Helping After Helping of God’s Word

Tyndale House Publishers

by Molly Jo Nyman

Whether it’s a man who reluctantly walks into church on a Wednesday afternoon, a church member facing an unexpected crisis, or a new believer trying to figure out how to follow Christ, Daniel Thrower is ready to engage and encourage. And as a Connections Pastor at Hope Church in upstate South Carolina, he’s very clear about his role on the front lines of spiritual battles.

“My goal is not to have people connect with me or my church; my ultimate goal is to connect people to God Himself.”

Knowing there’s no better way to do that than through the Word of God, Daniel gives out a lot of Bibles—and the New Living Translation is his Bible of choice.

“There’s no translation quite like it for making the Word of God accessible and palatable,” Daniel said. While Bible scholars may enjoy the debate on translation methods and accuracy, there is no question that the NLT is both faithful to the ancient texts and extremely readable.

“I think of it like this: Raw veggies may be slightly healthier, but if people can’t or won’t eat them, what good are they? The NLT adds a little salt and butter. Now I can eat helping after helping because it tastes so good!” Daniel explained.

In addition to his conclusion that spiritual nourishment from the NLT is “easy to absorb,” he’s observed another important feature. The NLT helps people grasp the heart of God as they read the Word of God.”

“As I listened to sermons where various translations are read out loud, the NLT stood out to me every time I heard it. It felt warm and had a natural flow. Because I want people to love Scripture, this is a great way for them to read it,” Daniel said. “If the Bible feels like a foreign language, distant and hard to understand, people can project that on to God.”

As Daniel meets with people at critical times, he’s not offering a quick fix, but rather an eternal perspective.

“I grow oak trees not okra. So I’m laboring knowing there will be slow development. I’ve found the NLT to be the easiest way to let people ‘taste and see that the Lord is good’ (Psalm 34:8) so they are able to cultivate a real love for God’s Word.”

Why Should I Share My Faith Story?

Tyndale House Publishers

From the HelpFinder Bible

A friend mentions in casual conversation that she enjoyed a terrific meal at a new restaurant and thinks you would like it too. A stranger overhears you and your spouse wondering if a certain movie would be good to rent for a family night and offers that his kids thought it was great. Both the friend and the stranger are witnesses. Although the word tends to conjure images of courtrooms or awkward religious proselytizing, to witness simply means to tell about something you have experienced. According to the Bible, every believer shares the privilege and responsibility of witnessing. We should always be ready to tell the story of how we met and grew to love Jesus. That story is the greatest story you can tell.

What does the Bible say about witnessing?

Is witnessing really necessary?

PSALM 107:2 | Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies.

MARK 16:15 | And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.”
God has offered a way to rescue everyone from eternal death. No wonder the Bible calls this Good News! If you have discovered this rescue plan, which is to believe in Jesus as your Savior, then you will want to tell others about what he has done for you.

MARK 1:17 | Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!”

ACTS 11:24 | Barnabas was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and strong in faith. And many people were brought to the Lord.
Telling others the story of Jesus is an essential part of being a follower of Jesus. Simply tell others why you love him, and he promises to soften the hearts of many who listen.

2 KINGS 7:9 | “This is not right. This is a day of good news, and we aren’t sharing it with anyone! . . . Come on, let’s go back and tell the people.”

ACTS 8:13 | Then Simon himself believed and was baptized.

ROMANS 10:14 | But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?
It is not right to keep the Good News to yourself. The only way some people can experience all the benefits of following God is by hearing and believing his message of Good News—from you! Being a Christian isn’t about getting “in” to some exclusive group. It’s about experiencing something so wonderful that you can’t wait to invite others to experience it, too. Is this how you feel about being a Christian?

JOHN 9:13-15, 24-25 | Then they took the man who had been blind to the Pharisees, because it was on the Sabbath that Jesus had made the mud and healed him. The Pharisees asked the man all about it. So he told them, “He put the mud over my eyes, and when I washed it away, I could see!”. . . So for the second time they called in the man who had been blind and told him, “God should get the glory for this, because we know this man Jesus is a
sinner.” “I don’t know whether he is a sinner,” the man replied. “But I know this: I was blind, and now I can see!”
A straightforward description of your personal encounter with Jesus is a powerful testimony.

What if I find it difficult to share my faith?

MATTHEW 18:14 | “It is not my heavenly Father’s will that even one of these little ones should perish.”
Our commitment to witnessing begins by understanding that lost people matter to God.

JOHN 7:13 | But no one had the courage to speak favorably about him in public.
Even those who knew Jesus best struggled with a hesitancy to witness.

