Sometimes we feel that we are too ordinary for God to use for his purposes. Throughout the Bible we see God using everyday, ordinary objects in extraordinary ways. Check out this list from the Hands-On Bible of common items God used in the Bible for his glory then imagine what he can do with your life.

God often uses simple, ordinary objects to accomplish his tasks in the world. They just need to be dedicated to him for his use. Look at these everyday objects from Bible times to see how God used them. Then ask yourself: “What do I have that God can use?” Anything and everything is a possible “instrument” for him!

Used it?
How Was It
Exodus 4:2-4MosesTo work
miracles before
Ram’s HornJoshua 6:3-5JoshuaTo flatten the
wall of
FleeceJudges 6:36-40GideonTo confirm whatGod wanted
Gideon to do
Horns, Jars and TorchesJudges 7:19-22GideonTo defeat the
JawboneJudges 15:15SamsonTo kill the
1,000 Philistines
Small Stone1 Samuel 17:40DavidTo kill Goliath
Oil2 Kings 4:1-7ElishaTo show God’s
power to
River2 Kings 5:9-14ElishaTo heal a man of leprosy
PotteryJeremiah 18:1-0; 19:1-13JeremiahAs an object lesson about God
the creator
Five Loaves of
Bread and Two Fish
Mark 6:30-44JesusTo feed a crowdof over 5,000

This is just a start. Tell us in the comments what objects from the Bible would you add to the list?

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