Sometimes it seems we are connected to everything, but each other. Ever try to start a conversation with your child about his or her day and met with, “I don’t know” or “I don’t remember.” Sometimes the hardest part is getting the conversation going. The Hands-On Bible is a great way to start a conversation. With interactive games, activities, crafts, and questions it helps you connect as a family and to God through His Word. Watch this video to see Jaxson and his dad enjoying the Hands-On Bible.
Category: NLT Resources
Getting the Conversation Going
Hands-On Bible Activities
“Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.” Matthew 7:12, NLT
Read Matthew 7:12 out loud with a friend (that can be your parent, grandparent or sibling too. Family can be our friends too). Say it together a few times.
Then, place your palms near your friend’s palms, about an inch apart.
Slowly move your hands while your friend tries to follow your motions. Then switch roles. You tried to mirror your friend’s motions.
Jesus wants us to treat other people exactly how we’d like to be treated—to be a mirror image of how we’d like to be
treated! Write this verse on a sticky note on your bathroom mirror to remind you to be a mirror image!
Want to try the activity Jaxson and his dad were talking about? (Watch video)
“Then these righteous ones will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you? And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters,* you were doing it to me!’” Matthew 25:37-40, NLT
- Think of three people you’d like to give gifts to.
- For each person, make a gift certificate or coupon of one thing you can do for that person (like clean a room, make breakfast or take out the trash.) Make sure you let them know the gift is to remind you of the greatest gift of all, Jesus.
- Put the notes in boxes, and wrap the boxes. Let the three people open their presents.
Make sure you follow through with your gifts by doing the work.
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Those Who Seek God
Think and Pray Feature from the Streetlights New Testament
“Even as Peter was saying these things, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who were listening to the message. The Jewish believers* who came with Peter were amazed that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles, too. For they heard them speaking in other tongues* and praising God. Then Peter asked, ‘Can anyone object to their being baptized, now that they have received the Holy Spirit just as we did?’ So he gave orders for them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Afterward Cornelius asked him to stay with them for several days.” Acts 10:44-48, NLT.
Even if we know much more about Jesus Christ, God’s Word, Christ’s church, and God’s eternal plan than Cornelius did, we can still tend to grow apathetic and not hunger for God. But one lesson we should take away from this story is that those who seek God will be rewarded! Cornelius knew very little about God, but he sought Him in prayer and by giving to the poor. For Cornelius, the message of the gospel being extended to people beyond the Jews came as an unexpected and great gift.
Are you thankful, like Cornelius was? Do you approach God consistently out of awe and gratitude for what He has done? How did God bring you the Good News of Christ’s forgiveness for your sins? When have you been challenged to share the knowledge of His grace with other people who have backgrounds different from your own?
The Streelights New Testament combines print and audio to create a compelling experience for all readers, but aimed at teens and young adults. Learn more about the Streetlights New Testament
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Video Story: The Story of Immerse
Immerse: The Bible Reading Experience was born out of a passion for people to reengage with God’s Word in a way that wasn’t encumbered by historically added roadblocks. Though many households own Bibles, people aren’t reading them. The Institute for Bible Reading is on a mission to help people find ways to simply read the Bible in the way it was originally written. Immerse: The Bible Reading Experience is a wonderful way to reconnect with God’s Word and each other. Hear from the creators of Immerse: The Bible Reading Experience.
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Living by the Spirit
“So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves.” Galatians 5:16, NLT
Article from the Christian Basics Bible
Throughout this letter, Paul has been arguing that trying to obey the Jewish Law only leads to slavery (Galatians 4:8-31). But Christ has set us free (5:1), and the way to maintain that freedom is to “let the Holy Spirit guide [our] lives” (5:16), to be “directed by the Spirit” (5:18), and to “follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives” (5:25).
After all, it was the Holy Spirit, not religious rules, that brought us to Christ, and it is he who helps us see God as our “Abba”—our daddy (4:6). That is why, no matter what experiences of the Spirit we may have had, we all need to “be filled with the Holy Spirit”—literally, to “go on being filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18). We need to “let the Holy Spirit guide [our] lives” (Galatians 5:16)—that is, to follow his leadings and be filled with his power.