LUKE 12:8 | “I tell you the truth, everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, the Son of Man will also acknowledge in the presence of God’s angels.”

DANIEL 12:3 | “Those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever.”
God will honor those who honor him by proclaiming the Good News of what he has done. There is no greater purpose in life than sharing the message that could make the eternal difference in someone’s life.

2 TIMOTHY 1:7-8 | For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. So never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord. And don’t be ashamed of me, either, even though I’m in prison for him. With the strength God gives you, be ready to suffer with me for the sake of the Good News.
When the enemy tries to intimidate you with lies about your inadequacies, you can summon that same power God used to transform your life to boldly share your faith.

Learn more about the HelpFinder Bible

God’s Holiness and Grace

Tyndale House Publishers

Lent Week 3: Readings from the Mosaic Bible

Exodus 17:1-7 • Psalm 95 •Romans 5:1-21• John 4:5-42

Sometimes it’s hard for us to get a solid grip on holiness. We’re far removed from the Temple, which gave concrete expression to God’s holiness. We don’t have archived video of the Transfiguration, where Jesus revealed himself to his closest disciples. We lack tangible representations of holiness.

Still, is it possible that, like the saints before us, we can experience holiness? Maybe, more than we realize or care to admit, God’s holiness is all around us. If that’s the case, the implications could be vast.

If holiness is no longer a place in the Temple or a sacred ark, what is holiness? Where is holiness? And who is holy?

Suggested Readings : Psalm 11 • Psalm 93

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Heaven’s Armies!
The whole earth is filled with his glory!—Isaiah 6:3

“When we speak of grace, we think of the fact that [God’s] favourable inclination towards the creature does not allow itself to be soured and frustrated by the resistance of the latter. When we speak of holiness, we think, on the other hand, of the fact that His favourable inclination overcomes and destroys this resistance.

To say grace is to say the forgiveness of sins; to say holiness, judgment upon sins. But since both reflect the love of God, how can there be the one without the other, forgiveness without judgment or judgment without forgiveness?

Only where God’s love is not yet revealed, not yet or no longer believed, can there be here a separation instead of a distinction. In this case forgiveness would be inferred in abstracto from sin, and judgment from condemnation. It would not be God’s judgment in the one case or God’s forgiveness in the other.

If we speak in faith, and therefore in the light of God and His love, and therefore of God’s forgiveness and judgment, as our insight grows we shall distinguish, but we shall certainly not separate, between God’s grace and God’s holiness.

The link between the two is decisively summed up in the fact that both characterise and distinguish His love and therefore Himself in His action in the covenant, as the Lord of the covenant between Himself and His creature.” -Karl Barth (Switzerland/1886-1968)

For the sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to rule over many.
But even greater is God’s wonderful grace and his gift of
righteousness, for all who receive it will live in triumph over sin
and death through this one man, Jesus Christ.—Romans 5:17


Prayer To The Holy Spirit
Breathe in me,
O Holy Spirit,
that my thoughts may all be holy.

Act in me,
O Holy Spirit,
that my work, too, may be holy.

Draw my heart,
O Holy Spirit,
that I love only what is holy.

Strengthen me,
O Holy Spirit,
to defend all that is holy.

Guard me, then,
O Holy Spirit,
that I may always be holy.
—Augustine of Hippo (Algeria/354–430)

Holy God
by Keith Potter
In the season of Lent we remember the great sacrifice that Jesus Christ made, the forgiveness that was paid for with his life. We confess that our sins have gotten in the way of a relationship with God.

However, our confession will be thin and hollow unless we understand how great and holy God is. We are forever underestimating the seriousness of sin and its effects, making us unlike God and unfit for his good fellowship. Our efforts at forgiving ourselves and others will be thin and hollow as well unless we understand how God’s grace so completely covers us through Jesus Christ, making us righteous in God’s eyes and fit for his good fellowship.

So in this season, we meditate on God’s holiness and wonder what it would be like to be filled only with loving intentions and healthy motivations, like our God.

In Isaiah 6, we discover that the story of the great prophet starts with a grand vision of God on his throne, surrounded by angelic beings. Day and night, these attendants cry out, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Heaven’s Armies! The whole earth is filled with his glory!” (Isaiah 6:3).

Isaiah’s response?

“It’s all over! I am doomed, for I am a sinful man. I have filthy lips, and I live among a people with filthy lips. Yet I have seen the King, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies” (Isaiah 6:5).

