So you're looking for a new Bible?

We're here to help.

We love the Bible, and we want you to love yours.
If you have questions, we have answers. Let us share some of our favorite Bibles with you.

From Our Blog

Resolution Restart?

Need a resolution restart? Did you plan to read the Bible each day, but the busyness of life got in the way? Don’t be discouraged! It’s never too late to jump back into daily Bible reading. Here are five tips […]

God’s Beautiful Truth for His Princesses

Some girls dream of being princesses. In God’s Kingdom, we discover that we are precious to God. He calls us to be His sons and daughters, and He has chosen each one of us. When we invite Him to enter […]

Become More Aware of God’s Presence in Mothering

“Motherhood is a gift—one that would deplete our physical, emotional, and spiritual resources every day if it weren’t for God’s willingness to fill us up as we pour out what we have. Knowing how much we need him, God invites […]

What’s Coming in Early 2025?

We had some amazing Bibles release last year, and we are so thankful for how God is using them to draw people closer to him. This year, we are excited to have some new Bible options to help people engage […]

How Can I Read the Bible Every Day?

Life can get pretty hectic. Trying to squeeze in one more thing between work, family, and endless to-do lists, it’s easy to feel like there’s no time to pause, let alone read and study a huge book! We know reading […]

Filament Bibles Now in Multiple Languages

We have loved to see people gaining a deeper understanding of God’s Word through the Filament Bible app. Now, we are excited to launch Filament into Spanish (NTV) and Portuguese (NVT) Bibles. Growing alongside our English Filament Bible Collection will […]

Why Tyndale Bibles? Tyndale has more than 50 years of Bible experience. You can trust us. This video will help you learn a little more about our history and expertise in Bible publishing.

Recent Articles

What makes a Bible “large print” or “giant print”?

Though this seems like it would have a quick, simple answer, the truth is a bit more complex. There are no industry-standard guidelines for large-print or giant-print Bibles. When the Tyndale team creates a large-print or giant-print Bible, we look […]

How are different translations different? And how are they similar?

This is a great video that will take you through several aspects of Bible translation. David Brunn is the author of the book One Bible, Many Versions: Are All Translations Created Equal? We highly recommend reading this book for more […]

When did people start translating the Bible?

To get a picture of how the Bible has come to different peoples in the world, spread out a map of the Eastern Hemisphere and imagine Palestine as the center of a pool. Think of God’s revelation of himself through […]

Is a translation of the Bible still the inspired Word of God?

Is a Bible translation the inspired Word of God? Yes—to the extent that the translation relays to the reader what God directed the authors to write. No—to the extent that it misses the meaning of what God originally communicated. Missing […]

Bible Questions?