Back to Basics

By Kevin O’Brien, Brand Manager

The world goes by at a million miles per hour, and it seems to get faster and become more complicated at every turn. It’s quite easy to get distracted, disgruntled, and even disillusioned. We chase so hard after the things we think we are supposed to pursue—success, respect, love, money, etc. We adopt the causes we are supposed to adopt, get outraged over the latest injustice that we are supposed to be outraged about. And next week it all changes.

Somewhere along the way, as the routines and cares of the world have distracted us, we have forgotten the reality of our faith. In all the busyness of life, our faith threatens to float away like dandelion seeds in the wind. We need a firm foundation.

We need to get back to basics.

The Christian Basics Bible reminds us what our faith is all about in the first place.

Becoming a Christian is not about deciding to live better, trying to be more holy, going to church, or following certain religious practices or behaviors. It is about beginning a personal relationship with God. Religious rules and duties will always end up tying us up, as Jesus often reminded the highly religious Pharisees of his day. Jesus came not to tie us up but to set us free (see, e.g., John 8:31-32; Galatians 5:1). He came with good news (the meaning of the word “gospel”); and this good news is that ordinary people—even people who feel unworthy or have failed or have done bad things—can know God personally and live in harmony with him. (p. A11)

That’s a pretty “back to basics” truth right there. It’s also unbelievably freeing if we take the time to actually read it, digest it, and be changed by it. But the busyness of life, even the trappings of our faith, can rob us of this truth.

So how can we make a practice of getting back to basics, of being a “basic believer”? There are a lot of good answers to that question, but here’s a starting point, a first step if you will. In the book of 2 Timothy, the apostle Paul wrote to his young apprentice Timothy. Timothy was leading a church in the city of Ephesus. Ephesus was rich, influential, and cosmopolitan. It was a center of religion and commerce and the most important city in the Roman province of Asia. It was the place to be. In fact, minus the technology, it probably had a lot of similarities to the type of crazy environment we find ourselves in today. Unfortunately, the church in Ephesus had all kinds of problems. Here’s what Paul tells Timothy:

“Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching. For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths. But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you.” (2 Timothy 4:2-5, NLT)

Here’s what the Christian Basics Bible says about this passage:

A lack of studying Scripture had led the Ephesian church to be led astray by every new idea that came along. So Paul urges Timothy to keep studying Scripture so he can use it to correct error and explain the truth (4:2-5). We need this book because it is not like any other book, secular or sacred. It is “inspired by God” (3:16). That is, God’s Spirit directed the thoughts of its writers so that what they wrote was exactly what God wanted written. The Bible is therefore God’s revelation to us—revealing his nature, heart, and purposes—and his invitation to join in his story. (p. 1387)

Maybe you’re not in a pastoral role like Timothy—and maybe you never will be—but the advice still stands. The only way Timothy could teach others was to be captured by the truth himself, to really know it. Getting back to the basics of our faith and of our relationship with God starts with getting back into his Word.

I want to be a basic believer. How about you?

Take a Look

Inside the Christian Basics Bible

Can Immerse Help You Keep Your New Years Resolution?

by Alex Goodwin

Reading the Bible more is one of the most common resolutions for Christians heading into 2019. But statistics show that 80% of new year’s resolutions fail by mid-February.

Maybe this has been your experience. You find a new reading plan, you try harder. But by springtime, that same feeling of guilt and failure is back.

How about trying something different?

This year, Immerse can help you accomplish your Bible reading goals. Here are a few tips for getting started:

•   Start small. Setting out to read the entire Bible in a year is admirable. It’s also really difficult. Try starting with a smaller goal, like reading the New Testament in 8 weeks or 16 weeks.

•   Use a different Bible. Each volume of Immerse: The Reading Bible was crafted with one goal in mind: to provide the best reading experience possible. If you’re trying to create a habit of reading the Bible, it helps to use a Bible made for reading.

•   Don’t do it alone. Group support gives a huge boost to the odds of achieving your goals. So how about starting an Immerse group? Get a few friends, neighbors, or family members who will commit to a reading and discussion schedule. Having a community of encouragement and accountability will not only help you stick to your Bible reading, it’ll make it much more enjoyable and enriching

Make a Habit of Talking About the Lord

Taken from the New Believer’s Bible

“Then those who feared the Lord spoke with each other, and the Lord listened to what they said. In his presence, a scroll of remembrance was written to record the names of those who feared him and always thought about the honor of his name.” Malachi 3:16, NLT

Some people assume that holy and sacred things only take place within the walls of the church, yet this verse says that every time you talk about the Lord with believers God is paying close attention. In fact, the phrase Malachi uses here means “to bend down so as not to miss a word.”

