How often had I focused on the steps themselves—Which job should I take? Where should I live? What church should I attend?—instead of on the one who was leading me? Could I trust Jesus enough to follow his lead?
How you spend your time will determine the direction of your days.
Excerpted from The Well-Watered Woman by Gretchen Saffles
Life ebbs and flows in the rhythm of seasons.
The cross is always there, fixed in the background of our belief, but how often does it confront us with its terrible and awesome reality?
By Christine McParland
I’ll never forget the first time I knelt to pray
This intimacy between God, Adam, and Eve provides evidence of God’s love and infuses human beings with immense value and worth.
By Matt Freeman
We’re only two weeks into 2021, and anyone wanna hit ‘Refresh’, too? Well, I’m thankful that whenever that thought occurs, by grace, I know better: We are known by, and serve the
By Charlotte Meyers
Turning your Bible reading from an “every now and then” activity into a daily habit doesn’t usually happen overnight.
“The more you get into it, the more your joy will grow.”
By Evie Polsley, originally published on
What are some first impressions of the Bible? It’s a big book.
By Matt Freeman
Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks.
The Gospel writers tell us that this man had many possessions. But really we can see that his many possessions had him. They had him in their grip. They had his heart in their vise.
This article is an excerpt from Andrew Arndt’s new book, All Flame.
The tumultuous events of the weekend had left them completely depleted.