Seeing God gave Isaiah eyes to see himself. Unclean. Badly acculturated in the filth of his surroundings. Anything but holy.

So God touched Isaiah. He enjoys forgiveness and cleansing and a new readiness. God calls out for a human agent.

Isaiah responds, “Lord, I’ll go! Send me.”

That can be our story. In light of God’s holiness, we come undone. “Woe is me! I’m an unclean person among unclean people. Now that I really see you, Lord, I see myself. Help!”

And God does help, with a grace greater than our sin. If his holiness is great, his grace is somehow overarching, for it covers every sin of ours that must offend the purity of his holiness. “Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness; let us exalt his name together” (Psalm 34:3).

“He that sees the beauty of holiness, or true moral good, sees the greatest
and most important thing in the world . . . Unless this is seen, nothing
is seen that is worth the seeing; for there is no other true excellency
or beauty.” —Jonathan Edwards (USA/1703–1758)

But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now— when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way.—John 4:23

Easter Gifts That are Sweeter Than Honey

Tyndale House Publishers

“How sweet your words taste to me; they are sweeter than honey.” Psalm 119:103, NLT

Chocolate bunnies, jelly beans, and peanut butter filled eggs all make Easter baskets a tasty surprise, but why not give the young person in your life the sweetest gift, God’s Word. From kids to teens and beyond Tyndale Bibles offer engaging Bibles that help your loved ones savor God’s Word.

Hands-On Bible
What if you could not just read but also taste, feel, and smell Bible truths? What if the Bible was filled with games, crafts, and even snacks to make Bible stories come to life? Wouldn’t that make it the coolest Bible around? Enter the Hands-On Bible! This Bible takes you beyond just reading to truly experiencing the Bible through activities that you can do together with your child, making Scripture relevant, fun and memorable.

Boys Life Application Study Bible
Packed full of notes and features, the Boys Life Application Study Bible is easy to use and helps answer the questions preteen boys may have about God and life. The notes help them learn to think biblically about real issues they face, such as self-esteem, friendship, and peer pressure. Discovering God’s will for their lives has never been this much fun!

The Epic Bible
Get swept away by God’s awesome story in this riveting graphic Bible. The Epic Bible tells the central story of the Bible, with dramatic, full-color art created by some of DC and Marvel’s best comic book artists. Whether you’re reading the Bible for the first time or looking for a fresh perspective, The Epic Bible’s cinematic storytelling will make God’s Word come alive.

Girls Life Application Study Bible
A one-of-a-kind discipleship resource, the Girls Life Application Study Bible helps girls draw closer to God and establish healthy relationships with those around them. Over 800 Life Application notes plus full-color features are designed to help girls learn more about the Bible, understand the big story, meet Jesus, know what it means to follow him, learn how to share their faith with others, and gain practical faith and relationship skills that will help them live out what they believe.

Inspired for Girls and More!
Inspire Bible for Girls is designed to draw girls deeper into God’s Word and to inspire creativity and connection with God! It includes over 500 beautiful full and partial-page Scripture line-art illustrations to color are attractively displayed throughout the Bible. In addition, there are over 300 devotionals, journaling prompts, and interesting Bible facts to enhance girls’ coloring and creative journaling journey through the Bible. Girls can leave traces of their faith throughout their Bible for a unique treasure that will truly inspire!

But don’t forget our other titles in the Inspire Bible line. These best-selling coloring and journaling Bibles are perfect for girls and people of all ages.

Streetlights New Testament

The Streetlights New Testament is an interactive, digital experience that cuts through misconceptions about the Bible. It encourages readers to listen to, read, and study it with fresh ears and hearts. It includes access to the Streetlights Audio Bible, and features like profiles, book introductions, and devotionals that encourage youth and young adults to go deeper into God’s Word in a way they can understand.

Teen Life Application Study Bible
The Teen Life Application Study Bible is filled with features designed to meet the challenges and needs of today’s high school students. Combining traditional study Bible features like book introductions, textual notes, person profiles, and maps with application-oriented features focusing on choices, real-life issues, and real-life stories of actual teens, the Teen Life Application Study Bible helps answers the tough questions and ground teens in their faith.

A Few Other Ideas:

Maybe you are looking for an Easter gift for a young adult or someone else in your life. Here are a few ideas:

Filament Bible Collection
These beautifully crafted Bibles offer a simple and engaging reading experience. But just scan a page with your phone or tablet and it opens an app filled with thousands of study and worship resources and content curated to the page you are reading.  

