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The Bible changes lives. Read personal stories from readers of Tyndale Bibles.

The Accidental Bible

How the Christian Basics Bible came about By Mike Beaumont, editor of the Christian Basics Bible Penicillin, saccharine, Coca-Cola, the microwave oven and the pacemaker…all have one thing in common: they all came about by accident, discovered when someone found something […]

1 Samuel: A Catalog of Lives to Learn From

Book Introduction from the Life Recovery Bible The book of 1 Samuel begins with the birth of the prophet Samuel and ends with the death of King Saul. It contains a catalog of lives for us to learn from—some exemplary, […]

My Story: “Aha” Moment

We love hearing stories from people using the NLT! Kristy sent us her story of discovering how readability doesn’t mean being watered down. We love how excited she is to share God’s Word with those she loves! This version is […]

The NLT’s use of “the LORD” for YHWH

by Mark Taylor, member of the NLT Bible Translation Committee and CEO of Tyndale House Publishers In the Old Testament, the God of the Hebrews identified himself by the Hebrew name YHWH (sometimes transliterated in English as Yahweh). The meaning […]

Will We Be Daring Like Daniel?

“But Daniel was determined not to defile himself by eating the food and wine given to them by the king. He asked the chief of staff for permission not to eat these unacceptable foods.” Daniel 1:8, NLT Taken from the […]

Am I Committed?

Many of us make New Years resolutions, but we get a few weeks or maybe even a few months in and we start to get tired. The excitement wears off, the busyness of life sets in and our commitment to […]

My Story:Life Application Study Bible In Africa

What a joy to hear from our brother in Africa! Thank you for sharing this encouragement with us! “I feel moved to inform you that Life Application Study Bible has been a tool which helped me shape a great deal […]

Living In Truth

Article from the Christian Basics Bible “Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit. Some of the traveling teachers recently returned and made me very […]

Nebuchadnezzar or Nebuchadrezzar (king of Babylon)

by Mark D. Taylor, Chairman / CEO, Tyndale House Ministries Nebuchadnezzar II was king of Babylon for 43 years—from 605 to 562 b.c. He is mentioned in many ancient Babylonian documents, and he played a pivotal role in the fall […]

Why Pray for America?

Forward from the One Year Pray for America Bible by Dr. Barry C. Black, Chaplain of the United States Senate The One Year Pray for America Bible provides springboards for prayer that enable you to pray more effectively. It gives […]

The Transformational Simplicity of the Whole Bible in One Year

What are some first impressions of the Bible? It’s a big book. It seems overwhelming. It’s filled with people and places that seem different than us and our surroundings. If we take a closer look and actually get into its […]

The Profound Meaning of Jesus as The Word

“In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. The Word gave life […]