Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. — Romans 12:2
I recently went jean shopping. AGH.
God cares about the details of our lives.
God is much nearer than we think. And getting to know Him—truly know Him—happens one step at a time.
by Katherine J.
The study of Scripture is essential to spiritual growth. But it can be daunting to choose what to study from among 66 books of various genres, authors, and topics.
Spiritual or religious? It’s not a matter of choosing between them. We need to be both. I don’t mean we should be both. I mean we need it.
The world is shaking. You have probably noticed that. The headlines regularly announce convulsions in government, economics, culture, worldviews, and so much more.
World Cancer Day is an international day marked on February 4 to raise awareness of cancer and to encourage its prevention, detection, and treatment.
Where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them. Matthew 18:20
by U.S. Senate Chaplain Barry C.
If you and I are going to break free from whatever we’re stuck in, if we’re going to live healthy, holy lives, if we’re going to move into God’s future, we have to fire ourselves and hire God.
If we want a fresh start and the ability to greet the unexpected turns of the year ahead with trusting hope, what we need is not more resolutions, but more grace.