What an incredible thought! God deeply desires that we spend time discussing him, his attributes, and what he is doing in our lives with other believers. That gives us one more reason to make friends with other believers and take part in Bibles studies and church activities.

The next time you get together with your Christian friends, don’t just make small talk. Make the Lord, a central part of your conversation. He is listening.

Take a look inside the New Believer’s Bible

By Faith

Article from the Illustrated Study Bible 

“Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see. Through their faith, the people in days of old earned a good reputation. By faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God’s command, that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen.” Hebrews 11:1-3, NLT

Hebrews 11 is one of the most extensive essays on faith in the NT and one of the most loved sections of Scripture, yet misconceptions about faith abound. Some see faith as meaning any form of spirituality (“he is a person of faith”). Others understand it as a resolute belief that something good is going to happen to them, a ticket to health and wealth. Still others think that faith is a blind leap against known facts. None of these constitutes biblical faith.

Instead, faith involves confident action in response to what God has made known (11:1‑3). As seen in the examples listed in ch 11, faith comes into play in a variety of life’s circumstances. The results of faith also are various. Some people get rescued, achieve success in life, and get some of what God has promised in their lifetimes. Others get mocked, beaten, tortured, put in prison, and killed. Faith is sometimes rewarded sooner and sometimes later, but people of faith anticipate the rewards because of their confidence in God’s character.

What does it mean to live by faith? It means that, in our various circumstances, we live out our belief “that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him” (11:6). Those who live by faith take confident action based on what God has revealed about his character, seeking to do
his will in all things.

Look Inside the Illustrated Study Bible

From Thunder to Love

Article from the Every Man’s Bible

TODAY WE KNOW JOHN as “the apostle of love,” but he didn’t start out that way. Had he not allowed Christ to soften his personality and temperament, history might have remembered him in a very different light.

Whenever the Gospels mention John, they usually tie him to his brother, James. The pair ran a fishing operation with their father, Zebedee. John was among the first disciples to hear and follow Jesus Christ (Matthew 4:21-22).
John tended to think in black and white with little gray, and he interpreted any slight as a personal attack. Early on, John’s hot- blooded temperament prompted Jesus to give him and his brother the nickname Boanerges, “Sons of Thunder” (Mark 3:17).

As the time grew near for Jesus to die, the disciples’ travel plans took them through Samaria. But when the Samaritans— who detested the Jews as much as the Jews hated them— heard that Jesus intended to visit Jerusalem, they refused to welcome him. When John and his brother learned of this slight, they snapped, “Lord, should we call down fire from heaven to burn them up?” John learned an important lesson that day when Jesus rebuked him for his hateful question (Luke 9:51-56).

At another time these “Sons of Thunder” approached Jesus privately and asked him for a favor: They wanted special seats of honor in the coming Kingdom . When the other disciples heard about their secret request, they were less than impressed. Jesus used the ugly incident to teach his followers that honor and positions of spiritual leadership come through service, not through power plays or personal striving (Mark 10:35-45).

As John watched his Master live and work and minister over the course of three and a half years, he gradually changed. Being part of an inner circle of three (with Peter and James), John gained a special insight into the character of his Lord. He witnessed Jesus bring a dead girl back to life (Luke 8:49-56). He saw Jesus robed in light at the Mount of Transfiguration (Mark 9:2-13). And he joined Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane on the night of his Lord’s arrest (Mark 14:32-42).

By this time, John had softened considerably. A combination of personal failures and his Master’s stubborn grace began to transform him. John was the only disciple who saw Christ’s crucifixion— and it was John to whom Jesus gave the responsibility of caring for his grieving mother (John 19:25-27).

John is a perfect example of the power of Jesus Christ to change lives. This hard nosed, hot- tempered businessman became an example of grace and love— and eventually wrote five books of the New Testament. The next time you read 1 John, remember that a former “Son of Thunder” penned the compassionate words.

Take a look inside the Every Man’s Bible

Read Caroline’s Story: Hosting the Inspire Bible TOUR Was a Life-Changing Event

Caroline is our youngest Inspire Bible TOUR host yet! Amber Bolton told us it was wonderful to work with Caroline and to see the passion she put into it.

