Comments on: Removing Deeper Hurts /sites/nlt/2019/08/15/removing-deeper-hurts/ Just another STANDALONE WPMU2 Sites site Wed, 08 Dec 2021 09:21:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jayden Wed, 09 Oct 2019 08:36:32 +0000 Keep going X KILL IT

By: Stacey /sites/nlt/2019/08/15/removing-deeper-hurts/#comment-511 Thu, 29 Aug 2019 03:59:36 +0000 In reply to James Garman.

Stay strong, James. God IS with you. You have found favor with God who gave you the will and strength to quit Meth, a very addictive drug. You were even alive and able to see your beautiful daughter graduate. God’s eyes are on you. Continue to seek God with all your heart, praying with thanksgiving. Purge your heart by forgiving. Read Mark 11:25 and Psalms 66:18. I am going through a tough time and I know I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for Him.

By: Noel J.Townley /sites/nlt/2019/08/15/removing-deeper-hurts/#comment-510 Thu, 22 Aug 2019 19:29:34 +0000 In reply to Noel J. Townley.

Yes Elvis, He does see. he’s also see’s the wonderful work this ministry is doing and I pray He blesses you all. I feel like that’s what Holy Spirit is saying right now. First thought I had. 🙂 Be expecting 🙂 God Bless

By: CRYSTAL MCBROOM /sites/nlt/2019/08/15/removing-deeper-hurts/#comment-509 Thu, 22 Aug 2019 16:29:07 +0000 i would like a book

By: Evie Polsley /sites/nlt/2019/08/15/removing-deeper-hurts/#comment-508 Thu, 22 Aug 2019 13:14:15 +0000 In reply to Noel J. Townley.

Thank you for sharing. You are an amazing person and such an inspiration of how God can help in even the darkest circumstances. I am so sorry for all the pain that you have experienced. God does see you and he loves you so much!

By: Charity Odio /sites/nlt/2019/08/15/removing-deeper-hurts/#comment-507 Thu, 22 Aug 2019 02:26:24 +0000 I have given God my lifetime, I have become a drug addict because of the body pains over 19 years now. I pray that our loving and compassionate God who knows everything about my daughter Ekene, will have mercy for us and help us out of our problems, in Jesus name, Amen.

By: Noel J. Townley /sites/nlt/2019/08/15/removing-deeper-hurts/#comment-506 Wed, 21 Aug 2019 18:46:00 +0000 i may get one of these bibles. I’ve was sexually abused as a child by my dad and over 20 times from different people throughout my life. The Lord came for me at 42 in 2011 and I’ve gone through a lot of inner healing and I vape. I’m believing the Holy Spirit to bring healing. I think vaping is an outward manifestation or cover for & of something deeper. I like to deal with heart issues. The worst hurt and emotional pain comes in when the hurts first happen so the healing side, facing pain and hurts is on the upside. It will never hurt as much as it first did. I know I still need more healing and to be taught how to work with my emotions, which I never was so I have a lot to learn. This bible sounds like it would be helpful to grow and see more of God’s loving Father side and how He see’s me and what He thinks and what He wants to do in me 🙂

By: Dee Dee /sites/nlt/2019/08/15/removing-deeper-hurts/#comment-505 Wed, 21 Aug 2019 15:18:24 +0000 Needed this this morning. Thank you for being obedient to God.

By: Mary Williams /sites/nlt/2019/08/15/removing-deeper-hurts/#comment-504 Wed, 21 Aug 2019 13:49:30 +0000 I was really inspired to read all these comments from those suffering from different painful situations. I have subscribed to your devotional emails, and find every one of them to be an inspiration. It’s good to hear that they are helping so many others. We all need Jesus so much more than we realize. I have had painful incidents in my life too, and as I mature in the Lord, I find therein lies my strength, which enables me to go on. We serve a great, compassionate and loving God. He has given us every bit of relief, inspiration, strength, and comfort we need through his Son Jesus Christ. I am so thankful for this. I could never have made it without Him. I continue to struggle to grow in faith, and understand it is a lifetime journey, but I am so glad to say it is worth the journey. I just want to say to you Evie – keep on encouraging others. We need it so much! God bless your every effort as you continue to encourage under the auspice of the Holy Spirit.

By: Lizzy /sites/nlt/2019/08/15/removing-deeper-hurts/#comment-503 Wed, 21 Aug 2019 13:44:57 +0000 In reply to James Garman.

So sorry to hear of your dad’s death. You must miss him very much. I pray that you will train your brain to Know that God Loves you with an extraordinary boundless powerful love regardless of circumstances and emotions. He has promised to be an ever present help and refuge. Run to Him and pour out your struggles. Believe Him to be working in your life.
Read the story of Joseph in Genesis. Stand strong. And if you fall, get back up and try again. Never Give Up.