Immerse: The Reading Bible
Ever had a book you just couldn’t put down? Immerse: The Reading Bible takes away all the distractions and gets you right into story. With no chapters and verses and a cover that feels more like a novel than a Bible it’s like reading the Bible again for the first time. Start falling in love with the Bible all over again

Art of Life Bible
The Art of Life Bible weaves the beautiful NLT text into a rich tapestry of artwork illustrating many living things mentioned in Scripture. Captions highlighting their significance and wide-margin design offer readers a unique way to meditate on Scripture focusing on God’s creation. Featuring 450 original hand-drawn illustrations in a unique style this Bible encourages contemplation and visual interaction with the Word.

Identifying Discontent

Tyndale House Publishers

Lent Week 1 Resource from the Mosaic Bible

Read: Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7 • Psalm 51• 1 Peter 3:13-22 • Matthew 4:1-11

The season of Lent walks us through the grief of Jesus’ last days before his crucifixion. As we read Jesus’ personal conversation with his disciples in the upper room, we imagine the joy of friendship coupled with the sadness of a friend’s imminent betrayal. As we enter into the darkness of Jesus’ arrest, trial, and beating, we weep with those first Christians, and in our efforts to save Jesus from ourselves, we grieve in our Peter-like betrayals.

The tradition of Lent—a forty-day sacrifice—is one way of mourning the death that sin has caused in our lives. As we see Jesus perfectly withstand Satan’s temptation in the wilderness, we admit our own shortcomings, our own inadequate sacrifices. This period of “giving up” has a profound way of recalling our desperate need for Jesus Christ.

“ All God’s plans have the mark of the cross on them, and all His plans have death to self in them.” —E. M. Bounds (USA/1835–1913)

“Remember what I say: if you would cleave to earthly pleasures, these are the things which murder souls. There is no surer way to get a seared conscience and a hard impenitent heart, than to give way to the desires of the flesh and mind. It seems nothing at first, but it tells in the long run. Consider what Peter says: “abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul” (1 Peter 2:11). They destroy the soul’s peace, break down its strength, lead it into hard captivity, make it a slave.

Consider what Paul says: “Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth” (Colossians 3:5). “And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts” (Galatians 5:24). “But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection” (1 Corinthians 9:27). Once the body was a perfect mansion of the soul; now it is all corrupt and disordered, and needs constant watching. It is a burden to the soul—not a helpmeet; a hindrance—not an assistance. It may become a useful servant, but it is always a bad master.

Consider, again, the words of Paul: “But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof” (Romans 13:14). “These,” says Leighton, “are the words, the very reading of which so wrought with Augustine, that from a licentious young man he turned a faithful servant of Jesus Christ.” John Charles Ryle (England 1816-1900)

“People do not live by bread alone; rather, we live by every word
that comes from the mouth of the Lord.” —Deuteronomy 8:3

“The Blood deals with what we have done, whereas the Cross deals with what we are. The Blood disposes of our sins, while the Cross strikes at the root of our capacity for sin.” —Watchman Nee (China/1903–1972)


Great and holy God
awe and reverence
fear and trembling
do not come easily to us
for we are not
Old Testament Jews
or Moses
or mystics
or sensitive enough.
Forgive us
for slouching into Your presence
with little expectation
and less awe
than we would eagerly give a visiting dignitary.
We need
neither Jehovah nor a buddy—
neither “the Great and Powerful Oz” nor “the man upstairs.”
Help us
to want what we need . . .
and may the altar of our hearts
tremble with delight
Your visitation
—Frederick Ohler (USA/Contemporary)

Hollow Sacrifice
Eileen Button
Like many Catholic children, I gave up sweets for Lent. I remember creeping downstairs on Easter morning, hoping to be greeted by a marvelous chocolate bunny. After surviving the torturous season of sacrifice, I could barely wait to nibble the cottontail’s long, delicious ears.

I would sometimes be disappointed to find a hollow chocolate cross in my basket instead. Propped in green plastic grass stood a milk chocolate version of my Savior’s object of torture. I couldn’t eat it. It felt blasphemous to do so. While it was almost impossible to endure the long, sweet-less days of Lent, the triviality of my “sacrifice” always shocked me when I was confronted by that chocolate cross on Easter morning.

The season of Lent is puzzling to many. Denying ourselves our favorite treats or habits—even for a short time—seems archaic in our I-want-it-now culture. Lent is a plodding, definitive crescendo that leads up to the cacophonous noise of Good Friday and the gorgeous aria of Easter. It’s a season marked by deliberateness and intentionality.