As we do, his fruit grows in us—“love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control” (5:22-23). These are not his fruits (plural), but his fruit (singular); it is as if nine different fruits were all found on one tree. All of them (not just those we like or find easy) should be growing in us. No matter how gifted someone is, lack of this fruit is a serious indicator that they are not living by the Spirit.
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Gifts for the Graduate
Graduation is an exciting time, but it can also be a bit scary as we move from one stage of life into the next. Whether graduating from 8th grade, high school, college, or beyond, a Bible can be the perfect gift. Give your loved one the gift of comfort, hope, encouragement, and direction as they begin this new journey. Here are some ideas:
8th Grade Graduate
Inspire Bibles are single-column, wide-margin Bibles designed for creative engagement in God’s Word. They include hundreds of verse line-art illustrations to color and reflect on while reading. The original Inspire Bible, the Inspire PRAISE Bible, and the Inspire PRAYER Bible are all available in large print, and a giant print edition of the Inspire PRAYER Bible recently released.
The Teen Life Application Study Bible provides direction and understanding for readers navigating their teen years. With features and notes created to address the challenges teens face, it helps them understand and apply God’s Word to all areas of their lives and encounter God in an authentic way.
High School Graduate
The Life Application Study Bible takes readers beyond knowing the Bible to living it out. Filled with over 10,000 notes and features, it is one of the most comprehensive and most beloved study Bibles. It is the perfect companion to help loved one stay grounded in God’s Word as they head off to college or into the work world.
Streetlights New Testament combines print and audio to engage youth and young adults in God’s Word in a way that is comfortable for them. It is a visually compelling, easy-to-understand New Testament portion that is easy to throw into a backpack for reading on the go.
HelpFinder Bible has one of the most extensive topical indexes to help readers quickly find answers in Scripture to the questions and circumstances surrounding them. As your loved one is preparing to enter a new environment, this Bible can help them find God’s truth at their point of need.
College and Higher Education Graduate
The Illustrated Study Bible is one of the most beautiful Bibles on the market. It gives readers an entirely new visual study experience. Hundreds of information-rich windows to the Bible world instantly communicate foundational truths and complex information in an understandable way.
The Filament Bible Collection is a revolutionary combination of print + digital. The beautiful, uninterrupted Bible reading experience is enhanced by scanning the page number, giving access to study, devotional, video, and worship music resources curated to what you are reading.
NLT Study Bible is our flagship study Bible. Filled with thousands of notes, articles, and more from fifty of the world’s leading Bible scholars, this Bible will take you deeper into God’s Word and help you better understand the world of the Bible.
Art of Life Bible weaves the beautiful NLT text into a rich tapestry of artwork, illustrating many living things mentioned in Scripture—people, plants, and animals. Captions highlighting their significance and the wide-margin design offer readers a unique way to meditate on Scripture by focusing on God’s creation.
Seminary Graduate
Immerse: The Bible Reading Experience takes away the distraction of chapter and verse numbers for an enjoyable reading experience. It allows readers to engage with the Bible in the original literary formats, such as letters, poetry, and history, without being bogged down in unintended breaks in the flow of the narrative.
Cornerstone Biblical Commentary is a great way to help a new pastor or ministry leader build a trusted library. Comprised of 12 volumes for the Old Testament and 8 for the New Testament, this set will equip pastors and Christian leaders with exegetical and theological knowledge to better understand and apply God’s Word by presenting the message of each passage as well as an overview of other issues surrounding the text.
Swindoll’s Living Insights New Testament Commentary is a must-have for any pastor, teacher, or person who wants to go deeper in studying God’s Word. The complete 16-volume set includes both the NLT and NASB translations of the Bible, verse-by-verse commentary, charts, maps, photos, key terms, and background articles with practical application.
