FaithConnect Resources

Refresh Daily Bible Devotional app

Devotional Reading Reimagined

  • Access over 36,000 Refresh Daily Bible devotions from authors you trust!
  • Devotionals from authors such as Ann Voskamp, Tony Dungy, David Jeremiah, Nancy Guthrie, Gary Chapman, Randy Alcorn and more!
  • Easy to share your plans on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more
  • See all your plans in one location. Pause any plan at any time.
  • Get a reminder every day so you never miss out on a devotion
  • All Scripture references are linked from the devotional to our digital Bible text

Get Started Today!

  1. Download the Refresh Daily Bible Devotional App
  2. Pick a topic
  3. Customize a plan based on your needs for a day, a week or longer or have the app choose your plan
  4. Start reading, then share!


Glenn Paauw, Paul Caminiti, and Alex Goodwin from the Institute for Bible Reading (IFBR) host discussions that break down misguided assumptions about the Bible, offering fresh perspectives on reading and living it well.

Connect with Tyndale House Publisher authors as we learn about their writing process, the book publishing process, meet people who work in publishing, and tackle subjects such as current events, relationships and more!

Missions, persecution, church splits, and controversies . . . Do you know what Christians are facing around the globe?

Free Bible Verse and Christian Phone Wallpapers

Have you been wanting to update your phone’s lock screen and/or wallpaper? Maybe you’re searching for a creative way to memorize Scripture. Feel free to browse free wallpapers that have been designed especially for you to download and use! They are sized for iPhone 6+, 6s+, 7+, 8+ (1242 pixels in width x 2208 pixels in height) and for iPhone 11, XR (828 pixels in width x 1792 pixels in height), but if you have a different phone, you probably would be able to crop them to fit. God bless, and hope you enjoy!

Visit this link to browse and download: