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The Bible changes lives. Read personal stories from readers of Tyndale Bibles.

Prophecies about Christ

Note from the Christian Basics Bible In chapters 53 and 61, two of Isaiah’s most famous chapters, Isaiah saw the coming Messiah with amazing clarity, about seven hundred years before he came. Chapter 53 foresees the Messiah’s death—a death that would […]

Making Courageous Changes

Social media posts reek of fake paradise. When asked, “how are you?” we respond, “fine” or “good.” We mask our hurts, hide our pain, and try to bury our fears and discomfort because we think being real exposes our weaknesses. […]

How to Do a Word Study

The Bible wasn’t written in any modern day language, but it was written in every day languages of the times. For many of us ancient Greek and Hebrew can seem sacred or special, but for the people in biblical times […]

A Chat With Chuck Swindoll

Imagine studying the Bible with pastor Chuck Swindoll sitting beside you – sharing his warm personal insights, gleaning wisdom from his over 50 years of ministry and being inspired by his passion for God’s Word.  That is why he created […]

Stay Awake!

Disappointments, frustrations, worries, the list goes on and on. We live in an age where we can quickly become overwhelmed by all that is happening around us and be lulled into a state of uncaring and complacency. Read as Chuck […]

John the Baptist

Personality Profile taken from the Life Application Study Bible There’s no getting around it—John the Baptist was unique. He wore odd clothes and ate strange food and preached an unusual message to the Judeans who went out to the wastelands […]

Is It Ok To Make Fun of Someone?

Taken from the Boys Life Application Study Bible Is it okay to make fun of someone who deserves it? This question has a simple answer: No. Do you want some proof? “You should not have gloated when they exiled your […]

From Valley of Trouble To Gateway of Hope

Taken from the Swindoll Study Bible “Then Joshua said to Achan, ‘My son, give glory to the Lord, the God of Israel, by telling the truth. Make your confession and tell me what you have done. Don’t hide it from me.’ […]

What Does the Bible Say About Conflict?

Taken from the HelpFinder Bible Grown men stand toe to toe, faces beet red, veins standing out on their necks as they shout at each other, “I was safe!” “You were out!” “Safe!” “Out!” If a ball player disagrees with […]

How to Use the Gifts God Has Given You

Note from the Life Application Study Bible “In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has […]

Going Beyond Content

For Nate, Christianity was just something you did—you go to church, you try to do good, and you just live your life. He was happy. He had an amazing wife, two energetic and wonderful kids, and found fulfillment in his […]

Samuel, Israel’s Last Judge and First Prophet

Taken from the Illustrated Study Bible Samuel lived at the end of the period of the judges and ushered in the period of kingship. He was Israel’s last judge (1 Sam 7:6, 15‑17) and first prophet (3:20; Acts 3:24; 13:20). […]