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A Legacy of New Life
Dr. David A. Stoop, clinician, author, and co-editor of The Life Recovery Bible, had a passion for God’s transforming love to bring healing and hope to people who felt trapped in addiction. We will miss his insight and devotion to the power of God’s Word in people’s lives, but we are thankful he is now with our heavenly Father. His obedience to God’s call has changed millions of lives as people around the world continue to use resources he created, like The Life Recovery Bible, to help others find their way not only out of addiction but also into a new life in Christ. His legacy lives on in groups and ministries like the Bible study at Seminole County Women’s Residential Facility, where hope is being found and lives are forever changed by God’s Word.
Sharon Germaine has been leading a Bible study there for over a decade. One of the first things she noticed was that most women in the study didn’t have Bibles, and the few who did were not familiar with Scripture, so finding passages was difficult. Having numerous different types and translations made it even more confusing and frustrating for women in the group.
“God led her to The Life Recovery Bible,” said Cindy Sawyer, who joined Sharon in leading the study group about a year ago. “She makes sure every woman in the group has a copy of The Life Recovery Bible so all we have to do is say we are on a certain page and everyone can easily find it together.”
When COVID hit, the study group continued, but on Zoom. Sharon and Cindy didn’t let that stop them. Even though they couldn’t give it to them in person, the leaders made sure each woman in the group had their own Bible.
“A woman who had been recently admitted to the program ran up to the camera and thanked us repeatedly for her Bible. She said she had never had a Bible she could understand before, and she had spent over three hours reading it because she couldn’t get enough. God is using The Life Recovery Bible to bring change!” said Cindy.
Addictions impact people from all walks of life. Often, we can try to hide them, like Lisa, a former registered nurse who, in the prime of her career, lost her license and job because of her addictions.
“When she came to the center, she had no Bible knowledge and little interest in spiritual things. But God called her to himself over the months of studying his Word. When she graduated the program, she was offered several jobs but chose to work at another women’s rehabilitation center where she now uses The Life Recovery Bible to help others find their way out of addiction through God’s Word,” shared Cindy.
Though helping people battle addictions can be exhausting and heartbreaking, people like Cindy and Sharon are able to help people break through the darkness and discover God’s hope and new life through his Word.
“Thank you, Dr. Stoop and Steve Arterburn, for investing your time and gifts into The Life Recovery Bible. It is making a huge difference in so many lives,” Cindy said.
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More than a Mother’s Day Gift
Most of us have a woman in our life who has given us support and been a listening ear and encourager. She’s someone who understands us and sees the best in us. It might be a mom, but it also might be a grandma, an aunt, a friend, a mentor, or a teacher. Mother’s Day is a time to thank those women and let them know how much they mean to us. A Bible is a wonderful way to say, “I love you.” It can offer encouragement and hope. It can be a treasured gift to pass down from generation to generation sharing what God is doing and has done in the lives of those who mean so much to us. Our Bible team wants to share a few ideas with you for this Mother’s Day:
The THRIVE Devotional Bible for Women is for every woman who wants to know God more deeply. God’s design for His children is that they live flourishing, fulfilling, joy-filled lives in Christ. This Bible is available in a standard edition and also in a wide-margin edition with lots of room for notes, art, prayers, and more.
The Life Application Study Bible takes readers beyond knowing the Bible to living it out. Filled with over 10,000 notes and features, it is one of the most comprehensive and most beloved study Bibles in the world.
Inspire Bibles are single-column, wide-margin Bibles designed for creative engagement with God’s Word. They include hundreds of line-art illustrations of Bible verses to color and reflect on while reading. The original Inspire Bible, Inspire PRAISE Bible, and Inspire PRAYER Bible are available in large print, and a giant-print Inspire PRAYER Bible is releasing this month.
The Illustrated Study Bible is one of the most beautiful Bibles on the market. It gives readers an entirely new visual study experience. Hundreds of information-rich windows to the world of the Bible communicate foundational truths and complex information in an understandable way.