Hi! My name is Caroline Fisher. I am 15 years old and am a sophomore in high school. Of course, homework and chores occupy a lot of my time. However, when I’m not doing these, I enjoy yoga, reading, photography, art, hanging out with my friends, and of course, Bible journaling! I am left-handed, which some people say adds to my creative spirit. I am extraordinarily blessed with an incredible family, including two adorable kittens, and I am very involved in my school and church. I am a part of Team LEAD, a mentoring program for middle schoolers. I am also in Concert Choir, Spanish Club, and Educational Helpers, and I am usually a part of the dance team but recently had to take a season off. And I actually have a job at my church! I am the Sunday School Assistant each Sunday, helping out with children’s Sunday School. I love kids, so this job suits me perfectly. Every Sunday is an adventure that I so look forward to. I also go to youth group, which meets every Wednesday night. Before youth group, we usually go to a coffee shop—we’re all very close friends!

I have attended church my entire life. Currently, I attend Valparaiso First United Methodist Church. I have attended this church since I moved to Valparaiso nearly fourteen years ago. My church is truly a wonderful place and I am so lucky to have it. Being in high school, my faith is constantly challenged. Most of my peers are pretty accepting, but it can be tough when less than 10 percent of the student body regularly attends church. With this challenge, though, my faith has grown much stronger. When you’re part of a minority, it can be easier to grow your faith more securely because it’s something unique to you, making it more fun and inviting to explore. One of my many life verses is Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

I have been Bible journaling for almost seven months now. I am so glad that I have discovered and expanded on this creative outlet. My favorite part about it is decorating the page and being able to really connect with Scripture. Journaling helps the verse(s) to really sink in and helps me to truly believe the Scriptures. I first found out about the Inspire Bible TOUR after stumbling across Amber Bolton on Instagram. As I fell in love with her work, I began to explore workshops and hoped that one would show up near me. After months of wishing, I decided to make my dream a reality. Hosting a workshop had never occurred to me before, but I realized that there was nothing really stopping it from happening. My highlight from hosting the workshop was probably seeing all the smiling, excited faces ready to learn and praise the Lord. I loved seeing how joyous and fulfilled everyone was.

As the host, I organized everything between my church and Amber, found funding, set up decorations, and spoke at the event. There was a lot of work involved, but that’s right up my alley! I absolutely loved hosting. I saw God a lot throughout the weeks leading up to the workshop. One way that he particularly surprised me was with the turnout. Being a relatively small church, I figured we’d be lucky if we had 25 participants, but it ended up being over 50! And there were people from all different walks of faith attending—from those who could memorize the book of Psalms to those who didn’t know what a Bible was! Another thing I did not expect was how quickly the workshop would fly by. I ended up being at my church for over 6 hours that day, but it did not feel over 2! I would say I knew almost half of the people who attended. The community outreach I did was extensive! I designed posters and put them everywhere. And it was great to see so many faces I did not recognize. I was dramatically impacted by hosting the workshop and by attending it. It was so rewarding to be able to put so much effort into preparing and organizing the workshop and then actually get to sit down and attend it as a participant.

The workshop itself was phenomenal. Even as a somewhat “experienced” Bible journaler, I learned so much and absorbed everything Amber had to share. I keep describing that day to people as “life-changing”—and it truly was! It was surprising to discover how much work goes on behind the scenes for an event. Much more work went into the workshop than I ever would’ve fathomed as a participant. It was almost like Christmas: The day was built up, anticipated, and talked about so much, and then it was over in an instant. But God was unquestionably smiling upon the faces of everyone who was at the workshop. We talked, smiled, laughed, prayed, and bonded over the experience.

God certainly used this experience to stretch me. It gave me hope, purpose, and, of course, involvement in a wonderful activity. I’ve grown in my faith through this experience and have found myself closer with God. To those of you scrolling through the TOUR website, deciding if you should pursue this “crazy” idea—do it! I would never hesitate to tell someone to host a workshop. Although it’s hard work the reward is so worth it, much greater. My time in God’s Word has most definitely changed for the better since the workshop. I learned so much and was able to apply it to my journaling. I feel like I am more mindful and aware as I read, and can really take the verses and passages to heart. And my church started a monthly Bible-journaling group! Every second Monday, we spend the afternoon at Starbucks unleashing our creative sides.

I was inspired in so many ways through this workshop. It was truly a transformative experience. I will never forget this life-changing event and will be forever thankful to God for leading me to do this and blessing me with the successes it has brought.

Find out more about the Inspire Bible TOUR

Meet Amber Bolton: Inspire Bible TOUR Workshops

by Kim Adetunji, brand manager

In 2016 Tyndale House Publishers formed a partnership with avid Bible journaler, Amber Bolton (of Instagram’s @biblejournaling). Since then, Amber has traveled across the country offering two-hour-long Inspire Bible TOUR workshops. She also offers frequent Facebook Live Bible studies using her 4-Step Bible Study Process.

