This world is in constant motion, and if we allow our differences to divide us, then our world becomes smaller.
Write. Every. Single. Day. Writing is like working out a muscle: the more you use it, thestronger it gets.
What was most fascinating to me was that both Bonnie and Clyde, but Clyde in particular, were raised in Christian homes. Both prayed nightly, even during their time on the run.
“When I stumbled upon the story of Leon Lewis and his spy network, I was skeptical.
By Robin W. Pearson, author of the book Walking In Tall Weeds.
Growing up, I probably spent more time with a book than I did with my parents. Not that my family didn’t spend quality time together.
“Police officers are human beings. None of them can ever be perfect. . . .
“I write historical fiction because I love history, especially the little-known stories of ordinary people.
The “new normal” isn’t all that different from trials we’ve faced before. We all have a choice. Grumble and growl over the way things are. Or look for the good and the humorous aspects of life.
“Despite enduring dehumanizing battles and barriers, they fought back to become the strong shoulders on which I and others stand. During Black History Month, I honor these heroes with amazement and gratitude.
“Truly, we have to peel back the facade of our traditions and see what’s underneath, just as the little people are doing. Our season of Advent should be a lifelong search, not a monthlong observance.