This 5-week devotional series comes from A Praying Life by bestselling author Paul E. Miller. Each week you’ll receive a passage from the book and a downloadable prayer card to use in your personal prayer time.
Those of us who have worn the “cloth of our country” and served in the military know it is a unique experience.
My first Bible was very fancy—white leather cover, gold-edged pages, with everything Jesus said appearing in red. Like every 12-year-old in our church, I went through confirmation and was rewarded with my own Bible.
Knowing what the world is like today, I feel certain that you or some of those you love are facing problems that are impossible to resolve or even to face in the strength of human resources.
“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” Attributed to Dr.
Do you remember what Jesus did when he first got back together with his disciples after his resurrection? He showed them his wounds.
It was afternoon on the very first Easter.
Saturday was a long and dark day. Not only did the disciples hide in fear for their lives, but even worse, they grieved deeply. Soldiers had carried Jesus off to his execution the day before.
God the Father extends a welcome to everyone. When we are willing to welcome like the Father, we reflect his unconditional acceptance.
My wife, Jenny, has run multiple marathons and half-marathons, but there was nothing quite like the thrill of her very first race.
The first year I attended a school where Gentiles were the overwhelming majority, I noticed a classmate with a strange smudge of black in the center of her forehead.
“Hey, you’ve got dirt on your face,” I said.