Pursuing Freedom

Serenity Prayer Devotional from the Life Recovery Bible “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.” Amen “The angel of the Lord appeared to him and said, ‘Mighty hero, the Lord is with you!’ ‘Sir,’ Gideon replied, ‘if the Lord is with […]

Bondage Breaker

“I was so excited when I got my Bible. I’ve spent the whole day reading it along with some other girls and I already feel closer to Jesus.” – Crystal Crystal’s words challenge me. I love the Bible, but when was the last time I spent the whole day reading it? Am I still excited […]

The Beginning of it All

Article from the New Believer’s Bible “In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought […]

Suffering in Christian Perspective

Article from the NLT Study Bible “Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you. Instead, be very glad—for these trials make you partners with Christ in his suffering, so that you will have the wonderful joy of seeing his glory when it is […]

Beautiful Worship

by Amanda H., Bible Journaler I love to Bible journal. I find myself these days spending any spare time I have, sitting at my table thirsting for time in his word. Ever since I discovered Bible journaling, I have a hunger for God’s word like I have never had before. I am so thankful for […]

14 Reasons We Heart Bible Journaling

We could go on forever about how much we love creative Bible journaling. It’s so much more than coloring or drawing or expressing our faith—it’s worship! It’s our personal response on the page to what God is doing in our hearts. As you may know, Bible journaling has become a deeply treasured devotional practice for […]

The Accidental Bible

How the Christian Basics Bible came about By Mike Beaumont, editor of the Christian Basics Bible Penicillin, saccharine, Coca-Cola, the microwave oven and the pacemaker…all have one thing in common: they all came about by accident, discovered when someone found something that they weren’t originally looking for. And that’s how the Christian Basics Bible came about. […]

1 Samuel: A Catalog of Lives to Learn From

Book Introduction from the Life Recovery Bible The book of 1 Samuel begins with the birth of the prophet Samuel and ends with the death of King Saul. It contains a catalog of lives for us to learn from—some exemplary, others not. Samuel was born in the time of the judges, when “people did whatever […]

My Story: “Aha” Moment

We love hearing stories from people using the NLT! Kristy sent us her story of discovering how readability doesn’t mean being watered down. We love how excited she is to share God’s Word with those she loves! This version is fantastic. I am not a big fan of watering down the scripture and making it […]

The NLT’s use of “the LORD” for YHWH

by Mark Taylor, member of the NLT Bible Translation Committee and CEO of Tyndale House Publishers In the Old Testament, the God of the Hebrews identified himself by the Hebrew name YHWH (sometimes transliterated in English as Yahweh). The meaning of the Hebrew name can be translated literally as “I am who I am” or […]