This world is in constant motion, and if we allow our differences to divide us, then our world becomes smaller.
“Connection with others is helpful and healthy in every aspect of our lives.
“Jesus’ love compels us to do the unthinkable, awkward parts of initiating friendship — ‘And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and wa
God will use grief to shape them, and draw them closer to himself. You cannot fix or take away their pain. But you can sit beside them as they cry or listen while they talk about their loss.
The amazing thing about service is that it rarely returns void, even if we don’t see the end results ourselves.
“[The] concept of a spiritual partnership implies that it is created with the objective of glorifying God.
Every week in the month of April we will be featuring an article on the art of friendship. To see the full series, click HERE.
Everybody wants to be loved, celebrated and known. We were created for deep connections, but we tend to get in our own way. The hardest walls to scale are the walls of the human heart.