Inspire Bible TOUR workshops are booked through Amber at, and Tyndale helps get the word out. Often, new people are drawn into local churches through these workshops. And Bible-journaling groups are frequently formed out of the workshops, as Amber encourages participants to keep meeting as a community of Bible journalers.

Amber was an early adopter of this practice after discovering it on Pinterest before it became widely known and appreciated. She champions artistic Bible engagement as a beautiful way of worship and of reflecting on God’s Word. As a youth pastor she has a passion to see people reading, digging into, engaging with, and living out God’s Word.

Her introductory workshop offers participants the opportunity to explore God’s Word creatively and to experience a fresh approach to Bible reading. She guides people through hands-on activities to inspire creativity in their daily walk with the Lord. The workshop is designed to focus participants’ hearts on Christ as they learn to color, paint, draw, and letter their way through God’s Word.

Read how Amber inspired 15-year-old Caroline

Reminders of God’s Faithfulness

by Kim Adetunji, brand manager

Did you or someone you know receive a journaling Bible for Christmas? You may be excited to get started but aren’t exactly sure how. Or maybe you are afraid to mess up. Sometimes all the extra space in the wide margins can be intimidating. Where do you start? How will you identify what to journal about? What does a creative response to Scripture even look like? What supplies do you need? There are many great questions that people wrestle with when they are just getting started. But just remember, your Bible is the holy Word of God. And God speaks to you through his Word! Our goal as followers of Jesus is for Scripture to be written on our hearts so that we can live it out in our daily lives. We want to know God and to make him known, and we want to become more like him. Bible journaling can help us do this. Not only does it give us a beautiful, meaningful tool for Bible study; it also gives us a collection of entries that we can look back to time and time again and be reminded of truths from the Bible and of God’s faithfulness.

Our advice for those who are just getting started is: Just get started! Dive in. Do what feels comfortable and natural to you right now. Use supplies you already have. Let God lead you. Instead of buying all the supplies you see others using, be creative about using things around the house. Use a cool Christmas card you received to make an amazing insert, or place a picture of a family member near a Scripture you are praying over them. (Many people tape on such items by using decorative tape called washi tape, but any kind of tape works great!)

Your Bible journaling doesn’t need to be anything extravagant to be meaningful. This is your Bible. This is your time with God. Let God lead you, and don’t let your fears or questions (whatever they may be!) hold you back from jumping in. No matter what your finished page looks like, what is of utmost importance is being in the Word. Soak it in. Meditate on it. Live it out. Bible journaling is a mechanism by which we can draw nearer to God through his Word and through using our God-given creativity. We all have creativity, but it’s often expressed very differently by each of us. Don’t let all the glitz and glitter of supplies and techniques distract you from the One who is pursuing you!

If you are looking for more Bible-journaling resources, check out this 15-minute video by Amber Bolton. In it, Amber gives you a small taste of her two-hour-long workshops. You’ll learn about her 4-Step Bible Study Process and find encouragement to get started. The video is a study of 1 John 4:7-21. Get out your Bible and let’s get started!

In this video, Amber is using the Inspire PRAISE Bible. Inspire PRAISE is the second Bible in the bestselling Inspire Bible line, with over 500 all-new line-art illustrations to color, including full-page illustrations. It has some special features that the original Inspire Bible did not have, such as thicker white paper, colorful vellum see-through journaling page inserts, stickers, and even a pocket in the back. There is a large-print edition now available as well, though it does not include the stickers or the pocket.

If you are ever able to attend one of Amber Bolton’s Inspire Bible TOUR workshops, we would encourage you to go! Or if you would be interested in hosting an event in your community, contact us. Workshops are for people of all ages and stages of faith. They are for those who have never Bible journaled before and for those who are experienced Bible journalers. Each workshop is unique because of the diverse mix of people that attend, and it’s a fun way to meet others from your community who are interested in Bible journaling. You’ll likely come away feeling inspired and blessed to be a part of the community of believers seeking to know God more through this creative avenue.

Want to know more about Amber Bolton?

Interested in more information about the Inspire Bible TOUR?

God Makes the Ordinary Extraordinary

Sometimes we feel that we are too ordinary for God to use for his purposes. Throughout the Bible we see God using everyday, ordinary objects in extraordinary ways. Check out this list from the Hands-On Bible of common items God used in the Bible for his glory then imagine what he can do with your life.

