-life issues, and real-life stories of actual teens, the Teen Life Application Study Bible helps answer the tough questions and grounds teens in their faith. Order now

Streetlights New Testament

Linking to remarkably creative audio and video resources, the NLT Streetlights New Testament explains Christian truth to young people and serves as a basic discipleship tool for ministries. Its unique tone and approach to the gospel break down traditional barriers to engaging God’s Word and illuminate a pathway for discovering God’s truth. Experience it

New Believer’s Bible

The New Believer’s Bible is a perfect resource for people who are seeking answers but don’t know where to start. Uniquely created for new Christians, it helps them to read, study, and apply God’s Word to their lives. The trusted and easy-to-understand New Living Translation, combined with features that make the Bible accessible, lets readers quickly engage with God’s Word, allowing them to take that next step so they can deepen their relationship with God. Order now

Immerse: The Reading Bible

Ever had a book you just couldn’t put down? Immerse: The Reading Bible takes away all the distractions and gets you right into the story. With no chapter and verse numbers and a cover that feels more like a novel than a Bible, it’s like reading the Bible for the first time. Start falling in love with the Bible all over again. Learn more

For Young Adults and Beyond:

Student Life Application Study Bible

The Student Life Application Study Bible is in a class of its own. It goes beyond the ordinary presentation and limited resources of other student Bibles with more than 27,000 on-page and in-app study notes and a full-color interior design, marrying historic illumination with clean modern elegance. Access to the Filament Bible app opens a world of resources, including study notes, hundreds of videos, interactive maps and infographics, and a full audio Bible—and that’s just the beginning! Learn more

The One Year Chronological Study Bible

The One Year Chronological Study Bible takes you on a journey from creation to eternity in the order the action took place, as lessons were learned, and as kingdoms rose and fell. This is the story of God’s dealings with his people from generation to generation. The engaging text of the New Living Translation is broken down into 365 daily readings. Each reading includes a daily introduction and concludes with reflective discovery questions. Throughout the Bible, you will encounter five building blocks that help create a better understanding of the story. Using the easy-to-follow 14-era format, you’ll be guided through the expansive timeline of the Bible, see the unfolding of God’s work among His people, and encounter your place in God’s grand story. Start your journey

Courage For Life Study Bible for Men and Women

The Courage For Life Study Bible for Women and the Courage For Life Study Bible for Men each have 1,464 Bible studies—that’s a Bible study on every page of Bible text—so you’ll be pointed in the right direction no matter where in the Bible you’re reading. And with access to the Filament Bible app, you can dive even deeper. As you read, just scan the page number to open a world of resources, including over 25,000 additional study notes, hundreds of videos, interactive maps and infographics, and a full audio Bible—and that’s just the beginning! In the accurate New Living Translation, these Bibles offer a pathway to transformation as you grow in your understanding of God and of your role in his story. Learn more

Filament Bible Collection

These beautifully crafted Bibles offer a simple and engaging reading experience. And with access to the Filament Bible app, you can turn your text Bible into a study Bible. As you read, just scan the page number to open a world of resources, including over 25,000 additional study notes, hundreds of videos, interactive maps and infographics, and a full audio Bible—and there’s more! Find out more

New Women’s Study Bible Coming in Early 2024 and Other New Releases

Tyndale House Publishers

We have some exciting things coming out in early 2024 in the Tyndale Bible world, including a new women’s study Bible releasing in April. We can’t wait for you to see it! Our Inspire Bible line is growing with more Filament-enabled editions, we are releasing a new font size in our Filament Bible Collection, we have new ministry editions in the NLT and NTV for churches and ministries, we have new text Bibles for youth and kids—and that’s just the beginning!

Every Woman’s Bible

Coming in April is our new, full-color, in-depth women’s study Bible designed to inspire the heart and mind. Every Woman’s Bible doesn’t shy away from the questions women bring to the Bible. It’s for every woman who wonders: Who is God? What is God’s story? How do I fit in God’s plan? How can the Bible guide me in daily challenges? How do I reconcile the cultural context of the Bible with its relevance to my life today? Contributions from more than 100 women around the world explore the heartfelt needs, gritty challenges, and uncommon faithfulness of women of the Bible, throughout history, and today. Through deep study and reflection, women will discover God’s heart for them and clarify their calling through personal stories, insights, inspiration, and study notes—all created by women, for women. It’s an invitation for women to discover the life they’ve been made for and how to live it in their daily relationships with God, family and friends, and their communities.

Learn more and preorder

Inspire Bible Collection

With the addition of Filament, more of your favorite Inspire Bibles are becoming journaling study Bibles! Filament gives our Inspire Bible fans access to all the study resources without taking up any journaling space!

