It took me far too long to write this list, to choose the five books that have influenced me most. Five? Fifty, I could have rattled off. One hundred, I would eagerly share.
There are moments in life that transform us, moments in which we launch face forward from one stage of life into the next. We call these moments milestones.
Today, August 9th, is Book Lovers Day! In honor of this national holiday, we’ve gathered 10 fun facts about books. To learn more about how the world reads, click the infographic below!
The first time my pastor asked if I’d be interested in volunteering to help start a Pregnancy Care Center, my mental answer was an immediate That’s nice, but no thank you.
Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare
“Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.
Do you ever feel like your family is close to crazy? Well, you’re in good company, and you’re probably not as strange as you think.
We were very excited to welcome Melanie Dobson to The Arc Podcast! On this episode Adam interviewed Melanie, and they talked about how she got started as a writer, her writing process, and her latest book, Catching the W
Do you ever wish you had lived in a different time? Maybe you are drawn to the “happy days” of the 1950’s, or the excitement of the roaring 20’s.
Have you ever wondered how Bibles are edited? We’ve answered a few commonly asked questions and hope you enjoy reading about the process. This is Part I of a two-part series.
“Every year it’s the same thing. I promise myself summer is not going to fly by. I promise I’ll slow down and take deeper breaths.