Tag Archives Jesus

Why did God Become a Man?

Why did God Become a Man?

Guest post by David Jeremiah, excerpted from his book, Why the…


What Does the Bible Say about Forgiveness?

What Does the Bible Say about Forgiveness?

The Bible has many passages and verses about forgiveness. Jesus…


Why was the timing of Jesus arrival important?

Why was the timing of Jesus arrival important?

Excerpt taken from Why the Nativity? by David Jeremiah. Imagine this scenario:…


Why did Jesus Come as a Baby?

Why did Jesus Come as a Baby?

Excerpted from Why The Nativity?, by David Jeremiah. In those first…


Creatively Following Jesus

Creatively Following Jesus

Following Jesus is an inherently creative act. There are principles—discipleship, obedience, service—but how to implement them is left up to us, with wisdom and guidance from the church. Those popular What Would Jesus Do? bracelets from the


How to Pray When Praying Is Hard

How to Pray When Praying Is Hard

For many people, learning to pray feels like learning a second language: You’re never quite sure if you’re using the right words the right way. You can feel like a tourist lost in a foreign land where everyone else knows something that you don’t.
