This world is in constant motion, and if we allow our differences to divide us, then our world becomes smaller.
Write. Every. Single. Day. Writing is like working out a muscle: the more you use it, thestronger it gets.
Friend, maybe you are tired of trying because God wants you to recognize you don’t need to keep trying.
“When I stumbled upon the story of Leon Lewis and his spy network, I was skeptical.
Play takes our focus off feeling responsible and weighed down with work; it awakens our intellect, provokes our sense of wonder, and refreshes our souls.
Reading quietly, underlining sentences and dog-earing pages, is also a way of knowing God, of loving him with my mind.
“Family stories also make great fodder for novelists.”
By Cathy Gohlke, author of the book A Hundred Crickets Singing
Family stories influence generations.
Deep roots take time to grow, and the consistent habits of Bible reading and prayer simply don’t happen overnight.
“Hey! What are you doing?” he asks while orbiting the Earth.
By Stacey Morgan, excerpted from the book The Astronaut’s Wife
We have four children—two teenagers and two tweens.
“Despite enduring dehumanizing battles and barriers, they fought back to become the strong shoulders on which I and others stand. During Black History Month, I honor these heroes with amazement and gratitude.