Comments on: Meet Our Podcast Partners at Apollos Watered /sites/nlt/2021/09/08/meet-our-podcast-partners-at-apollos-watered/ Just another STANDALONE WPMU2 Sites site Wed, 08 Dec 2021 09:17:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Evie Polsley Thu, 14 Oct 2021 19:57:34 +0000 In reply to Yum Edwards.

Thank you so much for sharing this story!! Love to hear how God is using the NLT!

By: Antonio /sites/nlt/2021/09/08/meet-our-podcast-partners-at-apollos-watered/#comment-1073 Sun, 03 Oct 2021 04:15:08 +0000 NLT it is really good is love
The language is simple to understand

It realy easier to connect with.

By: Yum Edwards /sites/nlt/2021/09/08/meet-our-podcast-partners-at-apollos-watered/#comment-1072 Thu, 30 Sep 2021 01:11:56 +0000 Long time ago, my husband “ accidentally “ bought a NLT Bible , at that time I was only read NKJV ; I picked up the NLT and for the first time I fell in love with the way God’s Words written. The Word of God just seem come alive and my understanding of what God is speaking to me so clear ; I stay on His Word longer and longer every morning when I read . Thank God for the NLT ; thank you for those whose translated it !

By: Irene Ward /sites/nlt/2021/09/08/meet-our-podcast-partners-at-apollos-watered/#comment-1071 Wed, 29 Sep 2021 20:28:55 +0000 About 1963 or 1964 I was given a hard copy of “Living Letters”. I loved it so much that when the whole Living New Testament came out in paperback I bought is and used it with my King James Bible. Again I loved it. The in June 1972 on furlough during missionary service I saw the Living Bible in beautiful black genuine leather. It was like finding gold x like the pearl of great price. I have used it from the day I bought it and the Old Testament especially just nearly popped off the page at me. That is the only Bible I have used since that day. It was the only Bible I would give to people. I was so happy when the NLT was published and that is now the only one I give to people and the only one I encourage people to buy and use. While I still use my Living Bible for my own devotions-it is like a journal, my spiritual life is in that Bible, My iPhone and iPad are set to NLT. Thank you for publishing the NLT so that the Bible can become more real and understandable to others as it has been and still is to me.
