When prayer is understood in the broadest sense of being in relationship with God and not just talking to God, it becomes possible to pray unceasingly.
Thanks to everyone who voted last week! Let’s get ready for Round 2 matchups! Choose your favorite book in each matchup, and each vote qualifies you for a chance to win a copy of the winning title or the grand pri
Spring is around the corner!! Find some inspiration for your TBR or library list with the ideas below.
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“This is not our land. None of us own this country, this town, this neighborhood. We are not the hosts. We are merely guests; the whole earth is God’s. We live on God’s land by God’s invitation.
When we fail to remember that we will die, it’s easy to believe that we’re in control . . . But our powerlessness to escape death reminds us that every day and every breath is a gift from God.
Welcome to Lit Madness 2022! This week is Round 1: Choose your favorite book in each matchup, and each vote qualifies you for a chance to win a copy of the winning title or the grand prize of all 16 titles!
“I learned just about everything I know from Aran and the other donkeys who were part of my life—Timmy, Jerusalem, Penelope and Peanut, Guinness, Tinsel, Nollaig, and Jacksie.
Lent begins next week on Ash Wednesday, March 2, but have you ever wondered what Lent is really about? Which is it: an unnecessary legalistic practice or a life-giving spiritual discipline?
By Christine McParland
What are some Bible verses about God’s love?
Compiled using Nave’s Topical Bible by Orville J.