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The Bible changes lives. Read personal stories from readers of Tyndale Bibles.

Going Beyond Content

For Nate, Christianity was just something you did—you go to church, you try to do good, and you just live your life. He was happy. He had an amazing wife, two energetic and wonderful kids, and found fulfillment in his […]

Samuel, Israel’s Last Judge and First Prophet

Taken from the Illustrated Study Bible Samuel lived at the end of the period of the judges and ushered in the period of kingship. He was Israel’s last judge (1 Sam 7:6, 15‑17) and first prophet (3:20; Acts 3:24; 13:20). […]

Growing as a Christian

Taken from the Christian Basics Bible “Rather, you must grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. All glory to him, both now and forever! Amen.” 2 Peter 3:18, NLT The birth of a baby […]

Divine Appointments

“And now, in my old age, don’t set me aside. Don’t abandon me when my strength is failing.” Psalm 71:9, NLT In the busyness of life, it can be easy to forget those who have walked in our shoes. We […]

A Bible of My Own

by Evie Polsley, Bible Team Marketing Coordinator It was pink, slim, and had a snap to keep the front and back covers closed. I will never forget the first Bible my mom and dad gave me when I made the […]

How To Translate a Bible

by Dr. Daniel Block, NLT Bible Translation Committee and Gunther H. Knoedler Professor Emeritus of Old Testament, College I will never forget the meeting at the airport hotel in the late 1980s. With the encouragement and blessing of Kenneth Taylor […]

The one true God

Note from the Christian Basics Bible “These are the commands, decrees, and regulations that the Lord your God commanded me to teach you. You must obey them in the land you are about to enter and occupy, and you and your children and […]

The Power of Simplicity

Do we make the Bible too hard? Or do we think that because the Bible is our foundational truth it should be hard to validate its immense meaning? The Bible is what we build our lives and faith on. We […]

Bringing Immerse into Angola Prison

by Paul Caminiti, Institute for Bible Reading Angola Prison, nicknamed “The Alcatraz of the South,” is one of the world’s most notorious prisons. Located outside Baton Rouge, LA, it’s the largest maximum-security prison in the country, with the property bigger […]


Today is Founder’s Day at Tyndale House Publishers. We are so thankful for the amazing legacy that Ken Taylor left for us not only as a company but as men and women who are children of God. The following is […]

NLT Word Study System

The Slimline Center Column Reference Bible includes over 200 Hebrew and Greek word studies throughout the Bible text. These word studies give readers a glimpse into the inner workings of the New Living Translation and open a small window to […]

Have Patience?

Taken from the HelpFinder Bible If you’ve ever spent two hours stuck in traffic or held a crying baby at 2:00 a.m., you know something about patience. According to the Bible, patience is a form of perseverance that allows us […]