God’s light is eternal, so what darkness could you possibly face that he couldn’t overcome?
by Rachelle Dekker, author of When Through Deep Waters, originally posted on Crosswalk
When you are surrounded by darkness
Your child may face rejection and teasing for sharing the gospel. Make sure children understand that their role is to share, and the Holy Spirit takes it from there.
The Son of God does the works of God He has been put on earth to do. The man of God imitates the Son of God and focuses his heart, soul, mind, and strength on doing the works of God with Jesus.
The same reason we find our country’s freedom precious is the same reason we find the eternal freedom won for us on the cross and in a sealed grave more than two thousand years ago so precious.
By Robert Gelinas, author of Discipled by Jesus: Your Ongoing Invitation to Follow Christ
Living sent changes the way we see our circumstances, whether they be a new job, the DMV waiting area, or a change in class at sch
We need to figure out how to get into people’s lives enough to know their personal needs, so we can share the personal good news they’ll find most compelling.
Do you trust God to take care of the outcomes or do you pretend as if you control such things? Bunker dwellers try to control. Those in no man’s land trust and obey.
One of the great needs in the church today is to replace a model for simplistic sanctification with an understanding of the gospel that is both simple and penetrating, reaching with power into the realities of sinful, da
“Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them.
Every week in the month of April we will be featuring an article on the art of friendship. To see the full series, click HERE.