“About eight days later Jesus took Peter, John, and James up on a mountain to pray. And as he was praying, the appearance of his face was transformed, and his clothes became dazzling white. Suddenly, two men, Moses and Elijah, appeared and began talking with Jesus. They were glorious to see. And they were speaking about his exodus from this world, which was about to be fulfilled in Jerusalem. Peter and the others had fallen asleep. When they woke up, they saw Jesus’ glory and the two men standing with him. As Moses and Elijah were starting to leave, Peter, not even knowing what he was saying, blurted out, ‘Master, it’s wonderful for us to be here! Let’s make three shelters as memorials—one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.’ But even as he was saying this, a cloud overshadowed them, and terror gripped them as the cloud covered them. Then a voice from the cloud said, ‘This is my Son, my Chosen One. Listen to him.’ When the voice finished, Jesus was there alone. They didn’t tell anyone at that time what they had seen.” Luke 9:28-36, NLT
Peter, James, and John had such an amazing time with Jesus up on a mountain that they didn’t want to leave. Have you ever been to a youth retreat or had a time with God that was so cool you didn’t want it to end?
Being away from the reality and problems of our daily life can seem inviting. But we can’t stay on a mountaintop forever. Instead of becoming spiritual giants, we would soon become giants of self-centeredness.
We need times of retreat and renewal but only so we can return to help build up our family and friends. Our faith must make sense off the mountain as well as on it.
Look Inside the Girls Life Application Study Bible
Is It Ok To Talk to God About Our Anger?
Article from the Life Application Study Bible, Third Edition
Several psalms shock those familiar with New Testament teachings. The psalmists didn’t hesitate to demand God’s justice and make vivid suggestions on how he might carry it out. Apparently, no subject was unsuitable for discussion with God, but our tendency is to avoid the subjects of anger and vengeance in the book of Psalms.
To understand the psalm writers’ words of anger and vengeance, we need to understand several things:
The judgments asked for were to be carried out by God and were written out of intense personal and national suffering. The people were unable or unwilling to take revenge themselves and were asking God to intervene. Because few of us have suffered intense cruelty on a personal or national level, we find it difficult to grasp these outbursts.
These writers were intimately aware of God’s justice. Some of their words were efforts to vividly imagine what God might allow to happen to those who had harmed his people.
If we dared to write down our thoughts while being unjustly attacked or suffering cruelty, we might be shocked at our own bold desire for vengeance. We would be surprised at how much we have in common with these writers of old. The psalmists did not have Jesus’ command to pray for one’s enemies, but they did point to the right place to start. We are challenged to pay back good for evil, but until we respond to this challenge, we will not know how much we need God’s help in order to forgive others. There is a helpful parallel between the psalms of anger and the psalms of vengeance. The“angry” psalms are intense and graphic, but they are directed at God. He is boldly told how disappointing it is when he turns his back on his people or acts too slowly. But while these thoughts and feelings were sincerely expressed, we know from the psalms themselves that these passing feelings were followed by renewed confidence in God’s faithfulness. It is reasonable to expect the same of the “vengeance” psalms. We read, for example, David’s angry outburst against Saul’s pursuit in Psalm 59, yet we know that David never took personal revenge on Saul. The psalmists freely spoke their minds to God, having confidence that he could sort out what was meant and what was felt. Pray with that same confidence—God can be trusted with your heart.
Selected psalms that emphasize these themes are 10, 28, 35, 59, 69, 109, 137, 139, and 140.
Take a Look Inside the Life Application Study Bible, Third Edition
What Is Your Story?
Our lives are filled with moments. Moments of joy. Moments
of sadness. Moments of agony. Moments of exhilaration. Moments when life is
mundane, and sweet moments of simplicity and rest. All these moments are integral
to our individual stories. Stories that intersect and diverge from others. Stories
that have peaks and valleys. A story of God’s love and grace through it all.
I think that is why this video so resonates with us. We can
see parts of our own stories; we can connect to the joy and to the pain. God
has given us himself and his Word not for a season, but for our whole lives.
And it goes far beyond that: The Bible is for all times. Through its pages, we
are connected to those who have gone before us, and it is up to us to pass it
on to those who will come long after us.
Real Heroes are hard to find these days, thanks in large part to social media, which has made the foibles and weaknesses of our leaders all too apparent. We search in vain for men and women to emulate. The music, movie, and sports industries in particular seem to produce a steady stream of “stars” who shoot to the top and then quickly implode with one moral failure after another.
Judges is a book about heroes—12 men and women who helped rescue Israel from its oppressors. These judges were not perfect; in fact, they included an assassin, someone who doubted God, and a sexually promiscuous man. But when they were submissive to God, God worked through them in amazing ways.