God often uses simple, ordinary objects to accomplish his tasks in the world. They just need to be dedicated to him for his use. Look at these everyday objects from Bible times to see how God used them. Then ask yourself: “What do I have that God can use?” Anything and everything is a possible “instrument” for him!

Used it?
How Was It
Exodus 4:2-4MosesTo work
miracles before
Ram’s HornJoshua 6:3-5JoshuaTo flatten the
wall of
FleeceJudges 6:36-40GideonTo confirm whatGod wanted
Gideon to do
Horns, Jars and TorchesJudges 7:19-22GideonTo defeat the
JawboneJudges 15:15SamsonTo kill the
1,000 Philistines
Small Stone1 Samuel 17:40DavidTo kill Goliath
Oil2 Kings 4:1-7ElishaTo show God’s
power to
River2 Kings 5:9-14ElishaTo heal a man of leprosy
PotteryJeremiah 18:1-0; 19:1-13JeremiahAs an object lesson about God
the creator
Five Loaves of
Bread and Two Fish
Mark 6:30-44JesusTo feed a crowdof over 5,000

This is just a start. Tell us in the comments what objects from the Bible would you add to the list?

Learn about some of the features of the Hands-On Bible

One Year, One Book—One Exciting Journey

by Kim Adetunji, brand manager

As the year winds down and a new year is on the horizon, many people begin reflecting on the previous year and making plans for the new one. Our thoughts may return to the highlights and lowlights of the year we are in as well as remembering God’s faithfulness and the lessons we learned. We then turn to our goals and aspirations for the new year, the things we want to get right this year and the things we want to keep—or start—doing. The new year holds so much hope and promise, especially when the current year has been a difficult one. It’s a brand new beginning—365 days to pursue God, become more like Christ, rest in his presence, listen for his voice, and follow where he leads. It’s exciting to think of the possibilities that lie ahead.

Will the new year hold new friendships, a new job, or new opportunities? Will we finally reach that goal we’ve been striving for? Will our long-time prayers for a spouse or healing or a mended relationship or a different heartache finally be answered? Will our trust in God grow deeper than we ever thought possible? Will our hard hearts soften? Will we experience joy once again? Will we finally be able to put aside that fear, anger, resentment, disbelief, or “you name it” that is holding us back from trusting God fully? Will we surrender new areas of our lives to God? In what ways will God stretch us beyond what we think we are capable of? Will we sense God’s deep, unconditional love anew? Who will we share the Good News with this year?

We may even think about new ways we’d like to grow spiritually, whether it’s growing more patient with our spouse or kids or letting the peace of Christ rule more fully in our hearts. How could we move toward God’s plan for us rather than shrinking away from where we hear God calling us to. What are new ways to step out into obedience this year? How can we slow down our schedule just a little bit more to create space to listen for God’s gentle whisper? What truths from Scripture have I dismissed? How can I give God my very best each day? Do I dedicate enough of my day to those things that draw me closer to God and allow me to hear his voice? Am I following through on God’s promptings? Am I open to allowing God to challenge me in a new area?

Do you plan to track your prayers in the new year? the ways you intentionally follow God’s lead? your service projects and how God expands your heart through those experiences? the ways you’ve seen God’s faithfulness in your life? answered prayers? words from him? verses you’ve memorized? There are so many unique ways to track our spiritual growth and keep focused on our goal to pursue and honor God. Each of us is unique, and there is no one right way to do it. If you’re like me, you may be constantly seeking new ways to become more efficient with recording and tracking everything that is meaningful—all in one place.

As the new year approaches, you may search for a new journal, notebook, daily planner, or app to help you organize your year and capture all the memories, highlights, and learnings. Journaling Bibles are a great way to capture all that God is doing in your life in one place. There are two One Year Bible journaling editions—Expressions and Reflections—that give you a daily reading plus space in the wide margins alongside each day’s reading to reflect on the passage you’ve read, write notes or journal entries, keep track of highlights from your day, or archive mementos or pictures. It’s a very practical way to document God-sightings in your life while being intentional about reading God’s Word daily.

Many people have been doing this, where their Bible becomes a treasured keepsake with 365 days’ worth of investment in knowing and following God, including observations from his Word and practical applications. The One Year Bible readings offer a portion from the Old Testament, the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs for each day. It is organized so you’ll finish the Bible in one year with the investment of just 15 minutes a day. At the end of the year, you will have an incredible collection of highlights, milestones, and so much more to look back on in your Bible as you look toward the new year.

Check out the One Year Expressions Bibles

Check out the One Year Chronological Expressions Bibles

Check out the One Year Reflections Bibles