God Makes the Ordinary Extraordinary

Sometimes we feel that we are too ordinary for God to use for his purposes. Throughout the Bible we see God using everyday, ordinary objects in extraordinary ways. Check out this list from the Hands-On Bible of common items God used in the Bible for his glory then imagine what he can do with your life. […]

One Year, One Book—One Exciting Journey

by Kim Adetunji, brand manager As the year winds down and a new year is on the horizon, many people begin reflecting on the previous year and making plans for the new one. Our thoughts may return to the highlights and lowlights of the year we are in as well as remembering God’s faithfulness and […]

Going beyond Genetics—Leaving a Legacy of Faith

A recent popular trend is ancestry kits. People want to know their heritage—where they came from and who they are. Throughout the Bible we see the importance of lineage. Slugging through those difficult names can seem like a burden, but the point is that each of those names has a story. It is a lineage […]

Finding Buried Treasure

Do you have a closet where everything that has no place to go gets shoved? We do. And recently, the door didn’t close, which meant it was time for a purge. In addition to finding matchless gloves, some shoes no one in our house would claim, and an abundance of dust, I found my Bible […]

The Word Became Human

Article from the Swindoll Study Bible Read John 1:1-18 THE SON OF GOD, as “very God” (to quote the Nicene Creed), arrived on this earth as a man. He came to the mountains He created. He faced the rivers with their rushing currents. He crossed the valleys. He gazed upon the sea. He walked beneath the […]

Joseph’s Quandary

“Joseph, to whom she was engaged, was a righteous man and did not want to disgrace her publicly, so he decided to break the engagement quietly.” Matthew 1:19, NLT We aren’t given many details about Joseph, but we can draw a prettyaccurate portrait from what we do know. He was a “good man” and betrothed to […]

Helping Others to Feast on God’s Word

by Laura Livingston, Resource Development Officer at Oasis International Have you ever been out to dinner in an exotic restaurant and the menu was incomprehensible?  I recently experienced that in an Ethiopian restaurant. If the hovering waiter hadn’t been there to explain to what the unpronounceable dish names referred, I would never have been able […]

Lives Transformed Through the Africa Study Bible

Richard Houmengi is a member of the Africa Study Bible: French Edition review team. As an African theologian whose primary language is French he understands the desperate need for a resource and how it will help deepen people’s understanding of God’s Word. Below is an English translation, but you can also click on the video link to […]

How Tyndale House Publishers and One Christian Ministry Are Bringing Resources To Disciple New Christians in Africa

Tyndale and Oasis International recently signed the Africa Speaks Accord. The Accord refuses to accept that status quo of not keeping pace with the needs of the growing African Church and therefore it cannot be “business as usual.” The far-reaching accord calls for: A culture of writing by African authors Support for African authors and paying appropriate royalties […]

Don’t Give In!

The Girls Life Application Study Bible gets right to the issues and questions the next generation of young women face. It takes them into God’s Word in a way they can understand and engage with, allowing them to grow in their faith and grow closer to the God who loves them beyond measure. The book […]