“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.” Psalm 91:1-4, NLT
Article from the Swindoll Study Bible

I don’t know if you have ever tried to trap birds, but it’s quite an experience. When I was a very little boy, my family lived in the city of Fort Worth for a few years. In our backyard there were many trees. One summer, my sister and brother and I learned the joy of trapping wild birds, caging them, and raising them. Ours was a makeshift method. We had a little apple crate that we put on a stick. We tied a string to the stick and put leaves and dirt on the string so the birds couldn’t see it. Then we hid over in the screened-in back porch with the string in someone’s hand. We had laid out bread that led right up to the trap. Then underneath the trap, we piled up about half a loaf of bread. When a little bird would hop along, we would snicker behind the porch screen. About the time that a bird would get near, one of us would sneeze, and the bird would take off. So we’d wait again. Eventually we learned that what appealed to a mockingbird didn’t appeal to a blue jay, and what appealed to a blue jay didn’t affect a cardinal. We learned through trial and error that you’ve got to know what kind of trap to set or you won’t catch the bird.
Satan knows just how to bait your trap. He’s seen your kind for centuries. I know that you are unique, but you have basic weaknesses, just like others who have lived before you and others before them. Satan’s been baiting traps since human beings came on the earth, and he is delighted to snatch you away in a snare.

We all have weak moments. We all have days in which we are weaker than at other times. You probably know what it’s like to be under attack. It is easy to be vulnerable both when we’re under attack and when we’re resting on the crest of enjoyment.
God gives a great promise to those who “live in the shelter of
the Most High” (Ps. 91:1), those who trust in Him and rely on Him day by day: He is able to rescue and protect you from Satan’s traps. Like a great eagle who covers its young with its wings, God covers us, and under the wings of His protection we find comfort and refuge in the middle of the battle. God is a faithful protector. He protects us in the midst of attack, puts His shield around us, and guards us.

Because God is our protector, we can have strong inner confidence. We who trust in Him are redeemed children of God who have been declared righteous in His eyes and are protected, cared for, and loved. Now we can have confidence in dealing with the enemy. I’m not saying that we can play games with him. He is extremely strong and brilliant beyond our abilities but not beyond the ability of Christ. There is wonderful freedom and release from fear in realizing our position in Christ is secure. There is power in the blood of the Lord Jesus and in the application of the Word of God.