What’s Different about theStreetlights New Testament?

TheStreetlights New Testamentwas created to cut through all the misconceptions about the Bible. To encourage you to listen to, read, and study it yourself with fresh ears and hearts. God promises to help you hear from Him as you do those things. Our purpose in giving you this gift is no more complex than this: We want you to get to know who Jesus is and receive the new life He wants to give you by faith. Then we want you to grow in His truth and live it out daily in love for God and other people.

Cover of the Streetlights Bible from Tyndale House Publishers


Streetlights Audio Bible App

Connect with the New Testament by listening to the Streetlights Audio Bible. One scan with your phone’s or tablet’s camera will take you directly to the audio album of the book of the Bible you want to hear. The gospel of Jesus is freely given, so we freely give. Streetlights is supported entirely by the generosity of others, so the app is available at no cost.

Corner Talk Devotionals

Corner Talk Devotionals break down the answers to three big questions about the chapters you’re reading in the Bible: “Who is God?,” “Who am I?,” and “What do I do?” These features help you study on the go and explore the timeless truth of God’s Word, given not just for the people who originally received it but also for you today. Scan the page with your phone’s or tablet’s camera, and it will take you to the Corner Talk devotional videos online.

Profiles & Portraits

The Bible is composed of real-life stories of God interacting with real people. The things you read about here happened a long time ago, but they are mirrors for us in many ways. The profiles you’ll find in these pages cover a span of biblical people and highlight truths we can all learn from in our present day. Scan each one with your phone’s or tablet’s camera, and it will transport you to our fresh street-art profiles and lessons online.

Quick Overview of Each Bible Book

The books of the Bible were written by and to specific people in the contexts of their own neighborhoods, lives, and issues. Check out these introductions to get to know the background of each book before reading or listening to it.

Scan for Content

A quick scan of the QR code in the Bible text will take you directly to the audio and visual content created to augment what you are reading and studying.

Meet the Streetlights Ministry Team

Streetlights is a ministry of Creative Communicators called to intentionally engage global urban culture with the Gospel of Jesus Christ by producing, translating, teaching and proclaiming God’s Word so all can understand. Our identity and call are founded on the belief that God’s Word is transformational and needs to be accessible and understandable to all people.

Streetlights team

Hear and See

Sample the content

1 John 4:1-6

Revelation 3

Romans 8