by Kevin R. O’Brien, Study Bible and Reference Brand Manager at Tyndale
Commentaries. Not exactly thrillers. Or self-help books.
Tara Johnson is an author, speaker and passionate lover of stories.
God’s light is eternal, so what darkness could you possibly face that he couldn’t overcome?
by Rachelle Dekker, author of When Through Deep Waters, originally posted on Crosswalk
When you are surrounded by darkness
Your child may face rejection and teasing for sharing the gospel. Make sure children understand that their role is to share, and the Holy Spirit takes it from there.
The Son of God does the works of God He has been put on earth to do. The man of God imitates the Son of God and focuses his heart, soul, mind, and strength on doing the works of God with Jesus.
Parenting isn’t easy. Maybe you’re a new parent, or maybe your children have entered a new phase of life. Read on for resources for different phases in the parenting journey.
It doesn’t matter whether I’m on top of the world or scraping bottom at my worst . . . his love never changes. And I’ve discovered this amazing truth is what my heart has been searching for all along.
Joey by Jennifer Marshall Bleakley
Grab your tissues and curl up with a cup of tea and get ready for a book that will make you marvel at God, rejoice in his creation, and fall in love with a horse that you have neve
The same reason we find our country’s freedom precious is the same reason we find the eternal freedom won for us on the cross and in a sealed grave more than two thousand years ago so precious.
Summer holidays are upon us! But what do we do about those days when it feels like a real slog to get through? Here are some fun ideas for you and your children to keep boredom at bay and Christ at the center during the