But we often get in the way of our own best intentions. When fasting we might be tempted to feel a sense of pride about our sacrifice. The very thing we relinquish sometimes clamors inside us as a “need” to be met. Instead of focusing on Jesus Christ, our attention can dangerously be drawn to the very thing we’ve voluntarily surrendered.

Even so, the practice of Lent can be a valuable discipline. It’s difficult to grasp what our sense of entitlement does to our bodies and souls. Our culture worships at the feet of pleasure. As we “shovel it in,” we can become desensitized to our needs—the real hungers in our lives. Observing Lent can help us wrestle with the causes of our perpetual consumption. When we decide to relinquish what fails to truly satisfy, we come face-to-face with some tough questions. Can we believe Jesus when he says, “People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God”? How can we make room for the Savior in our lives? Can we grasp the reality of Good Friday and live within its irony?

Lent challenges us to consider the honest answers to these and other soul-searching questions. It invites us to jump off the hamster wheel of consumption and experience the pinch of abstaining from thoughtless indulgence.

Perhaps I was offended by a hollow chocolate cross for another reason: The outside of our lives might look pretty, but we can be tragically empty. Occasionally, the reality of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice and the power of his love break through our hardened hearts. The realization causes us to gasp. The hollow parts of our souls can be filled.

Show me the suffering of the most miserable;
So I will know my people’s plight.
Free me to pray for others;
For you are present in every person.
Help me to take responsibility for my own life;
So that I can be free at last.
Give me honesty and patience;
So that I can work with other workers.
Bring forth song and celebration;
So that the Spirit will be alive among us.
Let the Spirit flourish and grow;
So that we will never tire of the struggle.
Let us remember those who have died for justice;
For they have given us life.
Help us love even those who hate us;
So we can change the world.
—César Chávez (USA/1927–1993)

“The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God.”—Psalm 51:17

Inspire Bible Ambassador Spotlight: Barbie

Tyndale House Publishers

We are thrilled to feature beloved Bible journaler Barbie Ramirez of Contigo Arts in our Inspire Prayer Bible Ambassador Spotlight! We believe you will be incredibly blessed as she shares her beautiful heart, story, faith, art, advice, and prayers with you.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Hi! My name is Barbie, I’m from Costa Rica, and I am 43 years old. I’ve been married for 22 years, and we have two daughters: my eldest is 21, and my youngest is 15. I studied Psychology, and I am a Christian, you can say, since birth. I am a very sociable and friendly person, and I enjoy serving others. I love to help, teach, and guide others to know Jesus.

What are some of your favorite hobbies? (Besides Bible journaling in your Inspire Bible, of course!)

Well, of course Bible journaling is my favorite hobby. I also enjoy drawing and painting, and my preferred technique is watercolors. I love all arts and craft. I’m not good in the kitchen or in sports, but I give my best effort. People around me say I have the gift of prayer. I’m not sure it’s true, but what I do know for certain is that I love to pray, and I do it sincerely and constantly.

Tell us when you first encountered God and how your choice to follow him has impacted your life.

My parents led me to God at an early age. They not only instilled in me Christian values and principles but also taught me to love and respect God and his Word as well as to obey and share it with others. Even though I grew up in church, often times I felt like the lost coin of the parable, lost inside the house. I never left church or stopped going physically, but sometimes my heart was in another place. God in his mercy always sought me, and he found me, forgave me, cleansed me, and bestowed his wonderful love upon me.

I can say that every day is a struggle to fight against natural tendencies, but I feel his presence and compassion every day, in every step of the way. I have had moments of pain and loneliness, but it is in these moments where I have found a faithful and constant friend in Jesus.

Who (or what) has had the biggest influence on helping you grow in your faith?

I have always been a simple girl. I grew up in a humble home, but it was filled with love. My parents were and still are (even after death) a great influence. Their advice and counseling continue to help and guide me along the way. However, finding Bible journaling has given me a new perspective of how to have a relationship with God and his Word.

Five years ago, I would have never thought that I could be capable of drawing or painting. I discovered these talents thanks to Bible journaling, and I began to experiment with it. Today it’s my favorite thing. I need it, and it’s my way of spending time with God.

How has Bible journaling impacted your faith?

When days go by without painting my Bible, I feel empty and lost. I not only enjoy painting but also teaching others, that they can also discover the treasure that God gave me of illustrating the Bible. I’ve learned to seek God through his Word, and this has helped me in many areas of my life. It has strengthened my relationship with family, friends, and even myself, and it has enabled me to have more empathy and compassion toward others. It has changed my perspective on life and has given me a new reason to share the love of God, filling others’ worlds with color and hope.

