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The Bible changes lives. Read personal stories from readers of Tyndale Bibles.

Immerse: Poets Now Available!

We are excited that the most recent volume of Immerse: The Bible Reading Experience has been released. Immerse: Poets presents the poetical books of the First Testament divided into two groupings. Songs: Psalms Lamentations Song of Songs Wisdom: Proverbs Ecclesiastes Job These writing […]

Small Group Loves “Fresh” Experience with Immerse

by Alex Goodwin, Institute for Bible Reading Barb and Glenn Martin have spent much of their lives in the education field — Barb as a faculty member at Bethel University, Glenn as a teacher, coach, and high-school principal. They both […]

The One Year Bible (Enter to win!)

The new year means it’s time to set your reading goal for the year. For many, this means setting out to read the entire Bible over the next 12 months. If this sounds like you, we have something that can […]

From “No Bible” to “Know Bible” Part 6: Living the Story

Find out what our partners at the Institute for Bible Reading are talking about and visit ImmerseBible.com to learn more about the Immerse Bible Reading Experience. Read Part 6 of the 6 part series by Bible Scholar Glenn Paauw. What does […]

Saddleback Small Group Loves Immerse

Chris Chapman has been practicing law in Southern California for well over a decade. Recently he created Chapman Sports and Entertainment—a full service sports and marketing agency where Chris is a certified agent with both the NFL and NBA. When […]

From “No Bible” to “Know Bible” Part 5: The Story of God and Us

Find out what our partners at the Institute for Bible Reading are talking about and visit ImmerseBible.com to learn more about the Immerse Bible Reading Experience. Read Part 5 of the 6 part series by Bible Scholar Glenn Paauw. Editors Note: […]

Adding to the Text, or Interpreting the Text?

Translating the biblical texts into English (or any other language) is not as simple as it may sound. For starters, the translator has to determine which philosophy of translation to follow. The two basic options are formal equivalence (also called […]

How much was the widow’s mite?

We find the story of the widow’s mite in Mark 12:41-44 and Luke 21:1-4. In both passages (which are nearly identical), Jesus makes the point that the widow’s gift to the Temple treasury was very costly to her, because it […]

Textual Variants

Most serious readers of the New Testament know that there are thousands of minor textual variants among the hundreds of ancient manuscripts available to us. And most recognize that there are no make-or-break theological issues that hang solely on a […]

Psalm 146:2

On a separate thread, Danielo asks whether the NLT is perhaps too dramatic in the way it translates the last phrase of this verse: “I will praise the LORD as long as I live;I will sing praises to my God […]

No Room at the Inn?

We’ve all heard the Christmas story from Luke 2 many times, and we’ll hear it again this Christmas. And you’ll probably hear that “there was no room in the inn.” But was it an inn (that is, a public place […]

Differences between Translations (Part 3)

My pastor is working his way through Galatians, and this morning’s sermon was on Gal 3:23-29. I found fertile ground for thinking about differences between translations. Here are some examples: Sentence structure: The UBS Greek text has 4 sentences in […]