Judges is also a book about sin and its consequences. Like a minor cut or abrasion that becomes infected and causes great damage when left untreated, sin grows and soon poisons the whole body. The book of Joshua ends with the nation of Israel taking a stand for God, ready to experience all the blessings of the Promised Land. After settling in Canaan, however, the Israelites lost their spiritual commitment and motivation. When Joshua and the elders died, the nation experienced a leadership vacuum, leaving them without a strong central government. Instead of enjoying freedom and prosperity in the Promised Land, the people of Israel entered the dark ages of their history.
Simply stated, the reason for this rapid decline was sin—individual and corporate. The first step away from God was incomplete obedience (1:19–2:5); the Israelites refused to eliminate the enemy completely from the land. This led to intermarriage and idolatry (2:10–3:7) and everyone doing “whatever seemed right in their own eyes” (17:6). Before long, the Israelites became captives. Out of their desperation they would beg God to rescue them. In faithfulness to his promise and out of his loving-kindness, God would raise up a judge to deliver his people, and for a time there would be peace. Then complacency and disobedience would set in, and the cycle would begin again.
This book spans over 325 years, recording six successive periods of oppression and deliverance and describing the careers of 12 deliverers. The Israelites’ captors included the Mesopotamians, Moabites, Philistines, Canaanites, Midianites, and Ammonites. God used a variety of deliverers—from Othniel to Samson—to lead his people to freedom and true worship. God’s deliverance through the judges is a powerful demonstration of his love and mercy toward his people.
As you read the book of Judges, take a good look at these heroes. Note their dependence on God and their obedience to his commands. Observe Israel’s repeated downward spiral into sin, refusing to learn from past mistakes and living only for the moment. But most of all, stand in awe of God’s mercy as he delivers his people over and over again.
Look Inside the Life Application Study Bible
John the Baptist
Personality Profile taken from the Life Application Study Bible
There’s no getting around it—John the Baptist was unique. He wore odd clothes and ate strange food and preached an unusual message to the Judeans who went out to the wastelands to see him.But John did not aim at uniqueness for its own sake. Instead, he aimed at obedience. He knew he had a specific role to play in the world—announcing the coming of the Savior— and he put all his energies into this task. Luke tells us that John was in the wilderness when God’s word of direction came to him. John was ready and waiting. The angel who had announced John’s birth to Zechariah had made it clear that this child was to be a Nazirite—one set apart for God’s service. John remained faithful to that calling.
This wild-looking man had no power or position in the Jewish political system, but he spoke with almost irresistible authority. People were moved by his words because he spoke the truth, challenging them to turn from their sins and baptizing them as a symbol of their repentance. They responded by the hundreds. But even as people crowded to him, he pointed beyond himself, never forgetting that his main role was to announce the coming of the Savior.
The words of truth that moved many to repentance goaded others to resistance and resentment. John even challenged Herod to admit his sin. Herodias, the woman Herod had married illegally, decided to get rid of this wilderness preacher. Although she was able to have him killed, she was not able to stop his message. The one John had announced was
already on the move. John had accomplished his mission.
God has given each of us a purpose for living, and we can trust him to guide us. John did not have the complete Bible as we know it today, but he focused his life on the truth he knew from the available Old Testament Scriptures. Likewise, we can discover in God’s Word the truths he wants us to know. And as these truths work in us, others will be drawn to him. God can use you in a way he can use no one else. Let him know your willingness to follow him today.
Strengths and accomplishments
● The God-appointed messenger to announce the arrival of Jesus
● A preacher whose theme was repentance
● A fearless confronter
● Known for his remarkable lifestyle
● Uncompromising
Lessons from his life
● God does not guarantee an easy or safe life to those who serve him
● Doing what God desires is the greatest possible life investment
● Standing for the truth is more important than life itself
Key verse
“I tell you the truth, of all who have ever lived, none is greater than John the Baptist. Yet even the least person in the Kingdom of Heaven
is greater than he is!” (Matthew 11:11).
John’s story is told in all four Gospels. His coming was predicted in Isaiah 40:3 and Malachi 4:5; and he is mentioned in Acts 1:5, 22; 10:37; 11:16; 13:24, 25; 18:25; 19:3, 4.
Is it okay to make fun of someone who deserves it? This question has a simple answer: No.
Do you want some proof?
“You should not have gloated when they exiled your relatives to distant lands. You should not have rejoiced when the people of Judah suffered such misfortune. You should not have spoken arrogantly in that terrible time of trouble,” Obadiah 1:12, NLT
“Don’t rejoice when your enemies fall; don’t be happy when they stumble. For the Lord will be displeased with you and will turn his anger away from them,” Proverbs 24:17-18, NLT.
“Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged,” Matthew 7:1-2, NLT.
It’s so easy to make fun of others—to gloat over someone who’s been mean to you and to laugh when someone you don’t like gets embarrassed or hurt.
But in Obadiah 1:12, God rebuked the people of Edom for laughing when his people were in trouble. God didn’t laugh with them. In fact, God punished the Edomites for laughing at his people. When you’re tempted to make fun of someone else, first imagine yourself in that person’s shoes. Think about how it would feel if people were laughing at you. Then choose to be quiet and kind.