When did you first start Bible journaling?

I began 3 years ago, but before that, when I found out it existed, I would just watch other women’s work, wishing I could be one of them.

Do you have any tips to share about how to stay close to God each day?

I believe putting God in the position of friend and confidant in your life is a way of having an encounter with him in each moment. This gives you the opportunity to have him close, speak to him of your feelings, your thoughts, what you are afraid of or causes uncertainty. You can consult every decision to know what his purpose for your life is. To reflect and meditate in his Word has helped me to know what God thinks of me, what he desires for me, what offends or hurts him. If you think on it, these are three things that you do with a friend or a person that you love.

1.Decide to let him come into your life and become a part of it.
2.Speak (pray) constantly, tell him all about everything.
3.Give yourself the opportunity to know him, so you can fall in love with him through the reading of his Word and reflect your feelings through the art in the Bible journaling or Bible diary.

We should be eager to imitate Jesus and follow his example of life, sacrifice, and service. It will give us purpose and a reason in life as we feel near to Jesus. We should look to bless others; caring for the little ones is the task that he gave us. It will give us great satisfaction and fill our hearts when someone we have blessed gives us a smile, gives us thanks or a hug. You will feel deep down that you are fulfilling the mission.

Who is your favorite person in the Bible and why?

I feel identified with many Bible characters that I definitely look forward to speak with when I get to heaven. But the one that inspires and comforts me the most and who I am eager to be with is Jesus. My heart is filled with emotion as I imagine that moment, when I can hug and kiss his feet and live eternally giving thanks and praise for his love and for saving me.

What Bible verse would you like to encourage others with today?

My favorite Bible text is Galatians 2:20, but the one that cheers me up and gives me hope is John 16:33, which says:

“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, Because I have overcome the world.”

We are living in difficult times. The world is free-falling toward chaos, violence, and confusion. It’s good to know that even though it seems that everything is getting worse, God has a plan, and that in the end of history, he is victorious, and we will have victory in him and because of him.

Would you like to say a prayer for the person reading this right now?

Of course, this is one of the things that I most enjoy doing.

Dear Jesus, we just want to thank you for your infinite love. Because of your providence, I can get in touch with the person that is reading this prayer in this moment. I do not know this person’s name, life, or situation, but you know them by name, even before they were born, and even from that moment, you have loved them.

They are wonderfully made, unique and unrepeatable. Your desire is that they know and understand that they are important to you; that whatever is causing anguish will be resolved soon; that even as they face difficult situations, you, Lord, are by their side; that they have never been alone, and you will never leave them alone.

I pray they will trust in you, Lord, with all their heart. May they leave all their burdens in your hands and look into the future with optimism, knowing you have great plans for them. We know that he who began a good work in us will carry it on to completion. If someone feels like they are a lost case, remind them that you have not finished with them yet!

In Jesus’ powerful name we pray, Amen.

May God bless you; I’m sending you my hug and best regards wherever you may be.

Connect with Barbie on Instagram.

Connect with the Inspire Bible community on Instagram.

Inspire Bible Celebrates 5 Years

Tyndale House Publishers

by Kim Adetunji, brand manager

It’s fun to reminisce and look back on God’s blessings! Next month marks the 5-year anniversary of the launch of the first Inspire Bible. Back then, some people wondered whether anyone would be interested in coloring or creating art in a Bible!

It may seem like coloring Bibles have been around for a long time, or perhaps you are just now discovering them, but not that long ago, Bibles with hundreds of pre-printed, ready to color Scripture line-art illustrations beautifully-displayed alongside the Bible text didn’t exist. Coloring and being creative in our Bibles has become a favorite way for many to meditate on God’s living and active Word, to express key truths, and to create legacy Bibles with notes and prayers that will be given to our loved ones someday.

For the first 7 or 8 months after the Inspire Bible released in March 2016, we could not keep it in stock. Our favorite comment back then was when someone compared it to the Cabbage Patch doll craze of the 1980s, when no store could keep them on their shelves! It was the same with the Inspire Bible—and soon after, the teal original Inspire Bible became the bestselling Bible of 2016! Five years and many editions of Inspire later, the teal is still our most-loved binding. In fact, some of you may have noticed we were out of stock in the months leading up to Christmas (sorry!).

It has been so much fun interacting with so many of you through our Inspire Bible journaling events and studies, in our social media communities, and by email over the years. Please reach out any time! We love hearing from you, and we’re always blessed to be able to get even a tiny glimpse into what God is doing in your life.