This spring, we are releasing Filament-enabled versions of the Inspire PRAISE purple hardcover, Inspire large print floral fields, and Inspire PRAYER giant print. In addition to having all the great Scripture line art and journaling space, we’ve just added the small Filament icon next to the page number so readers can scan it with their phone or tablet and access thousands of study and worship resources through the Filament Bible app!

And there’s more! The long-awaited Inspire FAITH in large print is releasing this spring with access to Filament! This coloring and journaling Bible will have over 650 new faith-themed Scripture illustrations attractively displayed throughout the Bible. Lightly ruled, extra-wide margins and high-quality Bible paper are perfect for creative journaling. When you want to dig deeper, grab your phone or tablet and explore God’s Word with the Filament Bible app.

We have released a new Inspire coloring book featuring three books from the Old Testament: Inspire: Joshua, Judges & Ruth. Inspire coloring books include all the cherished features from the bestselling Inspire Bible displayed beautifully in a coloring-book style, square-trimmed edition, featuring high-quality uncoated art paper that works well with all art supplies, including markers.

See all our Inspire Bibles

Filament Text Bible Collection

Our Filament Bible Collection continues to grow. In March, we are releasing two LeatherLike covers—cranberry and black—in a brand new font size—giant print. Giant print Filament-enabled Bibles have a 14-point type size, which is bigger than our personal size giant print Bibles but not quite as big as our super giant print Bibles. These Bibles will also be available in thumb-indexed versions.

Releasing in the summer, our more basic Filament Premium Value Bible line will also include giant print editions in lavender, tan, and black covers.

See all our Filament Bibles

Kids and Youth Bibles

It’s been a while since we have released a text Bible for kids and youth, but these Bibles make it worth the wait!

Coming this summer, the NLT Student Thinline Refence Bible has thousands of cross-references, 8.75-point font size, and a lay-flat, Smyth-sewn binding. But there’s more! It is Filament-enabled so teens and young adults can use their phones and tablets to unlock a world of knowledge on every page with the Filament Bible app—from uplifting devotionals and thrilling videos to interactive maps and inspiring worship music to over 25,000 study notes! They are releasing in an overflow black and tropical iris teal cover.

In summer 2024, we also will be releasing new text Bibles designed specifically for kids! These thinline reference Bibles are lightweight and the perfect size for kids who are constantly on the move. They include thousands of cross-references, an 8.75-point font size, and a lay-flat, Smyth-sewn binding. They will have a camo blue or tropical flowers cover.

NLT Kids GO Bible

In the last Tyndale Bible Update, you got a sneak peek of our new GO Bible for kids, releasing this fall! Click here to take another look.


Our Spanish translation, the NTV, also continues to grow and provide fantastic Bible products. The Nueva Traducción Viviente (NTV) is an accurate and powerful Spanish translation that delivers the message of the original texts of Scripture in clear, contemporary Spanish. Therefore, it helps Spanish-speaking churchgoers easily understand what the Bible says and connect with God.

This spring, we are releasing the NTV Economic Bible Collection designed specifically to serve churches, ministries, and Christian organizations. It features two softcover NTV Bibles and two softcover NTV New Testaments in blue and green covers, as well as a Bilingual New Testament with Psalms & Proverbs in the NLT & NTV translations. These new Bibles and portions will help strengthen your ministerial work and commitment to your community. In addition, they are excellent, well-priced Bibles for your own use.

We have been overwhelmed by the excitement for Biblia Inspira NTV. These beautiful Bibles are exclusively available in the clear and trusted Spanish Bible translation, the Nueva Traducción Viviente (NTV), and a new cover is coming out this summer! Inspire your creativity with over 400 new illustrations designed by Latin American artists in the new paradise floral design.

Life Recovery

Our beloved Life Recovery Bible is getting an update. Don’t worry, the life-changing content inside isn’t changing, but the covers and packaging on the full size and personal size Life Recovery Bibles are getting a more modern feel.

NLT THRIVE Women’s Devotional Bible

The beloved THRIVE Women’s Devotional Bible is also getting a new cover design. This beautiful brown LeatherLike with gold leaf accents is not replacing any other covers but is a fresh option for THRIVE Bible fans.

More Church Resources

We have some updated Gift & Award Bibles that just released. These Bibles have the options of burgundy or black imitation leather and retail at $8.99. These Bibles include a presentation page, dictionary/concordance, plan of salvation, and introduction to the Bible.

Coming soon, we are releasing updated versions of our NLT Economy Outreach Bibles. These softcover Bibles are available in full size and large print. Designed to be used by churches, ministries, and other Christian organizations for outreach efforts, their features include “Welcome to the Bible,” “How to Know Jesus Personally,” “Where Can I Find It,” and “The Apostles’ Creed Bible Reading Plan.” A children’s NLT economy outreach edition is also available.

