With a uniform comes a sense of responsibility. No matter the country of origin, when a man or woman puts on a military uniform, they are representing their nation. They have become a protector of ideals and a defender of the people. But at times this weight of responsibility can seem overwhelming or a person may not feel they are not up to the task.

The Operation Worship Bible was created to point people to God’s hope. No matter our circumstances, internal or external, we have a God who cares. The first thing someone sees when they open one of these Bibles is Jeremiah 29:11:
“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord. ‘They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.’”
It is only in trusting in that hope that any of us can move forward into the future, no matter what it holds.
Read the words of Lt. Colonel Steven R. Young, retired chaplain in the U.S. Army, has he shares this hope in the forward of the Bible.
To all you—our men and women in uniform—and to your families,
It is our prayer that the contents of this book will feed your soul, enrich your heart, and broaden your understanding of relationships with your fellow man and with your Father in heaven, who loves you beyond compare.

The Bible is a book about hope, forgiveness, redemption, and restoration. It has rightly been declared the greatest book ever written, for it openly reveals the loving heart of the Everlasting God. It is his love that compels us to serve well, to live with honor, and to defend the causes of right and freedom throughout the world, protecting the vulnerable and promoting equality. The world’s greatest minds have studied its sacred contents, and the world’s premier orators have proclaimed its truth principles. We are honored to provide this Bible for your enrichment and edification.
Perhaps you’re now serving in a foreign country, far from home, where hostility and uncertainty are the norm. Or perhaps you’re serving safely at an installation elsewhere. To all, we want you to know that America supports your efforts and deeply appreciates your tremendous dedication to duty. Your distinguished service demonstrates with remarkable clarity the values you believe in and the determination of character you bring to your profession. Because of your faithful service, not only are hostile tensions diminished, but the helpless, the hopeless, and the oppressed have hope for a better tomorrow.

Jesus Christ entered a hostile environment more than 2,000 years ago. He came on a rescue mission. John 3:16 says, “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” Jesus saw a troubled world in desperate need of help—so he came. He lived a sinless life and he died a sacrificial death, all for you and me.
The sacrifice of Christ on the cross has provided every person with the opportunity to gain eternal life with God. Though the appointed time for Christ’s first coming occurred a long time ago, the results of his life and death are still in full effect today.
If you’re in close communion with Christ, keep it up. There is no greater joy in life. If you feel distant from God, please be encouraged. Your Savior has never left you. He remains as near as ever. Call on Christ Jesus often, anytime—anywhere. Call on him in your time of need. That’s when he loves to hear from you most. Whisper his name—he will joyfully and quickly respond. Request his grace—he will be merciful beyond measure. Believe in him—and all the promises contained in this Bible will become your inheritance instantly.

To those who wear the uniform, thank you for your service to our great nation. As you continue to carry out the mission before you, we pledge our loving support to you and your families. To family members and friends, you are the reason for our constant duty. With all of our strength and will, we are devoted to protecting your freedom and safety.
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