Imagine if we could capture all of the stories of life-change represented by each Bible that has been read and journaled in. Or if we could flip through all of the pages that have personal expressions of faith and Scripture truths or notes and prayers splashed across them in response to time spent with the Lord in his Word. Imagine if we could hear how God inspired each entry. What if we could hear all of the testimonies of how God made himself known on those pages—of how God provided instruction, vision, hope, peace, strength, wisdom, courage, and yes, even course-correction and conviction of sin. We need it all in our pursuit to know God and live in step with him.

God’s Word is living and active. If you doubt it, or if you’ve never experienced the power of God’s Word to transform, begin reading; make a daily habit of it. Say a prayer before you read to invite God to speak to you through his Word, and quiet your heart to listen. It’s the greatest adventure, and you’ll soon find yourself hungering to be in the Word, walking closer with the Lord than you thought was possible and living it out as you genuinely seek him.

If you’re new to the idea of Bible journaling and you think you might enjoy expressing your creativity on the pages of your Bible, read on! There are a bunch of new releases in the Inspire Bible line. Perhaps one of them will interest you.

If you haven’t already read today’s Inspire Bible Ambassador Spotlight, you’ll be blessed to read about how Bible journaling has drawn Barbie of Instagram’s closer to the Lord and has strengthened her faith!

For those who are interested in what is new and coming soon, please read on.

Now Available


Inspire Bible NLT Softcover Pink
Inspire Bible NLT HC LL Navy

New Releases in MAY 2021


Inspire PRAYER Bible Giant Print NLT LeatherLike Purple
Inspire PRAYER Bible NLT Softcover

New Releases in JUNE 2021


Inspire Bible for Girls NLT LeatherLike Pink


Inspire Catholic Bible NLT LeatherLike Dark Brown

New Release in JULY 2021


Inspire: Matthew & Mark Softcover

Bibles We Love (and love to share!)

Tyndale House Publishers

Valentine’s Day is a great time to share what you love. And we LOVE Bibles!!! There are so many wonderful Bibles out there, but we have a few that make our hearts so happy. We love them so much that we just can’t help but share them! Here are a few of ours. What are yours?

Maissie Currently I love the Immerse Reading Bible. It is easy to read and understand. There is something special about reading the Bible like a novel without the distraction of verse numbers, chapters, and notes. Reading Immerse reminds me that God is the Author both of the Word and of my life.

Ready to experience Immerse like Maissie?

Callie I’m so excited to own the Art of life Bible! While I wouldn’t say I am a Bible journaler per say or even artistic, I love jotting down my reflections in the margins of my Bible. This Bible gives me extra room to do this alongside new content that I can’t wait to dive into. Who’s ever wondered what the trees and plants look like in the Bible that God talks so vividly about? Or wondered why God goes into such detail on specific animals? I know I have, and it’s always fascinating when someone connects the dots on what the Bible is describing and why it’s important. It’s going to be a great way for me to explore the Bible in a fresh way.

See why Callie loves the Art of Life Bible

Kim One of my favorite Valentine’s Days was when a married friend surprised me with a care package in the mail that included the sweetest note and some personalized items, including a CD with hand-picked worship songs. It touched my heart so very deeply. I would love to do the same for my close single friends and surprise each of them with a Valentine’s care package including a greeting card with a heartfelt prayer-note and either the THRIVE Creative Journaling Bible (for those who would like the blue interior and wide margins for note-taking or creating original art) or the THRIVE Devotional Bible for Women (for those who would prefer a traditional setting without wide margins—and a pink interior). Both Bibles are the same other than those two unique features—the interior second color and the margin width. I think my friends would love this Bible because it is filled with daily readings that encourage us to keep our eyes on Christ and thrive in him. As Sheri Rose Shepherd, the author of the devotionals, says: “God paid much too high a price on the cross for us to live powerless lives.” I pray this Bible would be a daily, tangible reminder to each of them that they are so very loved by God and that they can trust him with their hearts! ❤

Learn more about the THRIVE Bible and see why Kim can’t wait to share it with those she loves!

Dave It has been a joy for me to read through the Bible over many years and I LOVE our New Living Translation One Year Chronological Bible .  For me, this has been the best way for me to understand the big story of God laid out in order. As the Bible Acquisition Director for Tyndale I’m also really excited about a project we’re working on right now to create a One Year Chronological Study Bible……stay tuned for more details in the months ahead about this amazing new resource.

Want to read through the Bible in one year like Dave? See all our One Year Bible options.

