Bookshelves, Spiritual Growth

How to Change the Way You Read the Word of God

It’s all the study without the interruptions.

Every day can look different. Some weeks are full, others are slow and have more margin. When it comes to reading our Bibles, some days we just need to hear the Word of God, and some days we want to be guided into a deeper understanding of what the Scriptures are trying to say.

As a young professional, mother, or anyone with a busy schedule, spending time studying the Bible, really looking deeply at the text, can seem overwhelming. But it doesn’t need to be! You can still handle all of your responsibilities and take time to sit with the Lord.

This fall, a new way to read your Bible was launched. Filament is a beautiful print Bible, with a line-over-line single column text. It reads just like your favorite novel while also giving you access to volumes of knowledge about biblical history, architecture, and cultural context.

With access to all the study features via an app on your phone, this reading experience is significantly different than a Study Bible. Instead of having the passages intertwined with boxes and paragraphs of information, you can choose when you want to dig deeper. Filament offers thousands of pictures, diagrams, additional text features, and more to aid your Bible reading.

It’s all the study features without the interruptions.

Not only can we remember that God gave us these words specifically so that we may know the truth, but we can also remember that these words were written in a context and time that influences the way it should be read. Filament allows us to experience both together.

Furthermore, it’s easy to use on the go! Instead of having to lug around big study Bibles and commentaries, you can have it all in the palm of your hand, making it easier to study more fully at a coffeeshop, at church, or even in your morning quiet times at home.

Check out the Filament Bible here. Your Bible reading will never be the same.

Filament Bible NLT: The Print+Digital Bible

Filament combines the simple elegance of a premium Bible with the powerful capabilities of your mobile device. You get the best reading experience a print Bible can offer and instant access to more meaningful content than you’ll find in any one study or devotional Bible.

The Filament Bible features a carefully crafted page design, offering the best possible reading experience in a single-volume print Bible. A line-over-line single-column setting, generous font size and margins, and optimal line length create a strikingly beautiful presentation of God’s Word in a portable package.

This Bible also includes exclusive access to the Filament App, available in the App Store and Google Play. Simply scan the page you are reading with your device’s camera. Your phone or tablet recognizes the page and instantly connects you to content centered around that passage.

This print+digital setup gives you options you’ve never had in a single Bible. If you want to read God’s Word without distraction, leave your phone in your pocket. If you want to dig deeper, your device unlocks a rich set of curated content—study notes, devotionals, videos, interactive visuals, and more.


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