“In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing
certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out
with as much faith as God has given you. If your gift is serving others, serve
them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is to encourage
others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you
leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift
for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.” (Romans 12:6-8, NLT)
Just take a look at the beautiful world around us; God’s love of diversity is evident. Just as there are differences in his earthly creation, there is also variety in the spiritual gifts he has given us. Though we all have different gifts, the goal is the same—to give glory to the giver. Read more about God’s gifts from the Life Application Study Bible:
Look at the list of gifts in Romans 12:6-8 and imagine the
kinds of people who would have each gift. Prophets are often bold and
articulate. Servers (those in ministry) are faithful and loyal. Teachers are
clear thinkers. Encouragers know how to motivate others. Givers are generous
and trusting. Leaders are good organizers and managers. Those who show kindness
are caring people who are happy to give their time to others. It would be
difficult for one person to embody all these gifts. An assertive prophet would
not usually make a good counselor, and a generous giver might fail as a leader.
When you identify your own gifts (and this list is far from complete), ask God
and others how you can best use them. At the same time, realize that your gifts
can’t do the work of the church all alone. Be thankful for people whose gifts
are completely different from yours. Let your strengths balance their
weaknesses, and be grateful that their abilities make up for your deficiencies.
Together you can build Christ’s church.
God gives us gifts so we can build up his church. To use them
effectively, we must:
realize that all gifts and abilities come from God
understand that not everyone has the same gifts
know who we are and what we do best
dedicate our gifts to God’s service and not to our personal success
be willing to utilize our gifts wholeheartedly, not holding back anything from God’s service
God’s gifts differ in nature, power, and effectiveness according to his wisdom and graciousness, not according to our faith. Our role is to be faithful and to look for ways to serve others using the gifts God has given us.
Take a Look Inside the Life Application Study Bible
For Nate, Christianity was just something you did—you go to
church, you try to do good, and you just live your life. He was happy. He had
an amazing wife, two energetic and wonderful kids, and found fulfillment in his
job as a police officer.
“I complained to my wife that I didn’t understand the Bible.
Being a busy dad, my job as a police officer, I had other priorities that I
thought kept me too busy to spend time reading and studying it,” said Nate.
As a gift, his wife bought him a Life Application Study Bible. Though Nate thought it was a nice, he
didn’t feel he needed to open it. It remained on the shelf as the busyness of
life continued until the flu knocked him off his feet and forced him into isolation.
Nate’s wife quarantined him to his room for four days so it didn’t spread
throughout the house. In boredom, he started looking for things to do when his
eyes landed on the Life Application Study
Bible. With nothing else to distract him, he started reading.
“I opened it up and it changed my life. I read Genesis and
Proverbs and just couldn’t stop—it just spoke directly to me. I said, ‘This is
truth.’ Right there in my room I told God, ‘I am going to be working for you. I
want you to use me.’ I confessed everything, and because of it I was able to
conquer a lot of stuff I had been struggling with for years,” said Nate. “I finally
felt joy, and I realized that joy came from reading the Bible and spending that
time with God.”
Nate just couldn’t get enough of it. He was excited to read
what’s next and just wanted to consume as much of Scripture as he could.
“Soon I realized I couldn’t keep this to myself. I’ve always
been good with other people. It’s why I’m a police officer; I want to help others.
But this changed my view of other people. We are all made in God’s image. So, I
started to look for ways that I could reach out and give other people a nudge.
Help them find what I found,” said Nate.
In just a few months, he had handed out fifteen Life Application Study Bibles.
“Life can be tough. No matter what we believe, we are going
to face challenges—God says that to us. What’s different now in my life is I
know who to rely on, who can give me guidance,” said Nate. “When I give someone
a Bible I tell them, ‘this worked for me. It’s up to you if you want to use it
or not, but it completely changed my life, and I’ve found peace that I didn’t
know existed.’ You can’t force people to read it, but I’ve never had anyone turn
it down when I’ve handed them a Bible.”
When one of his long-time friends was facing some dark
moments, Nate didn’t hesitate. He reached out and shared his experience.
“Like me, he believed in God, but he didn’t have a
relationship with God. I was thinking what could I do to help? What could make
his life different? And it was like something hit me, it was a moment of
clarity. Only God could help—that’s it,” said Nate. “I asked him, ‘do you have
a good study Bible?’ He just kind of looked at me. Then I said, ‘You know I’m
dumb and can hardly read, but this one I understand. It’s like God is talking
right to me. It changed me.’”
Nate mailed him the Bible and encouraged his friend to read
it with him. He saw his friend’s life transformed. He was even asked to read
Scripture at his friend’s recent wedding.
“I pray the people who receive these Bibles open them and
actually use them. That they let God speak his truth to them,” said Nate. “I
hope it has the same impact that it had on me so others can be the light of the
world. We are to be disciples that make disciples. Use what God has given us to
serve him,” said Nate.
“In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.” (Romans 12:6-8, NLT)
Take a Look Inside the Life Application Study Bible
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