We know that when Jesus was raised from the dead it was a signal of the end of death-as-the-end. Never again will death have the last word. —Romans 6:6-11, The Message
Originally posted on messagebible.
Prepare your heart for Valentine’s Day with this free downloadable devotional about love in action.
These easy snacks will make you look like a hostess extraordinaire and no one will ever know about that time you burned water.
Today’s post is by author Carla Laureano.
What are you facing in life? Are you going through an especially tough season, one filled with change, or are you in a state of constant? Bible study helps you to hear from God in all situations.
My desire in my novels is to take the reader into the world of what is and what might be.
By Joel C.
The Sabbath by Abraham Joshua Heschel
In a culture full of distractions and want, even the Church has looked at the Sabbath as a day to get things done. Go to church. Pick up groceries. Do laundry.
I typically think of justice as making sure that when people do things that are wrong, they get the punishment they deserve. But here, God’s justice is not focused on punishing the wrongdoer.
Mom made reading a treat. Like most kids, I’d pester her for my favorite things. After my fiftieth request for a new Hot Wheels car, she finally said, “Tell you what—I’ll buy you any book you want.
The Super Bowl is a great goal, and I have no doubt you guys can get there, but in all my years in the league, I’ve found the most consistently successful teams are driven by something even bigger than that.
The song of truth will find its echo in those who listen.
By Robert Petterson, author of The One Year Book of Amazing Stories
She was born with the voice of an angel.