Blaine My favorite for 2021 is the Mosaic Bible I love the finish on the leatherlike edition with the classic celtic cross design. In the front of the Bible there is a 340 page section of beautiful ivory paper. This section features 52 meditations, each with full-color artwork, thought-provoking writings from historical as well as contemporary scholars, prayers, poetry and space to write my reflections as I meditate and pray. Each week’s theme compliments the Church calendar which helps me stay in rhythm with my fellow believers.  The Bible text is only interrupted by the center column references which are there when I need them but easy to ignore as I read scripture.  A very nicely done Bible in my opinion.

Want to read the Mosaic Bible with Blaine in 2021? See more

Jim There is so much to love about the Life Application Study Bible that it’s hard to know even where to begin. This Bible has had a special place in my heart for over 20 years. I learn something new every time I pick it up! And it is always relevant to what I am facing today.

See why so many people, like Jim, love the Life Application Study Bible.

The Other Jim I once had a Sunday School teacher who, when I – or another student – forgot to bring a Bible to class, would say: “that’s great; you must have it memorized.” I didn’t, but I’ve used his line since then.  And it leads me to my recommendation of a Bible I love. I love the HelpFinder Bible because of its extraordinary 352-page Index-on-steroids.  The index is an amazing guide when you’re looking for biblical counsel on more than 200 topics from Abilities to Worth, including Faith, Humility, Rejection, Sexuality, Success and Vulnerability, and so much more.  Each topic in the Index has questions and answers and biblical references. And alongside the Bible text there are short teachings on many of the topics. It’s a terrific, helpful, must-have Bible for everyone from new believers to Bible veterans.  Unless you have the Bible memorized!

Think you could love the HelpFinder Bible? Learn more

Evie I have been loving the Swindoll Study Bible. My parents were huge Swindoll fans so I have memories growing up listening to him on car rides or hearing my parents discuss Swindoll’s thoughts on different Scripture passages. I feel like he’s my spiritual grandpa. But it wasn’t until I started reading the study Bible on my own that I understood his significant impact on my parent’s walk with Christ. It’s truly like sitting by a beloved mentor as he helps to bring God’s truth and the amazing intricacies of Scripture into a way I can understand and grapple with. One of my favorite features is the Holy Land Tour. It’s like being on a trip to the Holy Land with Chuck Swindoll (#lifegoals)!

Want to go deeper into God’s Word with Chuck Swindoll too?

How Do I Find Courage?

Tyndale House Publishers

Taken from the HelpFinder Bible Index

Courage is the ability to act on what we know is right and good, to dare to do what we should or must. Fear paralyzes; courage is what helps us move ahead. Courage does not conquer fear, it simply renders fear ineffective. It gives us a confident assurance that we can succeed. Christians recognize that they have an extra resource in God’s promised help in time of need. This should bring about a boldness to face any situation that comes our way. It should be noted that sometimes the courageous thing to do is run, if that is what will bring about the greatest good. The Bible speaks of courage to stand firm against evil, to remain strong in our faith, to resist temptation, to do the right thing. The more we learn to rely on God, the more courageous we will become.

Where do I get the courage to go on when life seems too hard or obstacles
seem too big?

DEUTERONOMY 20:1 | “The Lord your God . . . is with you!”

PSALM 27:1 | The Lord is my light and my salvation—so why should I be afraid?

ISAIAH 41:10 | “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your
God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”

JOSHUA 1:9 | “Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord
your God is with you wherever you go.”

1 CHRONICLES 19:13 | “Be courageous! Let us fight bravely for our people and the cities
of our God. May the Lord’s will be done.”

True courage comes from God. It is understanding that he is stronger than our mightiest foes and that he wants to use his strength to help us. Courage is not misplaced confidence

in your own strength but well-placed confidence in God’s strength.

DEUTERONOMY 20:8 | “Is anyone here afraid or worried? If you are, you may go home before you frighten anyone else.”

Courage is contagious—you gain or lose courage by watching others, and others gain or
lose courage by watching you.

Learn more about the HelpFinder Bible

A Fresh Way to Read Through God’s Word in a Year

Tyndale House Publishers

The Daily Reader’s Bible

The Daily Reader’s Bible allows you to read through the entire Bible in a year, but instead of being grouped by dates the daily readings are grouped by theme. Each day’s reading includes three passages—a selection from the stories of the Bible; another from the teachings of the Bible; and a third from the wisdom of the Bible. Allowing more of a natural reading experience references are included at the top of each reading, but the passages within the daily readings do not include chapter and verse indicators.

Watch this video and then visit our website to learn more about the Daily Reader’s Bible