You can bulk order them here

You Can Do It! Read through the Bible in a Year!

Tyndale House Publishers

We often hear people ask, “Can I read through the whole Bible in a year?” And the answer is yes! But the length of time it takes for you to read through the Bible isn’t what’s important. What really matters is that you are spending daily, consistent time in God’s Word. For some people, having a Bible with a reading plan helps them stay on track. The goal of reading through the Bible in a year might be the motivation they need to push through some of the more difficult passages. There are lots of good reasons to read through the Bible in a year, but the most important reasons are to gain a better understanding of who God is and of his relationship with us and to experience his full story of salvation. Like any great book, it’s important to read the beginning, middle, and end. You don’t want to miss out!

Think there isn’t a Bible for you? We beg to differ. We have lots of great Bibles that can help you not only stay track but also enjoy reading Scripture.

Not ready to tackle the whole Bible? That’s okay. Our One Year Bible New Testaments take your through the entire New Testament in a year. And the gorgeous illustrated interior will make it a delight to open every day.

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Ready to read the whole Bible in a year? We have some great One Year Bible options.

Daily Readings from the Old Testament, the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs

The traditional daily reading format includes a passage from the Old Testament, the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs for you to read each day. It is available in English, Spanish, and large print editions.

The One Year Pray For line of Bibles uses the traditional daily reading format and includes daily prayer prompts that focus on a specific topic to help connect your Scripture reading and prayer time. Our most recent edition is The One Year Pray for the Family Bible that focuses on the needs of your family and the broader family of God. Connect with each other and God through reading and prayer next year.

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The One Year Bible for Women and The One Year Bible for Men use the traditional daily reading format and include a short devotional that connects a truth from one of the daily Scripture passages to real-life issues women or men face. These Bibles can be used for personal or couples’ devotions.

Shop One Year Bible for Women

Shop One Year Bible for Men

The One Year Bible Expressions adds wide margins and Scripture line art to the traditional daily reading format, allowing plenty of space for notes, art, and more as you creatively interact with the Bible and read through it in a year.

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Historical Trek

Want to try something different? You can go on a historical trek through the Bible in a year using the chronological reading format. This arranges the Bible into 365 daily readings that help you experience the Bible events in the order they actually occurred. It tells God’s story like you’d expect it to be told: from beginning to end.

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The One Year Chronological Study Bible uses the chronological reading format to create a more robust experience. The Bible text is grouped by era using the innovative 14-era framework and includes articles and charts to establish context and connection. With study notes introducing each day’s reading and discovery questions following, this Bible allows you to read, reflect on, study, and apply God’s truth as you read through his big story.

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The One Year Chronological Bible Expressions adds wide margins and Scripture line art to the chronological reading format, allowing plenty of space for notes, art, and more as you creatively interact with the Bible and read through it in a year.

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In addition to our family of One Year Bibles, there are a few more Bibles that include reading plans and can help you stay on track while reading through God’s Word.

Immerse: The Reading Bible splits the Bible into six volumes and is specially crafted for a distraction-free reading experience, helping you get immersed in Scripture. Chapter numbers, verse numbers, and all other modern additives have been removed. Each volume includes reading plans so you can read through an individual volume in 8 or 16 weeks. Created to be read in community, it’s a great way to read the Bible with others, such as your church, Bible study, book club, or friends.

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The Daily Walk Bible offers a simple daily reading plan that shows how the Bible fits together. Each day’s reading includes an overview to give you a bird’s-eye view of the day’s reading, several chapters from the Bible, an interesting fact from the day’s reading, and a short devotional to help you reflect on and apply a specific insight from the day’s reading. Every seventh day offers a pause on the journey as you are invited to Look Back over the readings from the previous week, Look Up to God, and Look Ahead to the readings to come.

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The DaySpring Hope & Encouragement Bible is a beautiful wide-margin Bible that takes you deeper into God’s Word using twelve indisputable truths about who you are in Christ, such as you are known, you are blessed, and you have a reason for hope, that highlight God’s promises and devotion to his children. Devotionals and reflections connected to these truths are scattered throughout the Bible, and each truth has a unique icon to help you visually connect the dots.

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The THRIVE: Devotional Bible for Women has a devotional for each day of the year that is a companion to the Scripture you are reading. This Bible is also available in a wide-margin version.

Looking for a digital way to get into God’s Word? The Filament Bible app also has reading plans that you can use with your Filament-enabled Bible to read through the Bible in a year. And the Life Bible app also has a One Year Bible reading plan.

Whatever Bible you use next year, we pray you grow in your understanding of who God is and his abundant love for us.