The Filament Bible Collection is a revolutionary combination of print + digital. The beautiful, uninterrupted Bible reading experience is enhanced by scanning a small symbol on each page that gives you access to study, devotional, video, and worship resources curated to what you are reading.
The Art of Life Bible is a beautiful way to reflect on God as creator. It weaves the beautiful NLT text into a rich tapestry of artwork illustrating many living things mentioned in Scripture—people, plants, and animals. Featuring 450 original hand-drawn illustrations in a unique style this Bible encourages contemplation and visual interaction with the Word.
This next one might seem out of box, but the Hands-On Bible for kids might be the perfect gift for a mom or grandma who is looking for a way to come together with her family in God’s Word. With questions designed to get conversations started, activities, crafts, and games for the whole family to enjoy, it’s a gift to connect with God and each other through His Word.
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See What’s Coming Next in 2021
We’ve already has some really exciting new release this year and we’re just getting started! Here’s what is coming this spring and summer and we’re giving you a sneak peak at one of our new lines coming to the Filament Bible Collection this fall!
Streetlights New Testament released this month. This amazing combination of print and digital gets youth and young adult engaged in God’s Word in a way that feels natural and comfortable for them. In addition to the text, articles, and book introductions it also gives you access to the revolutionary Streetlights Audio Bible. Great for personal and group study. This New Testament has huge ministry potential so checkout our bulk rates. Learn more about the Streetlights New Testament.
Immerse is coming to a store near you. We are starting with Immerse: Messiah and Immerse: Beginnings, but by the end of the summer you should be able to get the entire Immerse series at your local bookstore or your favorite online retailer. We also are excited that the first large print edition of Immerse has just been released. Immerse: Messiah Large Print has the beautiful NLT text with no chapter and verse interruptions in an over 11 point font. Learn more about Immerse: The Bible Reading Experience.
Life Application Study Bible will gain a new beautiful coral cover to join the already fantastic cover choices. This cloth covered hardcover will be available in the New Living Translation, has a lay flat binding, and will have words of Christ in red. See all the different Life Application Study Bible options.
Inspire Bible is having a huge growth spurt and we’re so excited about these new releases in the best-selling coloring and journaling Bible line. Next month the Inspire PRAYER Bible releases in a new galaxy softcover and a GIANT PRINT edition!! This summer a pink hardcover will be added to the Inspire for Girls line and a dark brown LeatherLike cover in the Inspire Catholic. In July a new coloring portion of the books of Matthew and Mark will release. See all our journaling Bibles.
Inspire PRAYER Bible NLT Softcover Inspire PRAYER Bible Giant Print NLT LeatherLike Purple Inspire PRAYER Inspire Bible for Girls Inspire Catholic Edition Inspire Matthew and Mark
Fall Sneak Peak
We have some exciting additions coming to the Filament Bible Collection this fall. One of the new lines is the compact line which includes covers with zippers! The trim size will be about 4×6 with a 6 point text font and of course access to the Filament Bible App. More information will be coming soon! Learn more about the Filament Bible Collection.
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Felix’s Indecision
“Go away for now,” he replied. “When it is more convenient, I’ll call for you again.” Acts 24:25, NLT
Reflections Devotional by Chris Tiergreen from the Filament Bible Collection
Felix wanted to hear more. Then again, he didn’t. He had mixed feelings about the message Paul preached and mixed motives for hearing it. He would have accepted a bribe from Paul, and even sought it. Yet as he and his wife, Drusilla, listened, something about his response implies that he was intrigued by the gospel even while being unnerved by it. This self-centered ruler, known for his corruption and manipulation, surely felt some degree of conviction. His mixed thoughts—coupled with the ambiguous political advantages of dealing with Paul—immobilized him on the matter.
Felix remained on the fence politically for two years, but many people do so spiritually for a lifetime. Being intrigued by the gospel isn’t enough: the message demands a decision. Felix demonstrated outwardly what many people do inwardly, mulling over advantages and disadvantages while carefully guarding self-interests. And in never making a decision, they end up with a decision against Jesus by default.
Read the whole story Acts 24:1-17
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