It’s beginning to look a lot like . . . Advent! Starting the Sunday after Thanksgiving, Advent is the season of the church calendar that leads up to Christmas.
The world doesn’t need more perfectly presentable Christians. It needs people who love Jesus and are willing to show up and say, “I can’t do anything on my own.
With so many different interpretations of the Bible by sincere, Holy Spirit-filled Christians, we can’t all be right—which means most of us are at least a little bit wrong in our understanding of biblical truth.
“He didn’t make it!” my sister howled between hysterical sobs, groans, and gasps for air. “He didn’t make it. This isn’t happening.
In hopes of encouraging you on your own journey, below are five big life lessons that were seared into my brain thanks to the trial and blessing that was high school.
Growing up in the church, I’d always assumed that, if there was something I wanted, then it was probably—or definitely—not God’s will for me.
“Scripture identifies eighteen spiritual gifts. As you read through the list, consider which gifts you might have or want to learn more about.
“The master was full of praise. ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities.
“What could I do then, once I had achieved all my personal goals without ever finding full satisfaction?”
By Guillaume Bignon, excerpted from the book Confessions of a French Atheist
As a good atheisti
“Paul knows you don’t earn your way into the kingdom, but you do earn rewards you’ll receive once you get there.