Talking about race and reconciliation has never been easy. Some folks stay away from conversations on race because they are too awkward or volatile.
On this episode Joy and Adam talk with author Tracy Groot. Trace is the author of many Tyndale books including Flame of Resistance, The Sentinels of Andersonville, and her latest The Maggie Bright.
I am thankful for the chance to reflect on books that have shaped me as a person and as a writer. During this reflection process, I discovered that God began using these books in my life long before I knew Him.
Your reading style says a lot about your personality.
Our cell phones are a part of our daily lives. With all the features of the modern smart phone, they can practically feel like an extension of our hand.
Without vision and goals, our lives often become routine. Like a gerbil in a wheel, we move frantically but don’t get anywhere. The Bible commands us to live differently.
Our most memorable stories resonate with us because of unique characters who journey through an adventure and respond to the challenges before them with strength and power.
Life in Christ means freedom from sin and power over darkness.
John Van Sloten is a pastor in Calgary, Alberta. He is the author of The Day Metallica Came to Church: Searching for the Everywhere God in Everything, and Every Job a Parable.
Boundaries are boundaries, and the same rules apply whether you’re setting them with children, schedules, or relationships.